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[Aria POV]

Andrew, the Wither King, lets out a soft growl, then turns and clacks rapidly. "Follow me. I will lead you to the portal." I simply nod my head and gesture for my friends to follow. Anthony looks confused, so I try to speak as humanly as possible while in this form. "Enderman.... raiding the fortress. He's taking us.... to portal." I earn a nod from Anthony, and he moves out after the king first. Alexa and Mobius follow him swiftly, but I hesitate and turn to Reginald. He locks eyes with me and shakes his head. "You have no reason to trust me anymore, but I did not bring them here." I withhold a growl, but my lips curl into a snarl. "That's not what I'm thinking..."

I see his eyes widen, and he solemnly nods, having finally seen my thoughts. I calm myself before teleporting behind my friends and keeping pace behind them. I knew staying in my Ender-form for too long was dangerous, but it was the safest option right now. For instance, just ahead the ceiling was shaking, and I could tell by his speed that Anthony would be directly under it in five seconds. I blink, and suddenly I am beside him. My arms snake around him and I twist our bodies to the left, teleporting once more just as the nether brick crashes down where he would have been standing. Releasing him, he breathes out a startled "Thanks," then keeps running. A warble escapes me, and I sigh. It was very difficult to speak English in this form.

Just ahead was the entrance to the throne room. The Wither King had just turned left away from his throne and disappeared from sight. Just as Anthony nears it, I can feel his presence even before the King is thrown across the opening before us. The crash as he slams against his thrown echoes down the hall. Anthony slides to a stop, and a blue-eyed Enderman appears before him. The mob pushes him back against the wall and then slams his own spine against the netherbrick. We all follow as we near, and I move closer to see what exactly was going on.

Andrew, the Wither King, slowly stands among the rubble of his throne. Pain was evident in each movement, and I could see the rage in his eye sockets. However, despite already knowing he was there, the deep, resounding cackle sends a cold chill through my body.

"You never cease to amaze me with your antics, your majesty." He says the last words mockingly, and I can tell he was merely taunting Andrew. It seemed to work, as the injured skeleton carefully rises and steps out from the ruins of his seat. I could feel the heat rising, and Mobius' breathing was starting to become ragged again. "He can't... he hasn't recovered yet!" I mutter, and I see Reginald's head whip towards me. "Neither can you! Don't even ponder the thought-"


We all grow quiet, and slowly turn to see a wither skeleton standing between Him and his King. I recognize him immediately, and his name was clear in my mind. His ribcage was still cracked, and his eye sockets were ablaze with a wave of stronger anger than that of the skeleton behind him. A sword was in his hand, and purple ooze was dripping from it. I grab Alexa's shoulder as she slightly gasps as well, finally noticing it was the same skeleton she fought before.


I see the skeleton turn towards me slightly, and I can read his face perfectly. He turns back and scowls. His arm lifts the sword, and he steps towards our shared enemy.

"We will never submit to you, you coward. Fight us as one, or leave this place at once!"

I smile slightly. He fits his role perfectly, but I knew this was all in vain. He was buying time, keeping him distracted as long as possible. I know where to go, but I was waiting until the opportune moment. Reginald shifts ahead of me as if sensing what I was thinking. His head slightly nods, acknowledging my assumption. He knew what to do, but we had to wait.

Hardcore Survival (A Minecraft Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang