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[Anthony's POV]

After the iron is smelted, I quickly create armor and another sword. Despite only using it once against him, the sword shattered when the cavern collapsed. I feel rage fill my body at the reminder of how easily he completely wiped the floor with me. I'm supposed to keep us safe... I'm supposed to be the strongest... I'm supposed to be able to protect the team.

And he broke me like a twig.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Alexa speaks up, holding an iron chest plate in her hands. "So..... how do we put it on?" I blink rapidly, realizing that the armor was still in 2D form, not massive like the tools usually appear. It still fits in one hand. Aria stands from her spot against the wall. She had sat once more after putting her ores in a furnace. Despite her attempts to hide it, I could tell she was tired and sore. Even though we heal quickly, some soreness remains for a while depending on the extent of the injuries. 

I roll a shoulder in pain.

My thoughts turn back to Alexa's question when Mobius walks over with a similar iron chest plate in hand. He looks at it, turning it over, before slowly bringing it close to his chest. I tilt my head in confusion until he taps his chest with his eyes closed. Suddenly, a slight pop echoes and the armor disappears from his hand...

And appears perfectly placed on his chest. 

There is a stunned silence for a moment until Alexa laughs and slaps her own on. "Well! So much for that being realistic!" She laughs again, and Aria can't help but giggle. "I guess this would count as a bug that needs fixing. Thank goodness for that." She slaps on her own armor after crafting it and swiftly makes sure the rest is the same. She slaps on leggings, however, the boots and helmets form as normal. She cautiously steps in the boots, then shakes her leg. We all expect it to fly off, but it doesn't move...

However, she looks at me with a sly grin. Suddenly, an iron boot is flying in my direction and I barely duck in time to avoid it. Aria laughs, and I hear Alexa join as well. Mobius can't help but chuckle before commenting, "I guess it's another 'intentional' motion, huh?" Aria nods, trying to hold back her laughter again while hobbling over to slip the boot back on. I shake my head and proceed to put on my own armor. 

Once everyone is suited up, Aria walks over to our wall blocking the mineshaft. Alexa had crafted it quickly after she had finished smelting, and she left a small hole by using a half slab in the center of it. Aria reaches behind her and pulls out her iron pickaxe. She turns to us slightly, but she doesn't speak. However, she doesn't have to. All of us already know what could be on the other side, and we were as ready as we would ever be. We nod, and she simply nods in reply before crashing her pickaxe against the wall. It takes a few swings for the half slab to shatter, before shrinking to the size of a fist, spinning and floating at her feet. She picks it up, and places it in her inventory, then continues to the next. 

Once there is a passage open, Aria looks through, and I pull out my sword. She pulls back, motioning us to follow and we silently do so. Normally, we would all be chatting about the day we had, how work was, and what we planned on doing next. Now, we were completely silent, listening for the slightest sound of a mob lurking behind a block, waiting to strike.

I shake my head. Snap out of it, Anthony! I couldn't let myself get psyched out again. I needed to be alert.

And I completely forget all of that once I make it onto the bridge between us and the rest of the mineshaft. I gaze around, eyes wide at the sheer sight of the cavern. It was massive! Sitting behind a screen and seeing it is one thing, but experiencing it in real life was a whole new sensation. It was at least twelve blocks wide, and I couldn't see the ends of the ravine! When I look below the bridge. I slightly gulp and step back from the edge. 

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