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JJ headed upstairs to change her clothes and while she slipped into her shirt she hear Emily shuffling in.
She panicked my pulled the shirt over her ass because she didn't have pants on but Emily wasn't paying attention. Emily finally looked up from her phone and noticed what JJ was doing. She let out a scoff.
"You know I don't mind, right? You seriously watched me sleep in my bra last night."
"What? I- Huh? I wasn't watching you," her cheeks started to blush.
"You know what I mean, I know you weren't watching me but you saw me, so I don't mind. Plus, you're ass looks great."
"Em..." She gave Emily the embarrassed but flattered look and flashed a smile then looked down.
"Emily, did you bring clothes to change for today?"
"Well, no? I didn't know I was going to spend the night so I only brought my clothes for the club..."
"If you want, you can wear my stuff, and when we get back here then we can get ready for tonight."
Emily looked up at JJ and nodded. They both wore comfortable clothes and didn't care for any makeup because they were just going to the coffeehouse anyways so they got ready really fast.

They both walked into the coffeehouse and was greeted by Eli. And out of nowhere Garcia comes up and hugs JJ. Emily saw a bright colorful woman and was stunned. In a good way. Garcia turned her head to Emily and still in shock, a big smile came across her face.
"Hi, I'm Penelope Garcia, you can call me either one. And you are...?"
"Oh...um Hi! I'm Emily. Emily Prentiss."
"Wait a minute... Prentiss, Prentiss, Prentiss... Oh You're Ambassador Prentiss's daughter right?"
"Yeah, that's me. Elizabeth Prentiss's daughter. How'd you know?"
"I see JJ has not told you anything about me... or her as a matter of fact." Giving JJ a suspicious smile. JJ widened her eyes.
"How about we go sit down and talk about the plans for tonight hmm?" JJ said quickly pointing to the window seat trying to avoid eye contact with Emily.
Emily raised her eyebrow but she didn't want to upset JJ so she didn't ask any questions.

They all sat at the window waiting for Eli to get off his break and bring them their coffee. He finally came over with a tray and he sat down next to Emily. Penelope and Emily have been talk nonstop and they were becoming fast friends. JJ took those moments to just watch Emily. She didn't mind that Emily wasn't talking to her because they had all the time in the world today and it would be awkward if she only talk to her and not Penelope.
"So ladies what are you all wearing tonight??" Eli excitedly yelled.
"It's a surprise," JJ said with a wink.
"I guess you have to guess buddy boy," Penelope laughed.
"I'll give u a hint..." Emily said building up a little suspense.
"Come on tell me! I'm dying to know!"
"Tight and black."
Emily looked around at the three and their mouths hung open. Seeing those reactions Emily let out a giggle, sat back, and sipped her coffee as if she hadn't said anything at all.
JJ could feel Eli turn his head slowly to look at her. She kicked under the table to get him to stop but he didn't and she couldn't help not drooling a bit while her mouth was still open.
"What? We're going to a club, what else am I going to wear?"
"All I know is is that you're gonna be the second hottest one there."
"Only second?"
"After me of course," Penelope said playfully fixing her hair.
"Right! How could I forget the sexiest woman here."
"Oh my god! I think I love you," Penelope said making everyone laugh.
"You love everyone Pen..." JJ said giving her a look.
"And I just added another person onto that list."

They sat there for another 10-15 minutes talking about everything before they got ready to leave to have the rest of the day to get ready.

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