❌ Online Presence

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Summary: Jason discovers that the internet hasn't quite forgotten the video of Red Hood and Nightwing in that warehouse. Like, they really haven't forgotten it. It's apparently inspired many...creative works.

AKA Jason discovers Red Hood/Nightwing fanfiction and is delighted and highly entertained. [4,124 words]

Note: This work references the events of another JayDick work of mine: 'On Camera'. If you haven't yet read that, please go read it first to fully understand.


The complete version of this fic is only available on Archive Of Our Own (for more info on why, please see the Table Of Contents). A link to the fic is provided at the bottom of the chapter, under External Link. If you are not on desktop, please see the link to my AO3 in my bio, or the JayDick Oneshots masterpost on my profile (under the 'Conversations' tab. Scroll to 29 March, 2023) for the direct links to the fics.


A short preview:

Jason was leaning back against the kitchen counter, drinking his morning cup of tea and scrolling through Twitter as per his morning ritual. He snorted as he came across yet another reminder that nothing ever truly disappeared from the internet.

Becks 🌻 @itsrebeccaaa94
Yall ever just wake up in a cold sweat and remember that the @Nightwing and @TheRedHood video is a real thing that actually fucking happened?? Like they really just. Fucked in that warehouse. And we all saw it.

🍆💦💦 @ThomasTheSkankEngine
@itsrebeccaaa94 I sure DO remember that video at night. Im not sure id call it a 'cold sweat' tho...

Oovoo Javer @jimothytedrick
@ThomasTheSkankEngine I was gonna call u out for being nasty but im p sure half of gotham has whacked it to that vid at least once lmao. Rogues included.

🍆💦💦 @ThomasTheSkankEngine
@jimothytedrick Sksksksksksk
Speaking of rogues whacking it, I wonder if killer croc has a crocodile dick

Oovoo Javer @jimothytedrick
@ThomasTheSkankEngine The better question is does the joker put the white clown makeup on his cock too? CUZ IVE SEEN IT ON HIS LEGS 
motherfucker pulled his pantleg up like a burlesque dancer to pull out a gun and it was all white

🍆💦💦 @ThomasTheSkankEngine
@jimothytedrick And you lived to tell the tale?? Calling it now. Clown dick.

Oovoo Javer @jimothytedrick
@ThomasTheSkankEngine Lmao the bus was stopped, i saw that shit out the window, i said FUCK NO, bolted right out and down the street. You dont survive gotham by sticking around for that shit

🍆💦💦 @ThomasTheSkankEngine
@jimothytedrick Mad props bro. Hope he's proud of his clown dick and we dont die for exposing him. Could go either way with him. (NOTHING TO BE ASHAMED OF BRO, IM SURE PAINTED DICK IS THE NEXT NEW THING)

Becks 🌻 @itsrebeccaaa94
@jimothytedrick @ThomasTheSkankEngine STOP what is happening in my replies????? I dont want to think about villain dong!

Assless Chaps @ronnietherat
@itsrebeccaaa94 EXACTLY, id rather be thinking about VIGILANTE dong. Specifically two certain vigilantes. Really a shame that we couldn't really see Hood... Oh well, the fanfiction will fill the gaps

Jason paused his scrolling. Fanfiction? He was no stranger to the internet and fandom spaces, he knew what fanfiction was, and he knew real people certainly weren't exempt from being written about, but for some reason it had never occurred to him that people might have written fanfiction of him. Of him and Dick.

He grinned and closed Twitter, setting his tea down on the counter and pulling up the internet browser, heading straight to Archive Of Our Own. 

He typed in Red Hood/Nightwing, and instantly it came up with thousands of results. Holy shit. 

This was going to be so much fun.

He quickly cooked himself up some breakfast and settled down at the table, clicking onto the first story that grabbed his attention and starting to read.


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