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The next few days, the team didn't receive any big cases so they spent them doing paperwork.

"Tomorrow's the big day Prentiss... how do you feel?" Derek teased her spinning around in his chair.
"Happy..." She said trying to hide her big smile.
Derek and Elle started gushing and mocking her while Reid sat there slightly confused.
"Shut up!" She blushed.
"You ready sweets?" Penelope said coming out of her bat cave.
"Of course. I get to marry that scary little blonde in that office right there," She said pointing in front of her.
"So I'm scary and little?" JJ said in a low voice in her ear.
Emily froze trying to surprise her smile not know that JJ wasn't in her office.
"I- well- no..." She lied as she turned her face to see JJ's right next to her. Elle and Spencer watched her face drop and her eyes widen, snickering the entire time.
"Actually yes, maybe just a little bit," Emily's nose scrunched.
"But you're my scary little blonde," She said in a baby voice.
"As long as I'm yours it's fine. Plus, knowing that I scare you, makes it all the more fun to mess with you."
"God you guys are so in love... I absolutely hate it," Elle sighed from her desk.
"And you and boy genius aren't?" Penelope snapped back.
Elle put her head down trying to hide the big smile that Penelope just put on her face reminding her that her that she loves Spencer.
"Stop it," She meant to whisper to herself to calm her down and get her to stop smiling but everyone heard her. The team busted out in laughter as Rossi and Hotch came in.
"Hey boss, Rossi," Derek said as Hotch walked away on his phone.
"Must be important..." Emily guessed as JJ sat on her lap playing with her hair.
The team forgot about and went back to conversing as they finished up the last of their case files.
Hotch came out of his office with Rossi and called the team to the round table.
"You all remember that case we had a few years back, Jade Edwards. She's disappeared."
Everyone looked around worried, turning their eyes in JJ's direction.
"Who's Jade Edwards?" Emily looked at Hotch confused.
"She's one of the worse serial killers we've had and she kind of had a thing for JJ..." Derek answered.
"What? Seriously?"
"But you guys caught her... right?"
"JJ did. She's the one who found her and got her cornered," Penelope said proudly.
The room went silent as they started to recall that case.
"Since there's no news about where she is or how she disappeared, we can't start a case or reopen the old one until she's done something or someone catches sight of her."
"So we can't do anything?" Derek asked.
"Not right now no. But we'll be keeping tabs open for her and JJ, I suggest maybe laying it low until we get updates on her."
"That won't be a problem Hotch," She said as she twirled her hair between her fingers.

As the team filed out of the room, JJ stayed back for a minute.
"Hotch, I'll be fine right?"
"I believe you will be yes. But just incase, I could grant you some weeks off, along with Emily if you want, and you can work the case outside of BAU."
"That's completely fine. I'll need to talk to Emily but I can do that."
"Okay good. Talk to her about it maybe tonight or later today and tell me before we clock out."
"Yeah, ok..." She said as she made her way to the door.
"Wait, Hotch."
"What is it JJ?" He asked as his eyes stayed glue to a case file.
"I can still have the wedding tomorrow right. I mean it going to be at Rossi's and I be carefu-"
"JJ, tomorrow is your day. You can absolutely have your wedding, I can't stop that."
"Thank you, Hotch."
"Of course... and congratulations," He finally looked up.
She smiled and let out a little laugh as she opened the door to leave.
And with her back towards him, he let himself break and smiled too.
"I saw that Aaron..." She teased with her back still forwards him as she closed the door behind her.

On their way home, JJ was quiet. Thinking bout how she should bring up the suggested leave that Hotch mentioned earlier. Emily drove oblivious to what JJ was thinking as her hand was interlocked with JJ's in her lap.
"Em," JJ said softly to keep from startling and distracting Emily.
"Yeah, what is Jayje?"
"So Hotch said that with Jade out of custody, he's allowing us go on leave for a couple weeks, if we want, just until this all dies down and they catch her again."
Emily looked at her and smiled, making her smile too but leaving her slightly confused.
"It's up to you, honey. It's your choice. If you don't feel safe here, we can leave for a while, count it as our honeymoon. Maybe go to Italy, France, or maybe Greece..." She said shrugging her shoulders.
JJ's heart skipped a beat, maybe two. Emily didnt argue. She didn't even give it a second thought.
"Yeah, if your not comfortable being here with her hiding somewhere waiting for you, we can definitely leave for a while. I'm not going to keep you here if you're scared."
"Thank you baby." JJ blushed.
"Okay so... where do you want to go?"
"I don't know yet, France sound great, but if we go to Italy, Greece is just a couple hours away."
"Italy and Greece it is."

Emily and JJ made their way into the house and already had their night planned. Their last quiet night as fiancées.
"I'll go run the bath and you make the cheese plate," JJ said as she took off her boots.
"Already starting."
JJ ran upstairs grabbing candles and bubble bath as she let the water warm up and fill the tub.
She poured the bubble bath in and let the bubbles form as she lit the candles around the tub filling the bathroom with the delicate and delicious scents.
"Baby! When you're done, come help please!" Emily yelled from the kitchen.
"I'm coming!"
The two ran back upstairs, champagne and glasses in JJ's hands and the cheese plate in Emily's with Sergio following swiftly behind.
Emily tied their hair up as JJ put face masks on their faces and they made their way into the bath.
Every once in a while, Sergio crept along the side and tried to drag the plate down making Emily giggle every time. JJ would hold out a piece of cheese and let him take little bites from it until he was satisfied.

They spent a while in the tub until the water cooled up. They got ready for bed and decided to watch a movie.
"Titanic?" Emily asked knowing JJ really wanted to rewatch it.
"Sure, I love that movie."
"I know you do," She said lowering her head onto JJ's stomach.
Emily fell asleep by the end of the movie but JJ couldn't blame her. If it was the other way around with her head on Emily and having her hair played with the entire movie, she would've fallen asleep too.
"Good night my sweet baby," she whispered as she kissed her on the cheek, earning a faint smile from Emily.

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