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[Aria's POV]

Something... wasn't right.

I squirm where I was at, and feel nothing around me. It seems like the pain was slowly leaving, and my body was feeling more and more normal...ish. 

It all seems so... familiar.

Almost like when everything first happened. When we were first pulled into the game.


I feel my heart tremble at the thought.

I feel tears threaten to spill.

Everyone was dead...

They weren't respawning anytime soon...

I failed my friends...

A sudden sense of falling hits me like a ton of bricks, and I snap my eyes wide.

And sit up...

In my bed?

I shake my head and gaze around. This wasn't real, right? I was dead! I had died! This was impossible! I turn my head to spot my computer still booted up on the desk...

And Minecraft was open.

The end credits were playing through, and I shakily remove the blankets from my body. Slowly, I make it to the computer and read through the text. They weren't the normal end credits, and I feel my heart hurt even more as I can almost hear them speaking.

'Do you think she's safe?'

'Of course. She is strong. You don't need to worry about her, Reginald.'

'I know she's strong, but will she be okay?'

'We both know she will be.'

'Why are you so confident, Andrew?'

'Because she's resilient like myself. She survived this, so I know she made it back safely.'

'What about the others?'

My heart drops. I had hoped they would say something more encouraging, to prove that they hadn't died. I shake my head, flinging the tears away, and keep reading. Maybe something will show up? Maybe they were still alive?

'Only time will tell. Maybe one day, we will meet again.'

'I hope so, under better circumstances.'

'You really care for her, don't you?'


His silence makes me feel uneasy now, but I feel the tears return at what I read.

'I do, Andrew. I truly do.'

However, his next words remind me of everything that happened, and I feel my heart tear in two.

'I just hope the effects of this world do not linger on her too much. I would hate to see her beat herself up over what happened.'

I knew it. They were gone. I was the only one who made it out. Rage bubbles up, but it quickly turns into agony and sorrow. I drop my head into my hands and let it all out. Tears soak the desk beneath me, and I can't hold back anything anymore. My body racks with sobs and pain starts to set in at the convulsions in my chest. By the time I am hiccuping, I barely have the strength to lift my head and spot the last few lines disappear.

'I... still feel her, Andrew! I feel her hurt, but she's alive!'

'That is good to hear. I just hope she can still feel you.'

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