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Elle and Emily expected to be greeted at the door by Sergio jumping on them but what they got caught them by surprise. They noticed water leaking from the door and they both pulled out their guns thinking someone had broken in. Elle pushed open the door and they were met with water flooding their shoes up to their ankles.
"What the hell?" Elle yelled out.
"Fuck." Emily said under her breath as she looked around the apartment.
They made their way to the kitchen to find Sergio perched up on the table shaking and wet.
"Awh Serge, come here boy, come here," Emily said patting her chest. He jumped up quickly and sunk himself into her as she and Elle walked back into the hall to call the landlord.

After a long call with the landlord, Elle walked back down from the hall to find Emily sitting on the floor holding on to Sergio trying to warm him up.
"So Ackerman said he won't be able to do anything right now and the only time he can come over to check it out is next week but he'll send over someone in the morning... so I guess we're going to have to stay with someone... Should I ask JJ?" Elle asked hesitantly.
"Sure, I guess she's the only one with a house."
Elle quickly rang JJ and asked if they could stay for a couple days and she thought about saying no at first but she said yes anyways.

"Alright Emily, give me Sergio," Elle said gesturing to him.
"Why? Did she say we could stay?" Elle nodded her head and told Emily to grab some clothes and things she needed into her go bag. Once she finished Elle gave Sergio back and went inside to grab her things. She came back into the hall with a big sigh as she dragged her bag on the ground.
"Okay... let's go, I guess girls night's gonna last for a while. It'll be fun though so let's hope we have no cases for the next week," Elle laughed trying to lighten the mood.

As soon as the reached JJ's, they could see her standing the doorway waiting for them.
"Hey, are you ok?" She asked as they came up the stairs.
"We're fine but our shoes feel like a slip and slide. It's actually disgusting," Elle said leaning against the banister.
"I was talking to my man Sergio but it's good to know," JJ laughed as she picked Sergio up.
Elle gave up at that point and but she did run over and slap JJ on the arm. Emily looked at Elle trying to hold in a laugh knowing that if she did Elle would tackle her so she just looked at JJ and smirked.

They went in and took off their shoes and heard Penelope call them from the kitchen. They looked at each other knowing that Penelope had food and they pushed each other out of the way to try and get to her first. Emily slipped while she was ahead and fell behind but as soon as Elle got in front she grabbed on to her and pulled her down too.
"Awwh my pussy cats, what are you doing? I was bring the nachos over to the couch," Penelope laughed holding a plate of chips and dip.
Emily got up and put her hand out to help Elle. They hit each other on the way to couch with JJ trying to get in between them to stop them.

They all sat on the couch and it was Emily's turn to pick something to watch so she choose a scary show. She wanted to watch The Haunting of Hill House which she knew Penelope was too scared to watch which made her want to watch it even more. They sat there for hours watching the episodes and they were almost finished with the series. Two episodes away from finishing Penelope paused the show because she was too scared to finish. A scene where a ghost popped out of the backseat of a car scared the living hell out of her and she begged them to stop watching. Meanwhile JJ was hiding her face behind the blanket because of it. She was scared but she wanted to keep watching. They agreed to finish the rest of the episode then get ready for bed because it was getting super late and even though they didn't have work the next morning Elle still had to go meet the maintenance guy back at her apartment which would leave Penelope and Emily stuck at JJ's for the day.

They walked up the stairs into the bathroom and two at a time brushed their teeth while the other two washed their faces and then they'd switch. They acted like college girls in a dorm and it really made them feel like they've known each other since they were little. JJ set up the guest room for two of three which meant someone was going to sleep with JJ in her room. Emily was about to say that she wanted to room with JJ but Penelope beat her too it. But Emily knew they were like sisters so she didn't bring it up and stayed in the guest bedroom with Elle. The girls had been exhausted from the case so as soon as their bodies hit the mattress, they knocked out, all but one. JJ laid awake for the next hour trying to fall asleep but she couldn't as she laid beside Penelope wishing that it Emily. She loves Penelope but she also loves Emily. Both but on totally different levels. She tried to close her eyes one last time but her head was still full with thoughts of Emily, like it was every night, which led to her sneaking downstairs to the wine cabinet. She poured herself a glass, or two, and finished it on the couch and she poured one more and brought it upstairs.

When she reached the top of the stairs she noticed that the bathroom light on and the door closed. She assumed it was Penelope but she walked passed the guest room and saw Emily laying in bed alone. She turned back to check if the Elle was still in the bathroom, which she was, so she quietly walked over to the side of the bed. She just stood over the bed and watched her sleep. She was about to leave before Elle came back so she crouched down to Emily and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and kissed her on the cheek which made her stir around in bed. Then suddenly she heard the bathroom light shut off and the door open and this sent JJ into a small panic attack. She froze not knowing what to do until she heard Elle walking down the stairs and into the kitchen. She forgot Elle liked eating midnight snacks at her house because she had all the good food. And thankfully for her Emily calmed down and didn't wake up. JJ didn't want to leave because she missed when it was just the two of them like last week Emily came over to take care of when she was sick. She checked over her shoulder again to see if Elle was coming back up anytime soon but she could hear her watching something on the tv and the microwave running so she took her chance. She put her wine glass on the side table and sat down on the floor by the bed next to Emily. She leaned her head back onto the mattress and rested it against Emily's arm. She closed her eyes telling herself that she would stay there up until she heard Elle making her way back up the stairs but it didn't go to plan. JJ had relaxed herself a little too hard because by the time Elle made her way back up to the room from the kitchen, she had been caught on the floor, but she didn't even know because she had fallen asleep.

Elle walked into the room half asleep, but full, and was startled by JJ sitting on the floor. It was dark so all she saw was a silhouette of a person sitting against the bed until she came closer and saw that it was JJ. She let out a sigh of relief until she realized that JJ was on the floor. Since when? She stood there confused as she smelled wine in the room. She looked around til her eyes landed on the wine glass on the side table. She shook her head and let out a laugh because she should've known, not that JJ was going to sleep by the bed with Emily in the middle of the night but that she was drinking... again. She knew she had a problem but she didn't want to anger JJ so she didn't say anything.

She was about to wake JJ up but decided to just let her sleep until she had to meet the maintenance guy because she had to wake up early anyways so she left her on the floor next to the bed. She grabbed a blanket that was draped on a chair in the corner and placed it on JJ while she slept. About to crawl back into bed with Emily, she remembered that JJ was suppose to be in bed with Penelope and she didn't want her to be alone so instead of sleeping in the guest room with Emily and JJ, she went over and laid in bed with Penelope. She just hoped as she fell asleep that she would wake up and get JJ back in her bed before Emily and Penelope woke up.

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