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Emily woke up to the feeling of someone shaking her. At first she thought it was Sergio climbing over but it finally hit her that it was Elle when she hit the floor.
"Elle! Why can you wake me up like a normal person?"
"What do you mean? You just fell out of bed..."
"You pulled me out, literally."
"It's doesn't matter now, get up! It's your first day back!"
Emily glared at Elle as she slowly picked herself off the floor.
"Come on, be more excited! You get to see the boys!"
"And I have to deal with an angry blonde at work who told me she loved me."
Elle had nothing to say to that so she just pulled Emily out of the room and into the bathroom to get ready together.
They were quiet until Elle turned on her speaker and started dancing around Emily.
"Stop it." Emily said holding back a smile.
Elle didn't give it up. She turned the speaker louder and continued dancing until Emily finally gave in start jumping all around the bathroom with her.

The two finished getting ready and jumped in the car and drove off to work with music blasting in the car. As they walked into the building they couldn't stop laughing. Everyone's heads turned as the girls made their way to the elevators but all the noise stopped when they met JJ in the elevator. Elle stood in between them to keep it from being awkward but the tension was so think you could've cut it was a knife. As soon as the doors opened both Emily and JJ tried stepping out first but bumped into each other making that awkward moment Elle was trying to avoid.
"Sorry," Emily whispered but JJ walked away leaving Emily dumbfounded standing there just watching her walk away.
"She'll come around. Just maybe don't bother her today," Elle said wrapping her arm around Emily's neck.
Not everyone was there yet except the three of them and a few other agents so the silence was deadly. Elle was the only one talking because JJ didn't want to talk and Emily was too scared to talk which made it impossible to start a conversation. Slowly one by one the bullpen started to fill up with other agents as the three waited for the team to come in. Penelope and Reid came in with everyone's coffee and finally the ice broke. Everyone started talking to one another except for JJ and Emily of course. After a few more minutes the rest of the team showed up and they all made their way to the round table to discuss a new case.
"First off, welcome back Emily. I hope you're well and ready to get back in the field," Hotch said before starting the case.
"I am, thank you sir."
"Alright shall we get started? Garcia?"
"Authorities in Brooklyn, New York have found several bodies, women in their late 20s to early 30s behind street alleys of clubs."
As the team looked through the pictures displayed in the monitor Penelope looked away knowing how gruesome some of the images were.
"Looking at the way they're dressed, it looks like they're of a higher class. Maybe Manhattan or the Upper East Side, anything like that but they definitely do not look like they're from Brooklyn Heights," Emily said studying their clothes which have been ripped all over.
"These killings took place at night but there's something really bad I'm about to tell you..." Penelope said hiding her face behind her hands.
"What is it Garcia," Rossi said looking up from the tablet.
"These all happened within three days."
Everyone's mouth hung open as Penelope finished.
"But that would mean the unsub killed at least three women a night."
"And that's the scary thing. He kills multiple women in a night and still no one has seen him yet."
"Local PD had invited us to take the case so everyone go get ready and situated. Wheels up in 20."
The boys got up and left leaving the girls in the room packing up their things. Penelope was still shaking from the case so Elle went over to comfort her leaving an empty space between JJ and Emily. Emily listened to Elle and didn't give any attention to JJ because she didn't want to upset her more but it actually made her even more mad. Maybe because she was hungover and maybe a little intoxicated, JJ thought Emily was mad at her too.

As they sat on the jet Emily stared out the window while they came up with the plan for when they land.
Rossi and Reid were going to the coroners office, Morgan and Hotch were heading to the local PD, and the girls were going to the crime scene.
"Once you guys are done, we'll meet at the hotel and discuss further details about the case and room arrangements."

I Intend to be Your Last (Jemily)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang