❌ Stress Relief

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Summary: Dick is stressed about a case. Jay helps him relax. [985 words]


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A short preview:

Dick pushed an agitated hand through his hair, briefly clenching his fist and yanking at it before abruptly pushing back from his desk and standing.

"I'm so fucking sick of this case! No matter how I look at it, it doesn't make any fucking sense! I swear to god I've been staring at it for the past two fucking days and I'm literally no closer to even figuring out what's going on, nevermind solving it!"

Jason had gotten up from his own desk at Dick's outburst, and now he pushed Dick's chair aside and wrapped his arms around him from behind.

"Hey, hey," he said calmingly in his ear, stroking a thumb against his shoulder. "Shh, it's okay. It's okay."

Dick slumped back against his chest and clenched his eyes shut, making a frustrated noise in the back of his throat. "It's not, it's fucking not," he said, but it was a defeated murmur.

Jason continued to stroke his thumb soothingly over his shoulder. "I think you need to take a break, baby. Do something relaxing and put the case out of your mind for a little bit."

"I feel selfish taking a fucking break when at any time another abduction could be taking place, or—"

"Hey," Jason said again softly. "It's not gonna do anybody any good for you to just keep banging your head against the wall. Let me take care of you, baby."

Dick let out a long sigh and tipped his head back against Jason's shoulder. "Yeah. Yeah okay. What'd you have in mind?"

Jason turned his head to kiss Dick's temple, and slid a hand down his stomach. "I think you need some good stress relief, if you're up for it."


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