Part 18

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An. Thank you all for being patience I greatly appreciate it. Like I said it's just been really hectic and rn. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!!!!

Posie POV

"What" I say out of breathe. Like I just ran a 5K without stopping

"I'm so sorry. Since Finn left and along with Caleb and Gaten. Finn made some sort of lie that got gaten and Caleb turn against you. Millie and Sadie are still here packing with me. You need to tell your family about us and try come down to the hotel today!" Noah's voice is breaking. I can tell he has been crying

"Ok Umm I'm going to tell my family right now and then I'll drive to the hotel. See you soon baby" I sniffle

"I'll see you soon babe" he cracks and hangs up the phone.

Wow. I lost three of stranger things friends and Katie to Clara. What else is going to happen?!

I cant handle these emotions right now. My knees gave out; salty tears stream down my face. Sobbing like there is no tomorrow. It feels like someone had shot me through the heart. Unfortunately my sobs are quit loud.

Tom and paddy rushes in to my aid.

"Posie whats wrong?" Tom quickly picks up my fragile figure into his strong arms

"I *sniffle *sniffle I- have t-to tell the w-whole family." I pick myself up and wipe my tears. With courage and strength I walk out of my room.
Tom and paddy are hot on my tail.

"What are you doing Posie?" Paddy questions me at the top of the stairs.

"I need everyone to go to the living room" I command.
All eyes stare at my features and obeys without a word.

The Holland's are all sitting on the couch but paddy and Harrison are on the floor. I stand in-front of the small crowd. I swallow my fear and spill everything

"I'm going to say this once. The night at the party Noah and I started dating" all hazel/brown eyes are wider then saucers "turns out Finn likes me to. Noah and I told Finn about us; just to warn him that I'm taken. Anyways Finn got really mad and left England with Caleb and Gaten. He told some lie to caleb and gaten now both of them hate me. Millie and Sadie are back at the hotel packing with Noah. I'm going over there to clear things up. Please don't be mad. I really like Noah. He is so sweet and kind. Even paddy likes him" I point my finger at my twin. Who only gives a sly grin. "So yea" I wipe some tears on my stain cheeks.

A few moments go by without a word.

"Honey. Go get that boy" my mom comes over to me and gives me a hug. Which results of a family hug.

"We are going to talk about this later. That you didn't tell us but right now go to Noah" my dad gives me a smile which I return.

With lightening speed I grab my keys and head off to Noah's

Nearly getting a speeding ticket I arrive at the hotel. I didn't want to talk to anybody so I kept my head down and make a bline to the elevator.

Knock knock

Noah comes and opens the hard wood door.

His silky, chestnut hair is now in a birds nest. Stained tears, rosy cheeks and nose compliments his upside down smile. His posture is slumping over. He doesn't look good.

"Noah" I whisper and he pulls me into his arms where both of us sob our eyes out.

"Why. Why did Finn leave?" I mumble against he shoulder.

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