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Waking up, the thought of the bag hit her again. It was still early in the morning and Emily was still sound asleep. JJ didn't want to bring it up so she sat up pulling her knees up to her chest and just watched Emily sleep thinking about the possibility of a ring. She was ready.
Maybe she'll ask. Soon? I don't know but maybe she'll hint to it? Probably not. Or mayb- No... Actually... I mean I'm ready, JJ thought to herself as she spaced out.
After a few minutes of thinking about it, JJ was all for it. She pulled out her phone and started looking at rings. She sat there twirling Emily's hair between her fingers as she looked through her phone.

Around half an hour later, she headed to the bathroom and grabbed both her and Emily's toothbrush and came back into the bedroom to wake her.
"Babe, get up," She said with a mouth full of toothpaste.
Emily woke up with a loud groan as she grabbed the toothbrush. And with her eyes still shut and her head still heavily sunken into her pillow, she began brushing her teeth.
Their morning was as quiet as it was last night. They both got ready and played their little games, nothing too crazy.

As they drove to work, Emily could see that JJ was think about something.
"What's up?" She asked as she came to a red light.
"What do you mean?" JJ looked over snapping out of her daydream.
"You're quiet today."
"Just tired? I don't know. Maybe I'm coming down with something," She lied.
"Do you take the day off? We just left so I can u-turn back home and tell Hotch you're not feeling well," Emily suggested as she pressed her hand against JJ's forehead.
"No it's okay. I'm fine," JJ smiled taking her hand off her head and kissing it.
"Ah, your favorite words, 'I'm fine'... Are you sure honey?"
"I don't say it that much... but seriously Em, I am fine. I promise."
"Good. But if anything starts feeling off, you're going to tell me so I can drive you back home. Understood?"
"Yes ma'am."

~ a couple hours into paperwork ~

Emily had barely done any work all day. She thought of everything she was going to say but it kept coming out wrong in her head. She wrote it down a couple times just to try and fix it but it was impossible.
"Prentiss? You ok?" Derek asked looking over from his desk.
"No, I'm ok. Why?" She said still unconsciously picking at her thumbs.
"Look down," He said pointing at her hands.
"Shit... it's nothing."
"Okay... maybe go lie down in JJ's for a bit. Might help."
"Thanks but I'm all good. Plus, I'm getting lunch in a few so... I'lol be alright."
Emily stayed in the office for another ten minutes till her lunch date with Sandy.
Emily: Elle? Where are you?
Elle: In the bat cave... oh wait are you going to lunch now?
Emily: Yeah, cover for me?
Elle: Okay go, I think JJ's in the bathroom anyways. If she asks, I got you.
Emily: Thanks babe.

Emily quickly walked to the elevator to avoid bumping into JJ and ran down to her car. She drove down to a little diner close to the BAU and waited for Sandy inside.
"Table for one?" The hostess asked.
"No, sorry. I have someone joining me-"
"Emily," a voice interrupted her.
"And here she is... Hi Mrs. Jareau."
The hostess brought them to their table in the back and for a while the two didn't speak. Just exchanged a few awkward smiles every minute or so.
"So, how are you?" Sandy asked.
"I'm good and you?" Emily replied surprised thinking she would have to start the conversation.
"I'm actually pretty well but it's not everyday your daughter's cowor- girlfriend calls you for lunch."
Emily tried hide the little smile that appeared on her face after hearing her call her JJ's girlfriend.
"Mrs. Jareau..."
"You can call me Sandy if you like," She quietly interrupted.
"Sandy... I- um I don't really know what happened between you and JJ that night two years ago but-"
"That night. Oh wow uhh, I think about that night every day. JJ must've told you what happened, correct?"
"Yes ma'am," she nodded.
"Then you know that it did not end up well at all. But Emily, I regret that night so much. I really do."
"You do?"
"Yes. Everything I said that night to her was not what I had expected to come out of my mouth. I was just surprised, and we'll you know that we are, or at least I am, quite religious. I never raise JJ to be like me and I was taught some really bad things but I don't think she's a disappointment. I've been educating myself and it took a little bit of time but I fully support you and her. And because I want to be in her life and now yours as well because you are her girlfriend, I think the three of us could go to dinner?"

Emily was overwhelmed from what had just left Sandy's mouth but she was so filled with joy at the same time. Tears started to fill her eyes as Sandy grabbed her hands to keep her from shaking.

"Thank you," Emily's voice cracked.
"It might take some convincing but I think JJ will come around. She misses you."
"She does?"
"Yeah, you have no idea how many times I've walked in to our room to see her crying over this one picture she has of the two of you."
"Why thank you tell me that. Now, what did you want to tell me?"
"Mrs. Jare- Sandy... I called you for lunch today because I wanted to ask for you blessing to marry JJ..."
"Emily! This is amazing! Of course. I give you all my blessings to marry JJ."
"You have no idea how happy this makes me. I love your daughter and I can't wait to ask her."
"I know you do dear. I can see it in your eyes."
"That reminds me, I need your help with the proposal."
"I'm all ears. What do you need?"

The rest of lunch Emily and Sandy discussed the proposal plan and Emily still couldn't get over the fact that Sandy was a whole new person from the last time they met. She just hoped that JJ was ready for everything, the proposal, her mom. Her head mind just explode she thought to herself.

"Alright, well I have to get back to the BAU, but I will see you next week?"
"It's a plan. Bye Emily."
"Bye Sandy." 

Emily came back to work and she met JJ outside as she walked out the car.
"Hey Em, where were you?"
"I was getting lunch for us."
"Long line?"
"Yeah something like that."
JJ hook her arm around Emily's waist as they made their way upstairs and Emily couldn't help but smile the whole way up. As soon as they made it up Elle met them at the elevators.
Elle asked, with her eyes, how the lunch went and Emily shot her biggest smile ever. Elle nearly screamed scary JJ in the process.
"Okay... do you want me to kill it?"
"No it's fine. It's gone now."
JJ took the bags from Emily's hands and walked to her office while Emily and Elle walked slowly behind her.
"What is the matter with you?" Emily loudly whispered as she slapped Elle's arm. Jj turned around but the two just smiled at her leaving her server glo confused but she didn't care.
"Ow! Nothing... jeez, I'm just excited.
"I can't lie... I am too!"

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