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[Aria's POV]

Carefully, I push myself up. My head is pounding as if a drummer was going to town with a solo on it. I hiss, and slowly lift my head. I see a blue eyed Enderman slightly hunched over in pain standing next to Anthony, who was also doubled over and gasping for air. On my right, Alexa and Mobius looked about the same, but the avali was sitting with his back against the wall. A small puddle of sweat was forming beneath him, but he seemed better than he had been while in the nether. Alexa looks a bit more relaxed as well, despite the situation we just narrowly escaped.

My eyes widen, and I flip around as I remember the last thing I had seen. To my surprise, the portal was off. Silence filled the mine we landed in for a moment. "It shut off the moment you made it safely through, Aria." I turn to look at Reginald, but my gaze soon returns to the deactivated portal. "No... He... I-" I slowly sit up, pulling my legs under me. I hear movement, but I don't turn to look. The worry flowing towards me was enough to let me know who it was. "What happened?" Anthony asks as he kneels next to me.

I take a deep breath in and lower my head. "I.. don't think Andrew will be able to help us anymore..." No one speaks at first, but I can sense Reginald's sorrow as if it were my own. Anthony lays a hand on my shoulder. "There's nothing you could have done. He knew what he was doing." I slightly turn to my friend, but I can't speak. I can feel tears threatening to spill, but I hold them back. Anthony simply stands and offers his hand. I stiffly take it, painfully getting to my feet. My body seemed back to normal, but I was still much taller than normal. Mobius was still shrinking, but everyone else looked about the same. I shake my head. 'Focus, Aria....'

I gaze around, finding that we were in the same mine we had entered into nether from. The ground was slightly more corrupted, but I feel a hand grab my arm before I can lift my gaze further. I turn around, spotting Alexa sporting wide eyes. She shakes her head, and I tilt my head in extreme confusion...

Until a flashback floods my vision.

"Aria!" Alexa's voice finally breaks through, but only as I see her get slammed in the chest by an Enderman and thrown directly into the portal with a scream.

I slowly turn, Alexa letting go of my arm. Further down the mineshaft, I finally begin seeing what I had left behind. My eyes skim over Reginald for a moment, but his expression is something that will forever be stuck in my mind.

Pure horror.

My eyes finally stop on the purple splatter that still coated and lined the hall. 





I can feel my breath catching, and my heart rate rises. The bodies were gone, but the blood remained, and the amount left behind spoke for itself. I feel my right sight tingle at the reminder. I try to look away, but I can't. My eyes are glued to the scene before me, and I can feel a flight instinct taking over. Particles were slowly floating into my vision, and I realize my Ender-side was wanting to get out of this place. I don't know how to stop it, and I fear that I am going to leave everyone behind.


Everyone turns to me, and I expect Anthony or Mobius to run up to me. Instead, Reginald is before me, kneeling to see look at me eye to eye. 'Aria, you need to breathe. Calm down. You are letting your emotions control you, which is something you cannot allow while this unstable.' I feel a need to growl at him, tell him that I am fine, that I have it all under control, that I don't need his help. 

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