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Driving off, Elle sped through traffic in hopes to keep a tail on the ambulance. The car ride was extremely silent but it was so loud. Not one eye was dry. Penelope sat in the back with Emily but Emily didn't want anyone to touch her or talk to her. She balled herself against the door as she continued to tap her fingers against the arm rest to keep herself somewhat sane in moment.
"Emily?" Elle whispered as they stopped at a red light.
She didn't respond. She just stared out the window, watching the cars pass by.
"Kitten? Are you ok?" Penelope tried but still there was no answer.

Five long minutes passed and they finally made it to the hospital but it took another five just to get Emily out of the car. She didn't want to go in and risk receiving the news that her fiancée has passed away. She didn't want to hear that her chance at love was over. She didn't want to say goodbye.

As Emily stepped out of the car, Elle quickly wrapped her arms around her but she shook her off and continued walking in by herself as the other two followed closely behind. She knew that if she gave into that feeling, she would break. And if that happened, she'd go mad. She knew what she was capable of and if she ever got the chance to see Jade again, not only would her life be over, she'd have nothing left. No JJ, no freedom, and no will to live.

The three walked in and met Amelia and Eli in the waiting room. Emily sat in the corner and picked at her nails as the other four sat in silence and watched her. They took turns keeping an eye out incase she needed something because they knew she wouldn't ask or say anything if she did.
"Coffee?" Eli asked.
"Sure," Amelia answered for the three girls.
"Emily? Do you want one?" He softly patted her shoulder. She shook her head as struggled to stay awake.
"Wait, can I come?" Elle asked because she couldn't sit still.
"Yeah, that's fine. You three will be fine alone for a bit?"
Eli made his way to the hospital cafeteria with Elle and Amelia and Penelope continued watching over Emily.
While Amelia watched her, she watched her hand. She noticed that her finger never stopped tapping ever since she got to the hospital but she couldn't figure out if it was just nerves or if it meant something else.

Eli and Elle finally came back with coffee seeing the other two desperate for it. And even thought Emily said she didn't want one, Eli got one for her anyways. But he didn't want her to stay up all night so he made it decaf. She took it without saying a word, without changing her expression. All she gave him was a little nod.
And slowly, as it got even later into the night, Emily struggled to keep her eyes open. Eventually she gave in and propped her head up on her wrist and nodded off. Amelia waited for Emily to fully close her eyes and fall asleep enough so that when she went over to lay Emily on her lap, she wouldn't object and fight to stay up.

Eventually, the rest of the team came in one by one and filled their half of the waiting. Everyone, with coffee coursing through their veins, stayed up and waited for the news. And throughout the night as Amelia's leg started going numb as the weight of Emily head rested on her thighs, the team switched around and took turns letting her sleep on their laps.  Every once in a while Emily would startle herself awake which would startled the others but she never fully woke up. Whoever was her pillow in that moment would stroke her hair or rub her back, putting her back to sleep almost instantly.

"Do you see that?" Amelia asked the others who were awake.
"See what?" Elle replied earning confused looks from the three of them as they turned to find her resting on Spencer's shoulder with her eyes closed.
"Open your eyes!" Penelope whispered loudly, nudging her knee.
"Okay, okay... now what? What do I see?"
"Look at her hand. She's been doing that since you guys got here... and every time she 'wakes up' she does it again before she falls asleep."
"I mean, she looks fine." Elle shrugged.
"Maybe shes awake?" Penelope suggested.
"No, she doesn't do that... it's not normal for her..."
"So you're a profiler now?" Elle giggled.
"I hang out with you guys so much, I think I might've picked some things up," Amelia laughed.
"But seriously, that is not something Emily does, ever."
"I've read some studies that tapping your finger is a sign of boredom or irritation, and others have linked it to stress. The tapping helps people stay alert even when they don't need to be, which is probably what she's doing."
"Look, she stopped," Elle whispered as she studied her hand.
"I guess she's really asleep now?" Penelope said as she tilted her head to the side.
"Yeah, probably."

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