Part 26

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Posie POV

"Hey Noah have you seen the feedback about our interview couple weeks ago?" I say brotherly; I scroll on my phone while finishing my banana. My hazel eyes widen at the sight. Noah in sweats shirtless playing with baby E on the carpet.

"Yes I have. Many many good comments but you know there always have to be that one person that hates. You can't let them bother you" he continues to play peek-a-boo with Everest

"I know that! I was just wondering if you seen them.." a text notification goes off on my phone. Oh shit it's Finn. My trembling fingers carefully press the notification.

Finn 🐸
Hey Posie. Look I know I've made a huge mistake. I also know that you can't/ won't forgive me. I completely understand. What I did was selfish,ignorant,stupid,evil move to do. You and Noah deserve to be together. I want to talk it over with the both of you. I flew to London last night. Tonight if possible please come to Nandos. Come at 5pm. Please 🥺

"Wow Noah look at this!" I jump off the couch and land right next to Noah. He expressions says it all.

He brown knitted together, eyes filled with anger, vein sticking out of his forehead

"Now he acts all innocent! That little bitch" he spat
"Noah yes he is a bitch but we can't let him tare us down. I'm going to Nandos tonight. If you want to come then come." His eyes soften at the rage of my booming voice.

"Ok I'll do it for you" he leans in to kiss me. Our lips slow  dance with each other. Oh how I miss this.

Oh did I forget to mentioned that Noah asked me to be his girlfriend again? Oops

"Come on Posie I won't let you get hurt." Noah takes my hands and guides me to a mystery place. A tight blindfold conceals my eyesight.

Soft wind blows the hair off my bare shoulders. The rays of the hottest star heats my whole body. I hear trees swaying like it's a beat to music. My blue wrapped dress blows with the natures beat. I take a deep breath in...sea salt??

"Noah are we at the beach" to answer my question my toes are connect to the soft sand
"Yes we are but don't take off your blindfold quiet yet" he spat the last part out.

I giggle at his silliness. Carefully I slip off my flip flops.

"Are we almost there?" I playfully whine
"Posie stop" his hands are on my shoulders which sends shivers down my spine.
"Ok now" gently the blindfold is remove from my eyes. The most beautiful sunset is painted infront of me.
Pastel orange,blue,yellow,and pink clouds gently blends in with each other. It's like a painters finished painting.
As I take this image in something catches my eye.

Rose pedals?? In a heart shape?? Noah is standing in the middle!!

"Posie I can't get you off my mind. Being without you is only half of me. You make me whole. You bring the good out of me. I cant take it when we are apart. We will work it out. I promise. Posie Marie Holland would you like to be my girlfriend again?"

End flashback

"I've never been so nervous" my anxious legs bounces up and down underneath the booth table.

Noah and I just arrived at the best restaurant,Nandos. I didn't know what's appropriate to wear. I went with the simple light mom jeans with square neck line black blouse with my black docs. Noah is wearing light wash jeans with black and white Nike shoes. A white button up shirt.

"I know Posie. I'm pretty nervous. Let's hope everything will turn out ok."

Ding ding

The sound of the bell that alerts everyone that a customer enters. There is the curly haired monster

We make eye contact. His eyes lost its color. I can only read that he is depressed. Maybe he really is sorry.

We strolls over to our table.

"Hey guys" he awkwardly greets us
"Hey Finn" Noah and I say in monotone
"I don't want to cause a scene so I'm just going to spit it out. What I've done was very ignorant and immature. I was just jealous that you went for Noah and not me. I let my feelings got the best of me. When I reveal your secrets I had absolutely no right to do that. If you both never forgive me I completely understand why. I wouldn't forgive myself. I flew across the ocean just to say sorry in person" he finishes his speech

A few moments go by of silence.

"I forgive you Finn. Even though you did me wrong and Noah wrong. I don't hold grudges. It's going to take me a while to gain your trust again. It would not happen over night but I'll love to be friends again" I give Finn a bear hug

I look at Noah with bitch you better say something face

"Finn. We are good again. Thank you for coming all this way just to apologize to us. That takes guts. I forgive you" they do that 'bro hug'

We continue the night with food and laughs

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