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As the four separated on their way to their desks and den, JJ went around the bullpen giving the boys their coffee. Everyone settled in and there wasn't a case to go over or get briefed on so they team finished up paperwork. The day went on and the piles of files on everyone's desk slowly shrunk while JJ's desk was still filled to the ceiling. Around lunch Emily got tired of going through file after file, so she took a break to grab coffee and decided to make JJ a cup. As she made her way up to JJ's office, Elle tapped her desk to get his attention and they both watched Emily quietly. Morgan watched too but he didn't know that Emily remembered so Elle and Spencer's snickering confused him.

"Hey JJ," Emily said softly not wanting to startle her from what she was doing as she set the coffee cup down in front of her.
"Hi Emily... ohh thank you," She said smiled as she looked up slowly.
She finished up another case file while Emily sat on the couch resting her head on her arm as she closed her eyes for a bit.
Her eyes fluttered open when she felt the couch starting to sink and her hip bumped into JJ. Emily quickly changed her position and laid her head on JJ's lap and rested her eyes again.
"Hey Em... can I ask you something?" She asked softly, running her fingers through her hair.
"Mmhm," she quietly answered.
"Do you remember what happened before the car crash, before Ian took you?"
Emily laid her head back to face JJ with a puzzled look on her face.
"Like what happened between us... earlier that day?"
Emily let out a sigh and bit her lip as she realized what JJ was talking about.
"What does that make us now, Em?"
Emily sat back up and leaned away from JJ as she turned to face her.

"JJ... I'm sorry, that flew over my head. I- You... you know I didn't want to end it between us, right.? I had too, I had no choice," Emily started.
"But if you had told me what was happening from the very beginning months ago, we could've avoided this entire conversation," JJ interrupted.
"JJ. Listen to me, please. I knew the risks that came with Doyle because I've dealt with him before. I did it to protect you and the team. But with us, I needed to take extra precautions because if he had known that you and I were together, which he did, he would've done something so unimaginably horrific to you that I have never forgiven myself for because you were my girlfriend. He was after me and up until I met you, the only thing I cared about was my life. It was the only thing worth living for, but then I came here and I met you. And that's when I knew, I had someone else to live for, someone to care for. The only person that mattered more to me than my own life JJ," Her voice cracked.

"Emily I-"

"Let me finish... I told you, that day I broke with you, that it was for your safety and I meant it. And look... you're safe. He didn't touch a single hair on your pretty little head, not one scratch. I put you through so much hell, even before I lost my memory, and while my memory was lost, but you got through it. You're so so strong JJ. I didn't mean to do that you, you weren't meant to feel all of that pain alone, you weren't suppose to feel it at all, but you did and I'm so sorry," She said as she tortured her fingers.

"Hey, it's not your fault," JJ said grabbing Emily's hands so that she's stop picking at them.

"And I can't give you back the time we lost though all of that but... if you want to, because I know I want to, be my girlfriend again, I will give you all of my time and more to make up for that time we lost."

"Umm, no." Emily's eyes grew bigger and softer as she felt her heart starting to shatter. JJ let out a giggle making Emily feel even worse.
"What?" Emily said as a single tear slid down her cheek.
"No, I don't want to be your girlfriend. I want to be you girlfriend and best friend.
"Yeah you dummy," JJ said wiping the tears of Emily's cheek.
"God JJ, I really hate you sometimes."
"I know, but I also know you love me a lot more than you hate me," JJ said laughing.
"Oh just shut up and kiss me," Emily grabbed JJ's collar and pulled her in.
"So that's a yes?" Emily said into kiss.
"Yes, a thousand times yes," JJ mocked her knowing what a hopeless romantic Emily was. Emily pulled away and rested her forehead against JJ's.
"Good cause you wanna know something..."
"Mm tell me," JJ said in deep sultry tone.
"You were never not my girlfriend..."
"What?" JJ was beyond confused.
"I just had to "break up" with you so that you could distance yourself from me until I caught Ian."
"Em? Seriously? So... we never broke up?"
"Not in my head no. I just needed you to think that..."
"So you're telling me that we never broke up, but then you forgot because of the accident so you forgot me entirely, and you never wanted to let me in on the break up plan?"
"Uhh, yes..." Emily said nervously.
"You know what babe, I don't even care," JJ said with a big smile which kind of confused Emily because she thought she would've been mad.
"You don't?"
"Mm no. Because I got you back didn't I?"
"You did," Emily bit her lip.
"Ugh I hate that I love you so much, it's exhausting," JJ said wrapping her arms around Emily's neck.
"Tough..." Emily teased as she slowly moved her hands down to unbutton JJ's top.
"What are you doing..." JJ licked her lips.
Emily said nothing, just looked at her with lust in her eyes and a cunning smile as she moved closer.
"Baby... we're... at... work..." JJ said breathlessly.
Emily giggled as she kissed her jaw, down to her neck and continued down to her chest leaving little but dark bruises as she went.
"Well... mm, maybe just for a bit," JJ giggled as she laid down on the couch, pulling Emily on top. They two giggled until Emily came up and met JJ's lips again. As Emily ran her hands up and down JJ's inner thigh, JJ let out loud moan which Emily had to quickly suppressed to keep the other from hearing.
"We're gonna caught if you don't shut up," Emily said against her lips.
"S-sorry," JJ quietly said trying to hold in another moan.
And just as Emily reached down past the waistband of JJ's skirt, there was a knock at the door.
"You locked it right?" JJ panicked.
Before Emily could answer, they found out.

I Intend to be Your Last (Jemily)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora