Part 20

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Anger boils my in my blood.

"What are you doing here." I spot like poison
"Oh PoPo. I told you that I'll always come back for you." Hayden,Satans spawn, gets up from my bed and starts slowly walking towards me.

I start stumbling backwards

"You can't be near me. Remember? Get out" I try to sound brave but my voice cracks at the end.
"I dont care how far away I have to be from you. I love you Posie. Now that Noah guy is gone it's just" he rubs his hands up and down my arm "just you and me." He continued

"Nope just you" I kick him where the sun don't shine and start bolting towards the door only to be met by my brothers.

"Woah Posie What's going on?" Harrison asks

"Hayden" I breathe out. Right on time the blue eyed snake comes running down the stairs

"POSIE DON'T YOU SEE?! WE ARE MEANT TO BE TOGETHER. I DON'T KNOW ANY YOU CAN'T SEE IT!" He stops on his tracks. Pure fear is written in his eyes. His tan skin is now white as a ghost

"I—uhm I d-idnt mean to.."

"I'm calling the cops" Tom speaks up. Hayden has other plans
"See you soon slut" he darts out the door. Harrison and Harry chases after him

"Did he do something?" My twin asks
"No. He was in my room on my bed. He said he loves me. He is happy that Noah left" those words stung really hard

Tears start to collect at my bottom lashes. My throat starts to close.

"Hey it's ok" paddy whispers and the boys pulls me into a hug. Sobbing quietly into their shoulder and then.

"We—lost him. Hay—den is g—gone" Harry says out of breathe.

"It's fine." I go sit on the couch

Next day

Noah called me last night that they landed and everything is ok. Finn and gaten are going to be on the Jimmy Fallon Show. I hope they keep their mouths shut.

Grandma came over earlier on today with Everest.

With all of my siblings and Harrison osterfield are playin with Everest. Even Harrison is like a brother to me.

"Come on Big E." Tom is using his baby voice. Big E is obviously Everest nickname. Tom is trying to let Big E crawl to him but I know that he will choose me.
"Come on" Tom encourages the baby
"Tom you know he will choose me" I smile proudly
"You never know" he remarks. We both turn our heads towards the drooling little human that's crawling into my lap
"Told yo..." Harrison osterfield swoops Everest like a air plane. His giggles are absolutely music to my ears. Harrison is making plane noises with his lips

"BbbbbbrrrrrrrBBBBbbbbBbBbBbRRrrRrr" I can see Big E clapping his hands

"Who is the better uncle Harrison. Yes that's right" he boops Everest nose.
"No im the best" paddy scoffs
"You all are the worse. I'm clearly the best" Harry puffs his chest out.

This happens everytime to see who is the best. The are all bickering I snap them out.

"Guys! The show is on!" I gently grab Everest from Harrison grasp. Which he frowns at me.
We all sit on the floor eyes glued to the tv.

I hope this will go well

"Welcome I'm your host jimmy. I want to start off tonight with the one and only Finn Wolfhard and Caleb McLauglin from stranger things" roars applause echos throughout the house. I see the teens come out and sit on the blue sofa.

"Hey guys I'm glad you both can make it" jimmy welcomes the boys

"I'm so glad to be here" caleb jumps up and down
"Me too" Finn stares off into the distance

"Well I want to talk about your trip to England! You met Posie Holland. The little sister of Tom Holland"

Tom leans over and kisses my forehead. I lean my head on his broad shoulder.

"Yes that is right. She is so nice" caleb smiles but Finn frowns
"Yes she was so great" his words drip with sarcasm

"Ok tell me about her" jimmy scoots his chair over

"Well she is super funny! This is kinda weird but I can definitely see Tom in her. It's like a mirror" everyone laughs at calebs joke

"Do we really look alike?" I whisper to Tom
"He is crazy don't see it" he whispers back
"Oh come on guys really!? You two can practically be twins" paddy scoffs. We both just rolled our eyes and make our attention back on the screen

"She is an amazing dancer. She never changes when a camera is in front of her. Always very real to us. Never a dull moment. I remember one time that we all went to the beach. We played football, volleyball, SHE CAN EVEN SURF! Overall she is one of the best" I couldn't tell if he was lying or not but he looks genuine

"I had her on my show couple months ago about her new movie with Millie. Finn how did you like her" oh shit

"She was great." He mumbles

"Just great? How about funny,humble,kind" jimmy spits out adjectives

"No no!" Finn smacks the table

"No?" The host looks very confused

Worry begins to overtake me. It's so quiet in the living room. You can hear a needle drop

"Yea no. She lied to me. We were dating for weeks then she dumped me for Noah! My own COSTAR! She has been lying to all of you!" He points at the camera
"She was raped. She got pregnant! The child name is Everest Leo Holland. He is only a couple months old. He was born little after Godzilla was out. She also cuts" my mouth drop on the floor. Silent tears flow out of my eyes and on baby Es head

I see Harry grabbing the remote to turn it off

"No I want to see this" I whisper

"If you do. Only pain will be received" I didn't care

"Posie Holland is depressed and has severe anxiety. And she IS A CHEATER!!!" He yelled making everyone jump back

"Ok let's cut to commercial" jimmy speaks and the tv went black.

"Well that went awful"

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