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[Aria's POV]

Finally, after several hours of searching, mining, and brutally annihilating any mob in our way, Anthony had found some diamonds. He had called out from his tunnel of the mine, and we had rushed over. I'm the last to make it, having to dispatch yet another skeleton just as he launched an arrow... and skimmed my arm. When I make it to where everyone had gathered, I can see the massive clump Anthony had found. It was a vein of eight diamonds, and he had mined around it to show each piece.

Alexa gives off a whoop of joy, and Mobius claps Anthony on the back. "Nice, dude. This is a good start." Anthony only shrugs. "Well, I guess. Just wish I had a fortune pick already." I shake my head and turn to leave. If Anthony found some here, we must be near level 12. If we start mining in each direction, we could all find more fairly easily...

"Does this mean we have to go to the nether?"

Alexa's voice snaps me out of my thoughts, pausing me mid-step up the stairs behind the group. I turn, trying to hide the fear on my face with a stone-cold look. My gaze is slightly down, avoiding everyone's gaze.

I did not want to think of that yet...

When I look up, I see all eyes on me, and I sigh. "We will have to. We have no choice. The only place with a large supply of blaze rods quickly is the nether. Any other method is slower and...." I shake my head. "Let's focus on getting supplies right now. Split up, but not too far. Keep within speaking distance and keep gamertags up. We must be near level twelve, so if we split off in opposite directions at the same level as these diamonds, we should be able to find more diamonds fairly easily."

Everyone slowly starts to nod, despite us each disliking the idea of splitting up. However, we have no choice when time is of the essence. I quickly turn again and head back up the stairs. Once there, I turn left and head back towards my original spot. I had found some gold just before the skeleton decided to say hello, and I wanted to mine it first. Golden apples may be the difference between life and death.

"Aria, wait."

I stop, feeling a hand on my arm. Despite us being blocky, I could tell the moment her hand grabbed my arm it was Alexa. Her voice only made it more obvious. I barely turn to her, and I can see concern written all over her face. We say nothing for a moment until she steps closer. "Aria... You don't have to hide it."

"Hide wha-"

"You're scared."

I try to keep my facial expressions neutral, but something slips through and makes Alexa tilt her head. "Aria, I know you. I know you are scared, but you'd simply say worried." I shut my mouth when she says the last part, and turn away. "Aria, I'm your best friend. Don't hold all of this on your shoulders. We can do this." I stay silent, but softly I slide my arm from her grasp. I only nod my head with a sigh. "I... I know. But something isn't...." I reach up and grab the hilt of my sword, which makes Alexa look towards it. She makes an 'oh' face, so I continue. "Not to mention that an Enderman with blue particles didn't attack me when I looked at it, but instead dropped an instant health potion for us to heal Anthony.... and."

I stop. I couldn't tell her about hearing him in my mind, or about my eye. It would sound ridiculous, and worry her more. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to stop myself from saying 'and', which prompts Alexa to lean forward. "And?" I shake my head in defeat, deciding to tell her part of it. "My eye. It keeps acting up when Enderman are near. It's like.... like I can feel them appearing. And if I kill them..." I turn my gaze away, feeling my purple eye heat up at the mention of killing them. I rub my arms, uncomfortable with what I was saying, but knowing I had to tell her.

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