Part 12

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"Nandos is my new favorite restaurant! That chicken was superb! I wish they had it in America."Noah pathetically and dramatically kicks a pebble into the parking lot.
"I told you it is good!" We skip towards my jeep. "Ahh-um ok*clap* do you want to go to the mall? Or the movies,miniature golfing, like what do you want to do?" I list off the fun things we can do together.
"Let's go miniature golfing the after that we can see if we want to do anything else." "Okie dokie." I start my car and crank up the radio

"You know this is a great song at the right time." Noah breathes out. I still can't believe that I told my crush my biggest secrets and my 'best friend' might share it on social media.
I feel Noah's fingers dancing on my bare arms. I try to pull away from him but he has a grip on my wrist.
"I don't know why I didn't see them before. If I could I would kiss every scar off." His freezing fingertips swerves, circles, random shapes on my arm. "Thank you Noah. You don't know how hard this is. Still feeding my baby. Keeping him away from the spotlight is difficult. Do you promise me that you'll never tell anyone about the truth?"
"I promise and I never break my promises." I quickly glance at the boy. His hazel eyes are piercing through me. He looks relax. I snap my head back to the road.
"Hey today we could get your suit." "Yes,that's a great idea! After golfing we can do that." We nod in agreement.

I parked and walked in. "Hi how many?" A middle age woman ask. Her hair is a mix of chocolate and snow. Slick back in a tight low bun. "Two please." She nodded and I handed her some money. "If I had some pounds I would've paid. You know that right? How much was it?" I shook my head. "No no no Noah. My treat. Let's go have some fun." We grab our equipment and started on hole one.
"Dang Noah I didn't know you can play so well. To be honest I thought Ill beat you reason being that I play with Tom and Harrison a lot." Noah gets another hole in one. *Sigh I Scribble the number down. "Awww don't pout. I'm just better than you." He leans on his club. I stare into his warm eyes. Their so dark and mysterious. His silky hair gently blowing in the wind. "How about a bet?" He grins "Depends what kind of bet." "Whoever wins the loser has to do what the winner demands." Sneakily I look at the score. We are tied and there is only five more holes left. "That's a deal!" We shake hands and continue the head to head game of miniature golf.

The last hole and we are still tied. This one is a lot more tricky. There is a small bridge without rails over a stream. A lot more twists and turns in the path. "Oh crap" Noah mumbled under his breathe. "I hope your ready what I have in mind" I nudge his shoulder. "What do you have in mind?"
"Ssshhh I can't tell" Noah rolls his eyes and went up to hit. Over the bridge,under some tunnels, through bumps. He still manages to get a hole in one. "YES YES YES BE PREPARED FOR WHAT I HAVE IN STORE!" He yeps and hollers like he won the lottery "hey dummy the game isn't over." Kinda sexually I bend downwards to place my ball where I want it. I can feel Noah's eyes burning holes straight through me. My feet adjust and my club connected with the ball. Over the bridge. Well almost. A huge gush of wind blew my blue ball down the stream. "NOOOOOO" I try to grab it but it's gone. "I WON WHOOP WHOOP I WON WHOOP WHOOP!" He starts doing a victory dance. I rolled my eyes and put my equipment up. "Aww Po. Don't be sad. I still have to think of something."
"Oh yippee can't wait." I drag my words with sarcasm. "But hey we get to go shopping for you!" I grab his wrist and head towards the jeep.

