❌ Something To Get You Off My Mind

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Summary: Jay and Dick just broke up. 

Was it stupid? Yes. Are they both still in love with each other? Also yes. Are those stubborn assholes gonna resolve their issues on their own? No way in hell.

Good thing fate's interfering.
[1,869 words]

Note: Inspired by Sam Smith's 'Dancing With A Stranger' and a Tumblr post by @itssexualhour, which says: 

'one time i was at a nightclub and it was really dark and i met a guy and we didnt really talk he kind of just like guided me to the dance floor and we grinded on eachother and made out and he whispered wanna go to my place in my ear and i was like yeah ok so we went outside to get a cab and we looked at each other in the light of the streetlight and he turned out to be my bio. teacher and he literally sprinted away'


The complete version of this fic is only available on Archive Of Our Own (for more info on why, please see the Table Of Contents). A link to the fic is provided at the bottom of the chapter, under External Link. If you are not on desktop, please see the link to my AO3 in my bio, or the JayDick Oneshots masterpost on my profile (under the 'Conversations' tab. Scroll to 29 March, 2023) for the direct links to the fics.


A short preview:

Jason felt like pure shit, to be honest.

He and Dick had broken up last weekend and he had been fucking miserable ever since. The thing was, the whole breakup had just been so stupid and unnecessary — it had just been a fight about something completely unimportant in the end, but it had gotten out of hand, and Dick had told him he couldn't fucking stand him when he got like this because he was just being difficult on purpose, and Jason had yelled back that if he couldn't stand him so much maybe he should just leave, and Dick had snapped back that, you know what, maybe he would. And he had.

Jason really fucking hated his stupid fucking mouth sometimes. If he had just not fucking said that, they probably could have worked it out and Dick would still be here right now, but no, Jason had to open his fat mouth and fuck up the best thing that had ever happened to him.


He needed to get his miserable mind off of Dick before he went spare, at least for a couple hours, at least as much as was possible.

Jason rolled out of bed. Guess he was heading to the club.


Dick laced up his platform boots with more force than necessary. He was pissed. Mostly at himself for actually being really hurt and sad and missing Jason under the anger. But that was fucking stupid, it was all stupid, it was over, he'd left, there was no point feeling all those things when Jason didn't want him anymore anyway, had basically kicked him out.

Whatever, Dick was gonna fucking go out tonight and he was gonna pull and he was gonna fucking forget about Jason. Dick wasn't normally fond of fucking strangers, he preferred to have a connection with the person he was having sex with, but he was feeling pretty desperate after a week. Whatever he had to do to get Jason off his mind, he would do, and if that involved dolling himself up in his...well, sluttiest, honestly, clothes and throwing himself at the nearest willing stranger, then he was damn well gonna do it.


The club was packed and dark, and the colored lights roving the crowd were a little disorienting, but whatever, Jason honestly didn't even care if he ended up hooking up with somebody ugly because he couldn't fucking see them anymore, he just wanted a fucking body to take his mind off of Dick.


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