❌ The Public Eye

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Summary: Jay and Dick's relationship is not public yet, but Dick still wants Jay to attend the Wayne gala with him. A small miscommunication changes that whole 'not public' thing. [2,363 words]

Note: Inspired by Brooklyn 99 s3e04; the infamous 'Aren't you forgetting something?' scene.


The complete version of this fic is only available on Archive Of Our Own (for more info on why, please see the Table Of Contents). A link to the fic is provided at the bottom of the chapter, under External Link. If you are not on desktop, please see the link to my AO3 in my bio, or the JayDick Oneshots masterpost on my profile (under the 'Conversations' tab. Scroll to 29 March, 2023) for the direct links to the fics.


A short preview:

Dick had been the one who'd wanted Jason to come to this stupid Wayne gala so badly, even though they couldn't even dance together or anything because their relationship wasn't public, and now he was bowing out early and abandoning Jason.

"Just keep Tim company for another hour or so, I'll owe you one, I promise, I don't wanna leave him stranded."

"You could stay."

"No, no, I don't wanna forget," Dick waved his hand vaguely. "I just had an epiphany about one of my cases, I gotta go check some stuff. You don't think anybody'll care if I just quietly disappear out the back, do you? They won't, surely." 

He turned to go and Jason stopped him with a hand on his arm.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" 

Dick paused for a moment, looking confused, and then leaned up and kissed him on the lips. "Bye, see you later." He turned away again.

Jason flushed red. "I meant your coat, Dick," he managed to get out, voice strained. "You checked your coat. If you go out the back, you can't get it."

Dick froze and then slowly turned back around. "Oops," he said faintly.

Jason let out an incredulous laugh and put a hand over his face. "Go home, baby; I'll see you later."

"Love you?"

"Love you too, baby."

Dick headed off in the opposite direction toward the front, and Tim snorted. "That's so gonna be in the Gazette tomorrow."

Jason drained his glass of champagne and sighed. "I know better than to even hope not. Farewell privacy and relative anonymity."

"The question is whether it'll be spun as drunken playboy Richie putting his paws on anything breathing, or something else."

"Guess we'll see. I'll talk to Dick tonight about how we want to spin it after. Maybe we should just go ahead and put out there that he's taken and start moving away from the playboy image. He can still be vapid and committed, right?"

Tim shrugged. "I don't operate in that realm."

Jason sighed again.


The next morning, the paper was...interesting.

Drunken Playboy Richie Grayson Kisses Male Guest At Wayne Gala

Dick sighed and read over the article quickly.

"How bad is it?" Jason asked, spooning the last of his cereal into his mouth.

"It...could be worse." Dick looked down at the picture somebody had managed to snap of him pulling away and Jason blushing — although, thankfully for Jason, that didn't show up very well in the greyscale of the newsprint. "Bruce has definitely had worse scandals."

"Are you sure you want to go public with our relationship and not just let this blow over?"

Dick looked up at him and smiled softly. "I'm sure. I want to be able to go on dates with you without having to worry about it."

Jason nodded. "I do too, but there will probably be people hanging around now, at least when we're in Gotham. You're not exactly low profile."

Dick sighed. "I know, but if that's the price, then that's the price. They'll lose interest eventually."

Jason nodded again and sat back, and Dick pulled out his phone, scrolling through his contacts for a minute and then putting it up to his ear as it rang.

"Hi, is this Ms. Vale?" He asked, airhead voice firmly in place.

"This is she; may I ask who's calling?" She responded.

"It's Richie! Richie Grayson."

"Mr. Grayson, if this is about this morning's article, I'll have to ask you to have your lawyers contact the Gazette's lawyers if you have any issue."

Dick gave a bubbly laugh. "Oh no, I mean it is about the article, but I'm not mad! I just have a teensy little correction and I thought you might like the scoop. Is there any chance I could set up an interview today?"

She paused, clearly unsure if he was wasting her time. "How small is this correction?"

"Oh you'll definitely want to hear it. I think you'd be very disappointed if someone else were to get the story first, because it will be getting somebody a lot of papers sold. Whichever paper that happens to be."

"Alright, can we meet for an interview at one over lunch?"

Dick grinned. "That sounds great! Where should me and my boyfriend meet you?" His grin widened at her surprised intake of breath as he dropped the bomb.

"Regina's on 5th, one o'clock sharp," she said, sounding like a shark that had just scented blood in the water.

Well there certainly wasn't a danger of her deciding he was wasting her time now.

"Great! See you then!" He hung up. "She's definitely coming," he said to Jason. "We're meeting her in Gotham, one o'clock at Regina's on 5th."

"Nice." He looked at his phone and got up, circling behind Dick's chair and draping his arms over him. "Then we have plenty of time for us to explore how hot I find it when you put on that voice and play people like that," he said, nuzzling his neck. "None of 'em have any idea how damn smart you are, running circles around 'em."

Dick laughed. "Oh yeah?"


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