We both walk in the store. Noah opens the door for me. "Aww what a gentleman. Thanks." A red crimson color slowly appears on his cheeks. "Your welcome"
"Hello how may I help you?" A young looking man approach us. Maybe around 25 years old. Clear skin. Ocean blue eyes with a hint of hazel. His smile mmmmhhhh pearly white straight teeth makes him even more attractive. I can see that his shirt is on too tight from being he is pretty built. The cologne smells like lavender. Noah 'Schnapped' me out of my gaze. "Come on Posie. Everest, if you didn't catch his name, he is going to help us." Woah. I stop in my tracks. Memories of my little Everest fills my mind. A single tear drips down my face.
The teenager waves his hand. "Now what color are you looking for?" The bigger Everest says. Noah looks at me like a lost puppy. "Oh um any baby blues?" I say hopefully "oh yes we have some. You both may look around and see if you like anything else. I'll be right back." With that the handsome man left. His fancy shoes clicks against the tile flooring.
We both start on the same rack of suits. "Hey do you like this?" The brown eyed boy takes a jet black suit off the hanger. "It's to simple. No doubt about it that you'll look good in it" us both start to blush pretty hard "but let's look for something else."
A few minutes of comfortable silence rolls by but I feel a presence behind me. "Well well well. isnt the famous Posie Holland. Or should I say Po Po?" That familiar voice laugh. I know that laugh. Cant I just strangle him to death?
"Hey Hayden" I push by. "Oh no your not going anywhere." An evil grin appears on his thin lips "yes princess" the three other 'friends' say behind him
"Now what brings you here?" "None of your business! You know you can't be close to me. So step the hell away!" I Yelp. It caught Noah's attention. Noah's face begins to redden. Not of embarrassment but of anger. "HEY you leave her alone!" The teen stomps over by my side. He knuckles are turning white from being his hand is in a tight fist. "Oh isnt the actor. Noah. Nice to meet ya. What are you doing here?" He asks a little to nicely "none of your damn business. Come on Posie let's go." Gently he takes my wrist into his grasp and left the boys before anymore damage was done. "Thank you Noah. You saved me." I give a light kiss on his cheek.
He stops in his tracks while I keep walking. "Excuse me ma'am but I have the perfect suit for your special someone. Can you go get him?" Everest taps my shoulder "oh yes sir." Carefully I walk over to Noah. Not trying to be seen by Satan and his spawns. "Hey he had a suit for you." I whisper in his ear. He nods and walks towards the dressing room.
Not even five minutes he comes out in a classy suit.
It fits him in all the right spots. (Don't be dirty) "wow. That's all I can say is wow." I hitch my breathe

"That looks amazing on you!" I stand up to get a better look at the material "really? Do you like it that much?" He chuckles

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"That looks amazing on you!" I stand up to get a better look at the material "really? Do you like it that much?" He chuckles. "Yes I do. It matches my dress perfectly!"
"Does there need to be any changes in the suit sir?"
"No I think this is great!" Noah moves his arms and legs to get use to it. "We'll take it." We both say at the same time.
"Perfect. Go back and get dress, I'll get you at the first register."

"This was a fun day!" I say jumping up and down. "I can't wait for the red carpet!"
"Yes me to! It's only in a week!" Noah carries his suit on his back. "Hey. When can I met Everest?" The jittery kid asks cautiously. "Hey Noah you don't have to be scare of asking about my baby. Maybe tomorrow if you don't have anything? You can really meet my brothers. On Saturdays my family and Harrison goes over to my grandparents house to hangout all day." We hop in the car. "Yes I'll love that. When do I need to be there?" "Well, I should bring the whole cast. I don't want them to feel left out. About Everest it's going to slip out sooner or later so better get it done and over with." I pull out of the parking spot. "Your right. They will love to come. Make sure it's ok with your family." "Oh my word it's completely fine. I brought 15 friends one time and they didn't mind at all. But now since of Everest we have to be careful." He simply nods and stares at the road.

"Well here you are. I'll text you some more details."
I yell from the car. "Ok I'll be waiting. Oh and thank you for today. I had lots of fun!" "Same here. I'll see you tomorrow!" With that I drive off to home sweet home.
I arrive home and walk inside but right now it's definitely not home sweet home. "What are they doing here!?" I snap

Hey I don't really like this chapter I'm sorry. I'm also sorry for not updating a lot. Oof it's been crazy

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