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Something was... wrong.

I couldn't feel anything...

And yet I could still feel the heat against my skin.

Something shatters. A sharp object pokes my side. Cool liquid meets my skin. It soaks into my body, seeping into my being bit by bit.


'Wasn't I dead?'

'Not yet, Aria. We still need you.'


'Not quite, but close enough.'

More voices join in, barely even human.

'You'll free us-'

'You're our savior-'

'You can win-'

'You will defeat Him-'

'You won't die-'

Something snaps back into place. Skin sews itself together. Feeling slightly returns to my fingertips. Air rushes into my lungs.

My eye burns with rage.

'I'm not dead yet.'


[Alexa POV]

Normally I would question the motives behind an enemy helping us, but right now we needed all the help we could get. I lift my bow once more, feeling the quiver I made slide onto my back out of my inventory. I let one lose toward the Wither King and he ducks. The arrow implants itself in the skull of a skeleton behind him instead and I smirk. 'That works, too.' As he stands, the enderman before us slams into him and teleports them both into the air. I turn my gaze away as it throws the Wither King down, needing to focus on my own problems...

Which were three very angry Piglin brutes running full speed at me. They grunt and snort in rage, slamming through stalagmites as if they were mere twigs. I draw back my bow, knowing full well I only had one shot for each to get this right.

I release the first arrow, and it meets its mark with ease. The arrow disappears into the Piglin's eye, and the brute crashes to his knees and tumbles to a stop. The one just behind him leaps over the body, and I let loose the second arrow. It hits between the eyes, impaling itself enough to make the brute howl in pain before collapsing and sliding against the ground. The last brute, however, was too close and I launch myself to the side and roll out of the way of a massive golden axe. Rising to one knee, I swivel and fire the third arrow. It plants itself in the back of the Piglins head, but the brute turns to me with rage still. He starts to charge again and I ready another arrow...

Only to have an Enderman appear and grab the brutes head with a raging shout. The brute squeals in pain, and the Enderman suddenly teleports away. I see it reappear high in the air and release the brute. It squeals and slashes out, narrowly missing the Enderman. I don't see where it lands, but I feel the impact shake the ground. I shake my head and turn just in time to duck out of the way of a sword. 'Something is... off about that Enderman....'


[Mobius POV]

'A pickaxe... why is the only tool I have left a pickaxe?' I feel flames tickle my cheek as a fireball flashes past. A quick turn allows me to decapitate the blaze with ease. It sputters and falls to the ground. Apparently, they aren't as resilient to losing their heads as the skeletons are. I quickly pick up the blaze rods and throw them into my inventory. I shake my hands in pain, but dive forward and roll out of the way of a sword strike. The moment I stand, I slam my pickaxe into the rib cage of an advancing skeleton. As I spot another start to near, I swing the pick again and slam...

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