Part 4

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Millie POV

I just ask one of my bffs when is her dance recital. Posie is so sweet I'm so grateful I worked with her. Right now I'm at the airport at 9:20 pm with the cast of Stranger Things 2 to surprise Posie.

I know Posie has a crush on Noah and personally they will be cute together.

I end the phone call from Posie and I turn to my friend group. I clap my hands to get all eyes on me.

Clap clap clap

I see all heads turn at me.

"Ok guys I was right her recital is at 4:00 and the plane will land at 12:30. We will have time to take a nap and do whatever until 4. I can't wait til you all meet her!" I told them the plan

"I'm not trying to be mean but why do we have to come? I mean I really want to meet her but I also like to sleep. It's an overnight flight." Gaten complain.
"Well she is a fan of Stranger Things, I want to surprise her. I thought this will be fun. You can leave if you want." I snap at Gaten and put my hands on my hips.

I've been planning for this floor weeks I just want to see her again.

"I'm sorry Millie" he put his head down.
I nod my head.

"How long til we aboard the plane?" Noah asks while adjusting his sunglasses. We are all wearing some sort of digest.

"Well I think in 20 minutes Noah." Finn answer.

I know Finn had a crush on Posie but I rather have Noah and her together.

Noah nod his head because he understands

20 minutes later we aboard the plane

Time skip
Noah's POV

I'm so so excited to meet Posie. She is like my celebrity crush. I follow her on all social media and seen tv shows, movies that she is in.

I know that she is Finns also celebrity crush. That makes me nervous. Most girls will probably go with Finn not me. Reasons why is that he had curly hair, plays guitar, he is in more movies, always get the girls. I have no chance.

I hear the pilot saying we are about to land. I fasten my seatbelt. Not even the leather band and hold me down. I start to jump in my seat. It catches Calebs attention.

"Yo dude are you ok? You have been jumping up and down for hours." He rubs the sleep out of his eyes.

I don't think anyone knows that I like her.

"Oh I'm just exited to meet Posie and see London. I've only been here once or twice." I try to play it off cool.
Caleb chuckle
"Dude it's fine don't worry about meeting her. I think you like her." He smirks
I feel a heat growing across my face to my ears. Before I can say anything we land. Now to get through security and get out luggage


Time skip LOL sorry

We all grab our belongings and headed to our Uber. Surprisingly no paparazzi or fans, it always take longer when we are stop be people.

We all have bags in our hands and we walk in a line

Sadie, Millie, Caleb, Finn, me, Gaten

Finn leans in my ear and whispers

"Dude I can't wait to meet Posie. She is smokin. The way she dances mmm"

I want to barf right then and there.

"Um yea she is a good dancer" I mumble and speed walk in front.

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