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JJ hated Monday mornings because of all the paperwork from the cases the week before. She got up lazily and got ready. She showered and tried to wake up as fast as she could. She finally finished and as she walked out of her apartment her phone rings. And of course it's Derek, like every other week.
"Hey Jayje. Can you buy coffee today? I forgot and Penelope just got in."
"Thank you JJ, see you soon," he said laughing.
"Fine, but I hate you," she said annoyed as she hung up.

She finally got to the office and almost forgot to buy coffee so she got out of her car clearly tired and irritated and dragged herself into the coffee house just down the street. It was her favorite coffee house so she didn't mind. When she walked in, the smell of coffee beans made her feel immediately better. When she finished the order she went to her favorite spot in place right by the window. It's was so early that her spot wasn't taken so she didn't have to argue with anyone, not that she would do that over a spot, maybe. As she sat there staring out the window, she watched the sun rise higher in the sky until someone caught her eye.

She turned her head towards the door and in walked a beautiful raven haired woman. JJ could only see the back of her head but she watched her as she went up and ordered her drink. She listened and as she did and she heard her name. Emily. JJ smiled when she heard it. Now she had a name to match the pretty face. Then Emily turned around to find a place to sit and wait. She eyed a spot next to JJ on the window seat and quickly made her way over. She sat down and slightly glanced at JJ then looked away. JJ could feel her face start to warm up as she blushed and she really quickly turned her face away from the woman.

And finally when her face began to cool down, she turned to look at the woman again. She was about to say Hi and introduce herself but then as she got a little closer...
"JJ, your order's ready."
Her heart stopped and in her mind she screamed no.

Dammit! This was probably the only chance I had to say hey and probably the first and last time I get to see her.

JJ slowly stood up and excused herself to make it a little less awkward that she leaned over towards Emily. She sighed in defeat and clenched her fists as she walked away from the beautiful woman. When she got up to the counter she gave the barista, Eli, the look. They were best friends and only he knew she was bi.
"Thank you, Eli. You suck."
"JJ, you need to be faster. By the way you're still kind of red."
"Don't talk about it. I call you later ok?"
"Alright we can go for dinner tonight."
As she walked away Eli whispered loudly "Her name's Emily." She smiled while walking away. He let out a laugh when he saw Emily lift her head and look at JJ. JJ noticed and when she looked up and saw Emily staring at her, she tripped. She was so embarrassed she ran straight towards the door not before Emily turned her head to the door and said "Hey." JJ couldn't stop but before she walked out, she flashed her an awkward little smile and left.

I Intend to be Your Last (Jemily)Where stories live. Discover now