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The five walked out looking like they just got hit by a truck. Eli and Emily carried JJ to her car and put her in the backseat. It took them awhile because even though she was unconscious, the two were still drunk, Emily more than Eli, so they stumbled... a lot. JJ was so knocked out that she didn't even make a noise when she hit her head against the chair. Eli made sure that Emily was alright to drive back home and she reassured him that she was fine. He walked over to Penelope's car where Elle was still conscious but she was drunk and delirious. She was singing and laughing and it didn't give a care in the world if anyone heard her. Penelope was still crying but she seemed alright. Emily waited for Penelope to drive off first and then she left right after. Before driving off though, Emily looked back at JJ who looked so lifeless but somehow looked like she was glowing from the back seat. She smiled but she felt sad because she was confused. Confused about her feelings for her and confused as to how she got that drunk while she was outside.

Emily drove carefully and slowly making sure she didn't hit anyone or anything. She was drunk but she wasn't too drunk so the drive back to JJ's house wasn't as hard as she thought it would be. She played some music, loudly, to keep her awake. It was loud but JJ was too out of it to even notice and wake up. She pulled up to the house but she was too tired to carry JJ in right now so she shut her eyes for a little bit and took a quick nap.

About 20 minutes later her head tilted and fell to the side which startled and woke her up. It took her a second to remember where she was. She looked back at JJ to see if she was ok and she looked fine but Emily knew once we get in the house, JJ's going to feel... something. Emily got out of the car and opened up the door where JJ's feet were facing. As soon as the door open her legs flung out, almost kicking Emily in the stomach. She dragged JJ out and pulled her body up so that she was somewhat sitting against the chair. And with a quick break in between, Emily slid one of her arms under JJ's neck and the other under her thighs. She carried her out and kicked the door closed. As she walked up the steps to the door she realized how light and tiny JJ was and she laughed a little. When she got into the house, she carried her up the stairs which was kind of impossible because she could not see, she was drunk, and she was carrying a fully grown woman in her arms. JJ was light but Emily was drunk and tired so she seemed to get heavier every minutes that she held her.

Once she made her way up, she shuffled across the hall and into JJ's room. She gently laid JJ on the bed and pulled her heels off. And Emily wanted to take off the dress for JJ because it looked uncomfortable but she just unzipped it in the back to give her some more room to breathe. Before walking into the bathroom, the pulled the blanket over JJ and watched as she sunk into the bed. Not even 2 minutes later while she was standing over the sink, just as Emily was expecting, she hears JJ stumble onto the floor. She looked out of the bathroom into the bedroom and saw JJ half asleep holding her mouth shut trying to find her trash can.

Emily's POV:
As I stood in the bathroom trying to wake myself up, I heard a thump in JJ's room. I panicked and looked across the hall and I saw her on the floor trying so hard not to throw up on her carpet. I was surprised she didn't just puke on the floor because if I drank as much as she did, I wouldn't have the patience or be in the right state of mind to hold it in. With that in mind I ran over to her and grabbed the trash can and held it under her chin. She pulled it out of my hands and she let it all out. She slammed the can on the floor and hung her head over it waiting for the next wave of nausea to hit. One of her hands let go of the can and reached out to me while she cried. I quickly dropped to the floor behind her and wrapped my legs around her. Before I could wrap my arms around her, she lurched forward and the second wave hit, it sounded worse than the first time. And right when I thought she was done, she knew she wasn't so she stayed in that position until the third wave came seconds after the second one. Once she finished I grabbed her shoulders and pulled her back into my body. As she laid on my chest, flashbacks from yesterday came back to when JJ was sleeping on me but now she was half awake and crying and I didn't know what to do. I held on to her right and rocked her. She breathed heavily and in between each breath, she would gasp for air because she couldn't stop crying. I stroked her hair and shushed her to try and put her back to sleep but it didn't work. She started breathing normally but tears still fell down every few seconds.
"Emily?" JJ said in a tired and quiet voice
I shushed her again to comfort her because she was tired and I didn't want her be exhausted but she continued on.
"Why did you kiss her?" her voice cracked.
My eyes widen and I was shocked. I remembered the kiss but I tried so hard to block it out but I didn't realize that anyone had seen us. Did JJ think it was weird that I was kissing a girl or was it something else?

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