Part 9

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Noah POV

"BYE POSIE!" Us five yell at the teenage driving away.
Posie just drop off the cast and I at our glamorous hotel. The five of us turns into a nijia in gatens words; sneaks past the front desk.
People still don't we are here and we like to keep it like that.


The elevator arrives. We lazily walk inside of the moving box. We are all very tired from the day.

"Well that was awesome!" Millie broke the silence
"Yea I can agree. Posie and Paddy are pretty cool." Sadie states
"Paddy is pretty chill to talk to. I can see them part of the friend group. Even with the IT cast." Gaten struggles with some bags on his arms. He doenst believe in two trips.
"Yea I agree with Gaten. Posie is just fun to be around with and Paddy treats us like normal people." I stare at the ground.

"Oh Sadie and I are going shopping with Posie tomorrow. So we will be gone maybe" Millie looks at Sadie with her finger up to her chin.
"I think maybe half of the day. So don't kill each other." Sadie points her finger at us. Her eyes are narrow so we know she means business.

"Maybe we can ask paddy to come over here and hangout or maybe go swimming at the pool." Finn shrugs

I still need to talk to him. He was not nice to Posie and what he said in the car was very inappropriate. I can't believe my best friend changed because of a girl.

Well not just a girl but a girl that will bright up the night. Her brown hazel eyes are hypnotizing. Their so deep and brings comfort. When her eyes crinkles when she smiles. I'm just dead.
Her smile is a completely different. Her angelic smile makes me feel this bubbly feeling in my stomach.
Her personalities are perfect. She is open-minded,enthusiastic,mature but she also has a five year old side.
When her wavy brown hair gently sways when she walks. Or even when she plays with it with her fingers. Makes me want to touch her curls.

"NOAH" Millie yells in my face. Snapping me out of my day-dreaming of Posie.

What are you doing to me Posie?

"Hmmm what?" A familiar heat rises on my cheeks.

"You were just staring into space. We arrive at our floor." Gaten says in a duh tone
I roll my eyes playfully
"Sorry I'm just s-so tired from t-t-today." I scratch on the back of my head.

Everyone bought except for the girls.

I swear they can see through your soul. They will torture you until they get what they want.

They are sending me glares across the hallway.

"WAIT FINN!" I yell from the elevator.
He turns around with his hands on his hips.
I run towards the moody teenager.

"I want to talk to you. Can I come in?"
"Sure" he says with no emotion

Well please contain your excitement. I'm thinking.

He slides his card and the key pad blinks green.

His room is identical to gatens and mines. Same size, same beds, same bathroom.
I sit in the chair next to the desk.

He plops on a bed. I'm assuming his bed.

"What do you need to talk about?" He sits up and his eyes are droopy. His facial features are sagging down. You can tell his over tired.
I see a some sand on his rosy cheeks and some on the tips of his curls.

"I want to talk to you about Posie." I say in a very serious tone.
"Ok what about her" his mood kinda changes for the good.
"Well why did you say that in the car?"

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