The Beginning

99 6 16

[Aria's POV]

Darkness. I swear my eyes are open, but all I see is darkness. It's really cold, and I feel air pushing past me, but there is nothing around. I feel my eyelids blink, so I know they are open. I try to move, and I find myself floating.... or falling? I can't tell. My hand appears before me-


My hand, in fact my whole arm, is blocky! I move my other arm and find it normal....

For a moment.

It suddenly starts to shift before my eyes and is soon the same as my right arm, even having the glove from my avatar. I feel my heart race as my legs flip into view, and the air around me speeds up. I am definitely falling now, but my eyes are locked on my very blocky legs and torso. "What is happening to me?!" I shout, but no one answers. I just feel gravity starting to take hold again. I close my eyes, placing my square hands over my extremely flat face.

'It's just a dream. Just a dream. Nothing more, just a dream. I'll wake up, at my desk asleep, with Minecraft up and it's all just a dr-'

Light penetrates my eyelids suddenly and I feel fear creep in me at the sensation of truly falling kick in. I let out a light scream as I suddenly crash against the ground, flat on my back, staring up at a blocky cloud filled sky. I breathe in rapidly, slightly gasping for breath and gazing around in shock. The sun, barely above the horizon, was a massive yellow and orange cube, shining brightly over the cubic landscape. The grass slightly sways in a light breeze, and I hear the cluck of a chicken. My gaze wanders around until I spot the oh so familiar white passive mob....

Standing right over my head, gazing down at me in curiosity.

I tilt my head, and it follows.

I can't help but slightly smile as it bawks again, flapping its wings before wandering away. Suddenly, I realize what just happened, and I shake my head. Carefully, I push myself up and rub my eyes with my square hands. When finished, I suck in a breath at what is around me. Directly in front of me is a flower forest, pigs and sheep roaming around between the trees freely. On my left, where I had been gazing before, was the start of a plains biome. I can spot a cow in the distance until it suddenly vanishes. Startled, I calm myself slightly, noting that it may have gone out of render distance....

Render distance.

My heart rate increases slightly as I turn my head to the right, spotting the plains biome sink into an ocean. A dolphin just happens to jump out of the water right then. I place a hand on my chest, and then gaze down at my body. I wasn't in my clothes anymore....

I was my Minecraft character....

I was in Minecraft....

This isn't a dream.

Just as I find myself starting to process what's going on, I hear a slight 'pop' above me, and a shadow quickly covers me. Lifting my head, I have no time to move as another blocky body suddenly crashes down on top of me with a 'not-so-manly' scream. Pain fills me as I am slammed against the ground again, the added weight on me not helping much. 

I groan as the stars finally leave my vision, and I can fully see the person on me. The person, or at least their character's skin was grey and blue, like an avali from that one mod in starbound. However, the left side has robotic prosthetics... just like...

"Mobi?!" I shout, and as the head of the character turns to me, it's eyes widen as well and a male voice speaks from it's lips. "Aria?!" He quickly sits up and slides off me, and I shake my head and sit up again. I turn to face my very confused friend, and I hear a familiar pop again. With wide eyes, I shove myself forward and front flip across the ground, twisting to land on one knee superhero style...... I feel my eyes widen, but I shake it off.

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