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[3rd POV]

Aria quickly takes control of the situation as everyone slowly comes to a very unsettling realization.

This wasn't just a game anymore.

"We need to make a shelter, fast. If I remember correctly, Minecraft days usually last about ten minutes, and the nights the same." Aria turns her eyes to the sky, spotting the sun directly above the group now. Her face is set, and a soft purple glow shows slightly underneath her bangs. "We have about five minutes left before the sun sets, and we have no way of protecting ourselves from the mobs....." She turns to the group, and her blocky hand slightly raises to her face, rubbing a slash that was half-hidden by her hair. The scar on her face partially shows, but her hood keeps her hair in place, covering the rest. Her character, dark-clad with blue trim on the legs and sleeves, wields a sword on her back. Anthony notices this, and he tilts his head.

"Aria?" He asks, and she turns to him. He gestures behind her and continues. "Your sword.... is actually real, I think?" He finishes it with a slight question, and Aria's eye widens. She reaches behind with her right hand and feels a cool, blocky object meet her skin. Carefully, she grips it and pulls. She feels the blade slide along the leather strung on her back until it is free.

"Woah..." Mobius comments, his own eyes wide in awe. Aria just stares in shock at the blade. It was nothing like the swords in the Minecraft world. It was eight-bit, like everything else in this world, but it wasn't like the iron or diamond swords. This one was thinner, but it didn't feel weaker. Its handle was wrapped in leather, and the blade was a light blue, shimmering with an enchantment. What caught Aria's eye the most though was the 'ball' at the end of the handle.

It was an Eye of Ender.

"I... I thought this was just part of my skin!" She stutters out, gazing at it in wonder as she lifts it more. Alexa shakes her head. "Well, at least one of us was smart enough to put weapons on our skins! Guess we do have some defense now...." Her tone slightly drops, shaking Aria out of her stupor. "You're right. This will help, but we need a home. Let's get punching." Everyone nods, but the wonder of the sword was still in their minds.

And Aria knew something was off about it.

However, that could be figured out later. Swiftly, each person heads towards the forest and begins the usual task of gathering wood the first day. Fists slam against trees, and the group all have their own sense of shock at the lack of pain it causes. Shaking it off, Aria makes a crafting table and sets it a few blocks behind her. "Table up!" She shouts, and soon everyone is there crafting an axe, except Anthony. He makes a pickaxe, and quickly mines into the ground, getting stone. 

As the sky begins to grow dark, Aria turns back, having accumulated nearly a whole stack of logs. "I have 54 oak, starting on base!" She says, and she hears Alexa shout a reply. "Finishing up the last tree!" Within moments, Alexa is next to Aria, who already has a nine-by-nine flooring finished. She left a hole open where Anthony had begun to dig down. Alexa begins building the walls, and Mobius quickly jumps over one wall and slams his hand on the crafting table. Suddenly, a screen appears before him and he swiftly crafts his logs into planks, then half of them into sticks. Finally, he crafts some stairs and throws them down to Anthony. "Incoming!" As Mobius begins to turn away, a solid thunk followed by a pained shout echoes from above. Everyone up top turns and gazes down the hole, spotting Anthony gazing up with one hand rubbing his head in pain. The ladders were on the ground next to him, and Mobius rubs the back of his head sheepishly.

"Sorry. I thought they'd just fall into your inventory like normal..." Anthony huffs, but picks up the ladders and moves them behind himself, where they suddenly shrink and disappear. They had figured out that, like in most comics and television shows they had seen, the items seem to vanish into their inventory when slipped behind their backs. Not only that, but to open the inventory, you only needed to swipe from your right shoulder outward intentionally, and it would appear before you, similar to a movie they had all seen.

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