The End.

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[Super Edition Chapter]

[Aria's POV]

This was it. Right now, it was all or nothing. Everything...

Or death.

It felt as if everything was going in slow motion as we ran forward. So much led up to this point that I couldn't really recall it all, but I could see if flashing before my eyes as my feet seem to slow down. Our journey had led us to the mineshaft, where we first spotted Reginald. Then, we went to the nether after learning of my abilities in a very... violent way. There, we met Andrew.

He stabbed me.

I lived, sort of.

Anyways, he helped us escape from Herobrine after that, then we met Justin at the village. While we were there, pillagers raided the town and we met the last one of our group. Peter, the Evoker. Everyone had been a player at one point, and they all offered their help (some a bit sooner than others). My eyes land on the one that was the cause of all of our suffering and hardships. The one who dragged us all here. The one who was trying to free himself from this world.

I snarl as time seems to pick up speed again, and our blades slam into each other. He pushes back first, and I drop down to avoid his slash. When I stand, I uppercut his jaw, then swing out towards his gut. He manages to block it with his blade, but the tip of mine still cuts his hip. A growl slips from his lips. He pushes back again and aims a punch to my head. I dodge it and the following hack from his blade. Taking a step back, I push off my back leg and throw myself over him, but just before I land I teleport back in front of him. I smirk as he turns to see where I was, and I take that moment to bring my sword down. It rakes across his right arm, and he shouts in pain. As he turns to look at me, I slightly drop down into a fighting stance, one leg back and my sword raised with a smirk on my face. His gaze narrows, but before he can move I vanish.

He turns to find me, but I'm not on the ground. I am above him, holding my sword back and powering it up. I could feel its energy growing and building inside of me. I mentally shout to the Endermen on my side to grab our allies and move back from Herobrine. They quickly do so, and that's the moment he notices that I won't appear on the ground. He lifts his gaze to mine a moment too late. I release a shout and swing my blade. The energy explodes from it, shining bright in the darkness of The End. It barrels down towards Herobrine, and I anticipate him moving away, but I know it will still graze him.

Just as it nears the ground, I see his form dart to the side at the last minute. The impact, however, sends out a shockwave that makes him fly across the endstone. I start to move, but a roar makes me lift my gaze to see the enderdragon once again flying directly at me. The stab wounds on her snout are nearly healed, but the rage in her eyes was still fresh. I lift my sword just as she releases a purple fireball at me. It crashes against it, but my blade hums and sends it back towards the beast. She barely rises out of the way and continues coming at me. I huff, slightly out of breath from my last attack. This dragon wasn't letting up, and when she passes me by, she reaches out with her claws to gouge my side. I move out of the way, but one claw manages to leave a gash on my stomach.

I hiss in pain and teleport away, remaining in the air. I remove my arm from my gut and hold back a growl at the amount of blood that was on it. Lifting my gaze, I gasp and raise my sword to block another pass from the dragon. Once again, a single claw breaks through my defense and rakes across my shoulder. When I turn, she's already coming back, and this time the wound is made on my leg. Somehow, she was gaining speed, or I was growing slower. Either way, I needed to get out of this, but I was in no shape to teleport right now. I raise my sword to try and block her once more, but a wheezing gasp echoes behind me. Then a massive wither skull brushes past me and slams straight into the enderdragon's head. Two more follow it in rapid succession, one lands on her chest and the other on her neck. I turn and can't help but grin at the sight of the three-headed nether boss.

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