The Return

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[Aria's POV]

Resting was an amazing idea, however what I didn't anticipate was just how much mothering I was going to receive once we returned to our room. The skeletons were very kind to us, holding a new respect for each one of us, and offering some medical supplies that I didn't even know existed in the game. I had started to say no until the burning sensation of someone glaring at me made me swallow hard.

Needless to say, I know better than to anger a penguin.

The moment I sat down, Alexa was on me with wraps and bandages like I was dying. I only tried to shoo her off once. The look she gaze me could kill the Enderdragon in one hit. I resorted to simply laying back and being still while she tended to my wounds. My health bar was showing four full hearts, but they are shaky and slightly greyed out from the wither effect. I sigh as Alexa finishes wrapping my side and leg. The pain was already subsiding and I feel at ease...

Until searing pain radiates from my right arm. I let out a mild Ender-like scream and teleport away. I find myself leaning against the wall, holding my chest and gasping for air. 'That really hurt!' I gaze up to see who the culprit was and spot Alexa with a damp wrap in her hand. She holds a starrtled expression and was slightly backed up away from the couch. "O-Oh my gosh, I-I am so sorry! I didn't think water would actually hurt you!" She throws the wrap to the side and wipes her hands off. I shake my head and take a deep breath. "I-It's fine... Just scared me mostly." I slowly make my way back to the couch, and lounge on it again with my wounded leg propped up.

"Wait... how did you manage to get a damp, wet wrag in the Nether?" Alexa shrugs and turns to sit on the other end of the couch. "Dunno. Ask his majesty when you get the chance." She sits back and lays her arms across the back of the seat. "He seems to be able to do a lot of things that normally wouldn't be possible in regular Java minecraft.." Mobius, who was sitting with Anthony at the table nearby, huffs. "Well, there's a high chance this could be modded in some way. We all started a download before getting sucked in here..." I hear him shift and I turn my head to see him sit back in his chair. "If the name means anything, then it most likely added a lot of items that we don't know about since none of us ever touched it before today... or yesterday... or however many days ago that was." He shakes his head and leans forward again, obviously exhausted. I feel it starting to coax me to slumber as well, but Anthony's voice snaps me out of it.

"How long have we been here?"

My eyes slightly open at that, and I can't help but shrug. "Honestly, I'd say about two normal days. We don't know how fast time travels outside the game, though...." It was bothering me as well, but I couldn't change that right now, so why worry about it?

However, I could tell Anthony wasn't going to let it go so easily. He lifts his head off the table and looks at me. I simply sigh and sit up slightly, moving my leg so I could turn and face him fully. "Look, whether we have been in here for one day, or one month, it doesn't matter-"

"It does matter! It-"

"It's not something we can control." I finish calmly. He stops for a moment, and I continue. "Right now, we can't change what's going on in the real world. We have to focus on one thing at a time, or else we will never make it out of here." He still isn't buying it, most likely worry over his family and friends outside of the game. I shake my head. "All we need to worry about is getting out of here without bringing him with us." Everyone nods, and Anthony starts to as well. I knew he would still fret about it, but at least he was starting to calm down.

"Besides, us making it back alive would make them happy either way. And that's what we are going to do." I look to Alexa, and she smiles when she finishes speaking. Anthony cracks a small grin. "Oh they will never believe this... what would we tell them?" I simply shake my head, returning to my original position and closing my eyes. "That's a conversation for another time..."

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