Part 27

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"Well I had a great time last nights dinner. Again I hope you two will forgive me. What I did was terribly wrong. I'll explain everything on an Instagram live when I get home. I'll tell then ev.ery.thing." Finn takes his only pack back.
Slowly Noah and I stroll behind him.

"Yea we cool man. But. If. You. Ever. Ever. Do. Something. Like that. Again. Our friendship is. Over." Noah stares daggers into Finns fearful eyes.

Noah is still pretty aggravated with Finn.

"No reason to scare him babe. And you,Finn,like I said it's going to take time for me to trust you again but we are good. Don't do anything stupid and this situation will get better." He gives me a toothy smile and I return one also.

"I better get going. Noah I'll see you sometime in the states. Posie make sure Noah behaves."

"Ha. I think I need to look after her" Noah bumps my shoulder and giggles. Finn laughs along also.

"Hey. I can take care of myself thank you very much" dramatically I crossed my arms and turned away from my boyfriend.
"You two figure something out. Just be safe I'll be in touch. Goodbye." Instead of hugging we waved until we can no longer see his curly head.

"Yea you can't take care of yourself says the person who trips over a simple crack two days ago."
"Hey now that demon,muddy puddle asked for a human sacrifice and my shoe. Those were my favorite but anyways Im an independent woman. I don't need men" I defended myself. Which caused Noah to roll his eyes
"Keep rolling them until you find a brain back there" Noah snaps his head toward me and mouths 'run'

We both take off sprinting towards the doors trying to avoid strangers. 'Excuse me,pardon me,coming through,move please' is what I'm repeating to warn others.
Finally after running for what seems like forever I make it to my jeep but a thought comes to mind.

When is Noah going back to the states?

"POSIE!" Noah snaps me out of my gaze.
"Wha-what." I stumble backwards
"I've been asking you to unlock the door but you were in some sort of gaze for two minutes. Is everything ok babe?" He says out of breathe. Concern fills his eyes.
"I'll tell you in the car." The sound of a beep echos through the parking lot(which tells that it's unlock) and we both hopped in.

"When are you going back to the states" I blurt out into the silence. Caustically I look over to my boyfriend. Who is sitting crisscross like a child.
"Well that's the thing. I'm going back next week. I have to see my family again. I miss them so much. Don't get me wrong I love being here in London with you but it's hard without your family." The air is deathly still in the car ride. Trying to form words but Noah beats me

"Hey how about you come with me. You can come and I can show you were I grew up. Introduce you to my family,friends they'll love you. We can go swimming have barbecues stay really late just looking at the stars. And-" I cut the jittery boy

"Babe that sounds wonderful. Are you sure though? I don't want to step into your homecoming. Or your family just want to have you and not me. If we do this we have to talk to both of our families."

I pull up to a red light and turn my head. Noah enchanted eyes staring into my hazel eyes. Silently pleading me to say 'yes'


"OH SHUT UP YOU PEICE OF SHIT! CANT I JUST STARE AT MY BEAUTIFUL BOYFRIEND YOU PRICK!" I shout at the honker behind me. Apparently I stared at Noah too long.

Noah is laughing his ass off. Tears are streaming down his red face. His breathing is rapid

"Yea yea laugh it up" I sarcastically state
"I love how you swear sometimes. It's kinda hot actually." He tries to calm down but he ends up laughing again

"Now you shut it you bastard." Playfully I comment on his laughing. He immediately stops
"I know damnnnn well your not talking to me" he says with attitude and snapping his slender fingers into a 'z' shape
"You bet your ass I am" I fire back.

Then all of a sudden without warning screeching sound of wheels comes full speed toward us.


Warm liquid drips down my whole body. My vision is blurring,ringing in my ears. Smoke fills my damage lungs. Glass pierce my tan skin. A hammer is smashing against my skull.

"Noah" I say with my last breathe and black enclosed me.

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