Too late

190 6 15

Harry's POV
Time stopped. I couldn't breathe. My chest got tighter and tighter with every breathe I tried to take. I heard the words but I couldn't understand them. It just didn't seem right like they were telling me the wrong thing. I heard Taylor talking, I wanted to tell her to shut up but the words wouldn't come out, I opened my mouth to speak but only a small gasp came out.

*48 hours earlier*

I finally gave into my pride and texted him. I had been non stop thinking about him, it was driving me insane. Our wedding was supposed to be taking place in a few days and all of me wished that was still the case. I wanted nothing more than for him to be in my life, by my side, be my husband and I his. He'd be gone for months now abs each awakening hour was agony.

I miss you
I starred at the text long and hard before finally hitting send, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I wasn't sure if he was going to reply, I hoped with everything he would.

Hours went by and I still hadn't heard anything. I guess he had fully moved on, I couldn't blame him. A knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts and I hurried to open it. I was greeted my Taylor's smile.
"Hey" she spoke stepping inside once I had moved.
"Hi" I mumbled back, she spun to look at me frowning.
"Oh no someone is mr grumps today. What's happened?" She asked, I shook my head, I couldn't keep getting her involved in my love life.
"It's not important" I began to say when Taylor shook her at me.
"No Harry you're not doing this. We have spoken about keeping things bottled inside" I closed my eyes hating she was right.
"I texted Louis earlier and I've not heard anything back. I guess it's just hard for me to finally see he has moved on" I sounded stupid I know I did, he had every right to ignore me.
"Come on you need to stop mopping round it's been months now. Why don't you come out with me and Matilda today? Family day out?" I ponder over her question, it had been a while since I had been out with the pair of them, I declined every invitation I was offered over the last few months. Matilda had started to react to my negative behaviour. She had changed so much, her behaviour had gone down hill. Everything I asked her to do was returned with attitude or the word 'no' she hardly spent time with me. I felt like she had hit her teenage years 7 years early. However, Taylor didn't have this problem what was her hack?
Being there for her family

My subconscious mocked me, I nodded my head and agreed to come. She smiled and went up stairs to hurry Matilda to get ready. I had asked her an hour ago but clearly my request had been ignored.
Eventually we were in the car on the way to the zoo. Matilda had insisted we go to Chessington and obviously we didn't argue. The weather was perfect and I was looking forward to the events of today. We finally arrived and the excitement radiating of Matilda was laughable.

The walk around the zoo was peaceful it was lovely to spend some quality time with Matilda and I was relieved that her unwanted attitude towards me was slowly starting to disappear, she was listening to everything I told without the back chat.
"Matilda stand a little back please you are too close to that electric fence" Taylor fussed reaching out to guide Matilda back to with us.

The drive home was quiet, Matilda fell asleep and Taylor and I engaged in some light conversation while I drove us home. My mind still hadn't settled from not hearing from Louis, part of me wanted to text him but other half of me didn't want to bother him again. 
"I am worried about Louis" I spoke quietly to Taylor almost feeling ashamed and weak. She looked at me with her eyebrows furrowed.
"Why? He's obviously moved on Harry. I know it hurts but I really think you need to do the same. For the love of god, it's killing me seeing you like this. So tell you what when we get home, after Matilda has had tea bath and in bed. We are going to open a bottle of wine and forget about Louis for the 1000th time." Taylor laughed, I cracked a smile as well.
"Sounds like a good plan" I agreed. The rest of the car ride home was quiet.

Moving on (sequel to I never told you)Where stories live. Discover now