Part 14

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"FINN! THAT WAS SO NOT FAIR! YOU CHEATED!" Calebs voice is so loud that China can hear it. After feeding Everest I walk out with the angel on my hip.

"NO IT ISNT!" Finn defends


*whistle "Pass interference defense." Millie announce. I'm assuming she is the ref.
The cast and my family is divided into two teams.

Noah,paddy,Harrison,Sadie, Caleb. On one

Finn,gaten,Harry,my dad, Tom. On two

After the huge argument everyone decide to take a break.
"Hey Po!" Paddy comes up and takes Everest
"Hey that's my baby" a failed attempt to receive him back.
"So. I'm the best uncle!" As he says that bigger brother Tom gently snatches him away. "That's bunch of bull. I'm the best." Then all of my brothers are fighting who is the best uncle. I sigh and rolled my eyes at the sight of my brothers being idiots.

"So who is the best brother" a voice send shivers down my neck
"OH NY GOSH NOAH DONT DO THAT!" I put my hand over my heart.
He puts his hands up in surrender.

"I'm sorry but seriously who is it?"

"All of them are good but to be honest I'll go with Harrison"
our eyes scan the yard for Toms' best friend. He is in a lawn chair sipping a beer bottle.
"Don't tell the other guys" I wink at the brunette teen. Which causes his chest to vibrate from a chuckle.
"Your secrete is safe with me." We winks and walks towards my parents.
"Hey Posie!" Millie and Sadie trotted over to me.
"What's up?" I smile
"Everest is the cutest little thing I've ever seen! He has your beautiful eyes." Sadie states "your cute little button nose." Millie hoops my nose. I scrunch up. "I can't believe that you're a mother. I'm so sorry that happen to you." The girls apologized even though they did nothing wrong. Their eyes are now cover with a watery look, their lips quiver, a rosy color appears on their noses. It shows how bad they feel.
"Hey hey girls it's ok. Yea it sucked but I have Everest." I glance over and I see Noah,caleb,gaten crawling on the grass with baby E. Finn on the other hand. His knuckles are tight in a ball, eyes narrowed at my child, if this is a cartoon smoke will be coming out of his ears. Red forms on his pure skin.
I'm getting a bad vibe.

"What's wrong with Finn?" I whisper to the girls. They both glance at the angry teenager which caused them to scrunch their face in confusion.
"I don't know. Ever since he saw Everest he has been acting strange" Millie whispers

"LUNCH IS READY!" My dad yells. Everyone scatter towards the grill.
I'm walking towards Everest but Noah picks him up.

"Here is your angel." He passes baby E off to me.
"Thanks Noah. Now go get something to eat." He nods and jogs toward the food.

I put Everest in a high chair at the table. I feel someone behind me. I turn around and Tom,paddy,Harrison are all giving me that look.

"What?" I ask innocently

"Oh you know what." Harrison remarks

"Actually I don't"

"We all see the way you look at Noah." Tom whispers it sends chills down my spine.

"Don't even deny it." Harrison winks

"I see him as a friend. Nothing more or nothing less" I lie straight through my teeth. I hate that feeling.

"Yea yea whatever. Go get some food" the boys let me get my lunch.

We sat down together at the big table. I'm sitting between Everest and Noah. I can still feel Finns stares. I try to hide that I'm uncomfortable.

I take one bite out of my hot dog; frequently glance over at Everest. He is enjoying the raffling toy.

"Well today is so far very fun. Thank you so much for having us over." Caleb starts
"Yes I couldn't agree more" Sadie agrees.
Then a chorus of 'thanks you' echos. Everyone said it except for Finn. He is just playing with his backed beans.

"Well you're certainly welcome. You all can come over anytime." My grandma sends a warm smile to the cast which they return.

"Hey Posie you said that there was a hiking trail?" Noah asks
"Oh yes. Does everyone want to go?" I simply look behind him and see the cast waiting.
"Okie dokie let's go!" We head off to the woods.

"My grandparents have horses on their other property. I take them and go riding through these trails." I dodge a branch
"That's cool. Can we ride?" Millie jumps up and down
"We can't because we let kids ride them for classes and there is one going on right now. If there wasn't I will totally let you guys ride" a small frown appears on their lips.
"But hey there is a pond coming up." I try to bring everyone's mood back up.

After a couple of minutes of peaceful silence in the distance I can hear some splashing

"Come on I can hear some fish jumping out of the water." I encourage the cast to move faster. In no time we reach the pond.

It's roughly around three miles, the sun is slowly setting on the horizon. Pastel color reflects off the water, leaves are falling making ripples.

"Wow this is breathe taking." Caleb breathes out

I look over of the faces of my friends. All of them are in awe except for one. Finn. What's his deal. I narrow my eyebrows attempt to look inside of his head but obviously failed. I guess he felt my stare and look at me. Quickly I look away. I wonder what the hell is his deal.
All of us sat down and just enjoyed our time together. Oh how I wish they could stay especially Noah.

An. Not my best. I'm sorry

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