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Emily's POV:
I woke up really confused as to why I wasn't in my own bed. I looked around and realized I was still at Jennifer's house. Did we go out last night? I don't think so I'm still wearing my sweatpants form yesterday and the shirt I was we-
I look down and see that all I'm wearing on top is a bra. Where the fuck was my shirt? I tried to get up but my legs were kind of trapped between Jennifer's and I couldn't sit up because she was holding on my arm and her head was on shoulder. She's really cuddly isn't she.
As soon as I get my legs free, I moved my shoulder a bit to get her head to move around and before she woke up I slid my free hand under her head to catch it. I freed the arm that was in her grasp and I very slowly lowered her head onto her pillow. I stood there in silence and fear that I might've woke her up but I didn't thank god. I stumbled on the way to the bathroom. It took me a second to find it. When I stepped in I looked at myself in the mirror. Okay... no bruises or anything, we didn't do anything but why was my shirt off? I looked around her big ass bathroom and in a corner by the door and saw my shirt hanging in the hamper. I'm not even going to question it. I quickly used the bathroom and I grabbed a robe that was hanging on the door. I thought about leaving but I can't really leave because I'm pretty sure she knew I was here. When I woke up she was in different clothes so she did wake up in the middle of the night and did something. I must've fallen asleep because I don't remember seeing her awake last night. So clearly I can't leave now so I might as well stay. Is it weird? Umm... maybe not. She did cuddle with me both times she was asleep so I guess it's fine.
I went out into the hall and went downstairs. Her house is really nice. Yes! I found her kitchen. I am starving! Let's hope she doesn't mind me making food, I'll make her some too, cause it's rude and really weird if I made food for myself in someone else house. But when I walked past the kitchen island I saw a bowl with a note.
                    "Morning Emily, you fell asleep when you were waiting for me to probably wake up yesterday and I didn't want to wake you in the middle of the night so you spent the night. I made some soup for you cause I know you're probably starving-"
She's right, I'm really hungry right now...
                    "and by the way, I canceled the plans yesterday because I could tell you tired so we're going later tonight if you're still up for it."
I'm so up for this, but first I need to stuff this soup in my belly because it sound like a war in there right now.

Emily picked up the bowl, smiling so big because she had food, and she put it in the microwave. While she waited for the she turned on some music really loud. She sang and danced around for a little bit. She danced her way to the microwave when the soup was ready. She was even happier than she was when she found the bowl on the counter but then her heart stopped when she heard her voice.

"Somebody seems happy about their soup..." She laughed
"Oh my god! Jennifer..." she turned around looking as white as a ghost. She almost dropped the bowl on the floor. JJ continued looking at her a smiling.
"I'm so sorry, did I wake you?" You could see the fear  and embarrassment in Emily's eyes.
"No, You didn't. Baby's got some moves and pipes I see..."
"Oh that... how long were you standing there?"
"Quite a bit Ms. Prentiss" she said winking.
"You saw everything?"
"Every last bit. Right up to the little scream."
"What was I suppose to do you scared me," Emily said giggling.
"Well I'm sorry," JJ said sarcastically, "you can go to sit now, you look really excited over that bowl of soup."
"Yea well, I didn't really eat anything last night because someone wanted to sleep all day."
"I told you to wake me..."
"But you were so peaceful," Emily said with a playful pout.
"Yeah, whatever! Go eat, I'm gonna make some breakfast."
The two switched places, Emily sitting down and eating and JJ over by the stove.
"Can I have some too?" Emily asked shyly without looking up.
"You're really hungry huh?" JJ said with a smirk.
"That and I just really like food."
They both let out a laugh. It was quiet while JJ made food and Emily ate but the music was on so it was okay.
Emily couldn't help but look at JJ doing her little dance at the stove. It was really adorable.

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