The Plan

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[Anthony's POV]

After Aria's little stunt, and the battle that ensued, I was shocked at what unfolded. First, we all panicked as Aria doesn't tell us what she's going to do, then we find out that the leader is a previous player as well, and now we are back to sitting in the same tavern we were in before... 

And exhausted once again.

I sigh and sit up, being the first one to make a noise since we got in. Aria was conversing with Reginald off in the corner. A window was by them, and the iron golem was at it. It seems like they were trying to make a plan, as the Eye was floating on the table between them. Claire was behind her counter, cleaning up the place a bit. Mobius was messing around with his cybernetics, realizing they held as much potential as he could imagine. Alexa was leaning back in a booth, gazing out the window.

Probably missing Joseph. They were supposed to go out on a date in a few days, and maybe this would be the moment he catches that arrow in the knee. However, with everything going on, that may be the last thing on her mind. Maybe she was thinking how many times she could beat Aria without killing her after what she did earlier.

At the thought of said person, my gaze travels back to the group in the corner. Irritation rises in me at how much Aria was holding from us. I don't think anyone else had seen it, but I had turned to check on how she was doing when she revealed her health bar to the Evoker. Anger and fear were mixing inside, which was spouting out irritation and the need to punch something. Did she not trust us? Did she really think we would leave her behind?


I know her better than most people, mostly because we are both stubborn. I know she is doing this so we don't worry about her and stay focused on the mission. She doesn't want to be a burden to us, and she thinks she can handle this on her own. She wants to stay strong for us, and it makes sense. She is the one we have all agreed on as our leader, and she has never not fit the role perfectly. However...

She also fits it too well at times.

And this was one of those times.

I carefully stand up as they suddenly walk over, having finished their conversation. The Eye of Ender seems to follow Aria without her actually holding it. When she stops at the table near me, it also stops just above her left shoulder, mirroring her sword's eye perfectly. She gazes at me, then looks to find the other two. "Alright guys, can y'all gather over here? I want to run somethings by you guys before making any solid decisions." Alexa and Mobius perk up and quickly make their way over. I hold back a snicker as Mobius has to drag a chair over and jump on it. His height difference was getting really concerning...

And hilarious.

My focus returns to the task at hand, and I narrow my gaze at the roll in Aria's hand. "What's that?" I ask, pointing towards it. She raises it with a hopeful look in her eyes. "Our dear friend Justin has been holding to his map from his first days here, and it's nearly completed." I tilt my head in confusion. Alexa asks what we were probably all thinking. "Who's Justin?" 

Clanking fills our ears, and we all turn to see the door open and the iron golem peeking through. He gives us a slight wave, then straightens and begins patrolling the village. I make an 'oh' face and turn back to the table. Aria smirks and sets the roll down. "Now, this is something important, and I want all of you to pay close attention. We may already have the location of the stronghold right here." As she finishes speaking, she opens the map on the table. It looks just like the maps do in-game, including the colored arrows that matched each of us. Aria's deep blue, Alexa's was purple, Mobius' was white, and mine was green. I could tell because of the way the arrows were pointing and where everyone was standing.

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