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[Mobius POV]

It doesn't take long before we reach the village, but none of that really mattered to me right now. Right now, my worry was for Aria. No one else seems to notice how much pain she was in, but I did. I've been messing around with the cybernetics I have, and one of them for my eye included seeing everyone's health bars without them showing it themselves. I could see the small amount of hearts she had left. She wasn't telling as, as usual, and that never ends well. I know pushing it will do nothing, so I stay quiet as we begin entering it.

Before we get too far, I hear large, metallic footstep echo around. Suddenly, an iron golem rounds the corner, and we all stop dead in our tracks. Reginald glares at it, and the golem returns the look. Nothing happens, and I even hear all the villagers stop moving around us. I can see Aria stepping forward, but Anthony grabs her arm and gently pulls her back with a shake of his head. The woman actually listens (for once), and steps back. That only cements my fear of how tired she must be. 'She never backs down from a fight...'

She stands next to Anthony, but all of us were watching Reginald. There was no way we could take on that golem right now, and none of us wanted to just watch Reginald take it on alone. He was staring down the golem still, unmoving. The golem was a mirror image of Reginald's stance, protectively guarding the main area of the village. I feel my feathers ruffle in agitation, but I keep my distance. I knew if I stepped in, I'd get sent flying much higher than normal since I was now nearly only half the normal avatar size. We all wait, expecting yet another brawl to break out...

The golem straightens and clanks oddly. He offers a hand, and Reginald huffs, warbling something. He shakes the golem's hand, and then turns to us. I see his face struggle, like he was attempting to speak 'human' again, but Aria holds up her hand. "He's a friend, another like us that got stuck here. His avatar had been an iron golem." Reginald looks relieved and turns back towards the golem. He warbles more, and the golem looks towards us. His face is hard to read, but I see the features change a bit when it lands on me. I look away, slightly embarrassed at how small I was now. He looks away, and when I finally look around, I realize this village was definitely not a normal village. The houses were actual houses, and there were villager that were armed near the entrances, and I notice a wall was being built around the small town. As the sun starts to set, I see the other villagers start to head towards the homes.

Clanking snaps me back to the group, and I see the golem move towards the center of the town. Everyone was following, and I quickly catch up. Being so small means I have to move twice as fast to keep up. I feel my leg click, and suddenly I am nearly crashing into the back of Alexa. She turns around with a look of confusion, and I just point at my robotic leg. "Still figuring this out." She gives me a smile, and nods. We continue to follow the others, and I see Aria slow down and walk next to us. "I think this world has a village up mod...." I nod my head in agreement. "Makes sense. If everything is more realistic, it would definitely make the villagers more... well, 'human' like." 

Alexa nods and looks around as we walk. I look ahead and see us walking up to the center of the town. A magnificent fountain sat in the middle of a large colorful stone circle walkway. It was honestly quite amazing! It looked like something you would see in those big, fancy online servers. There was a bell on each edge facing each direction, and the water was flowing smoothly. Lily pads were laying in it, and as we near it, I see fish swimming in the water. Sea lanterns and glow stone sit beneath the water, letting off soft light. Flowers and benches are around it, and I make a mental note to use something like this in our server when we get out of here.

'When we get out of here...'

I shake my head. 'Positive thinking, Mobius.' We pass the fountain, and make our way to a two story building. It looks like an Inn, and when we near it, the golem gently taps on the door. The door opens, and the villager that opens it makes me gasp. It wasn't a squidward clone, or the Steve like NPC's, but it seems like a normal avatar! As it looks us over, I see hair slip off her shoulders as she gasps. "Not again...." She whispers, and I step forward. "I'm assuming you know what's happening?" She nods and opens the door fully. "Come inside. I'll take care of them, Rege." She looks up at the Enderman, and he nods gratefully. The golem nods as well, and the woman smiles at it. The door shuts behind us, and we find ourselves in a bar-like area. Aria has already collapsed into a char, head on the table before her. Alexa is in a booth, laying across the whole seat. Anthony was leaning back in a chair across from Aria. I feel fatigue starting to set in, and I crawl into the seat across from Alexa.

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