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Louis' POV
It hurt and it hurt and it hurt. Time took its time to heal the heart and the urges to have him close to me didn't disappear as quickly as I wanted it to. Even when I had ended things with Briana it take this long to mend a broken heart but maybe that was because I fell into the arms of another. Though this time I couldn't bring myself to find another. Briana had suggested I sign up for 'Grindr'. At first I laughed thinking it was such a silly idea but after months of mopping I decided it was maybe time to venture back out there. The first few weeks of being on the app I didn't really look couldn't bring myself to do it but eventually I started to take an interest. I needed to move on.

Saturday morning I sat eating breakfast with a buzz flowing through my body, it was the first weekend in weeks and I was finally being given a chance to see Matilda. It had been weird not seeing her every day but I was blessed to be spending more time with my son and getting closer to him. I had ran it past Harry about bringing Freddie with me for my day out with Matilda he seemed cool with it and I knew that they were going to love what I had planned. I quickly finished breakfast and looked for my rucksack to finishing packing. I had decided to take them to the aquarium, it had been a while since Matilda had been and I was going to take the chance of taking Freddie as a father and son thing.
"Freddie are you ready? We need to be leaving" I called up the stairs to Freddie I was clock watching and we were running close to being late. Briana appeared at the top of the stairs, she looked beautiful in her dressing gown and messy hair. It had been lovely and peaceful the last week or so, Brody was away for work so it was just us three and it felt like we were a little family; just like Harry Matilda and I was.
"Oh morning, sorry I didn't mean to wake you" I spoke softly feeling a pang of guilt. She shook her head and made her way down the stairs.
"It's okay I need to get up anyway got a lot to do today." She smiled kissing my cheek as she reached the bottom of the stairs. My cheek flushed at the contact. Seconds later Freddie appeared and he came running down the stairs.
"Sorry dad I couldn't find my pocket money" he spoke hurriedly as he rushed to get his shoes on.
"You don't need your pocket money son, I'll pay for what you want" I told him, it didn't seem fair he had to spend his own money.
"Bad idea Louis. Freddie has been saving this money for a while now and he won't say what it is for" Briana laughed from the kitchen. I nodded my head and offered to look after it for him.
"Right we are off Briana. Have a good day see you later" I called to her, she quickly appeared in the hallway kissing Freddie goodbye and giving me another kiss on the cheek.
"Have fun boys" she waved us goodbye as we hurried to the car.

Harry's POV
"Where are your shoes!" I called from the hallway to my daughter who was sat in the kitchen eating her breakfast.
"I don't know daddy which ones you looking for" she called back. She had so much sass for a five year old. I was beginning to feel stressed, Louis was going to be here in 20 minutes and she wasn't any where near being ready.
"Your trainers!" I called back, seconds later I heard the padding of her feet on the tilled floor and she appeared right next to me.
"There they are" she pointed to her trainers sat next to a pair of Louis' toms, he must of forgotten about them. I sighed and picked them up and put them next to her coat and bag.
"Go and get washed uncle Louis will be here soon" I kissed her forehead and she rushed up stairs.
Life had been lonely since Louis had left and I tried to fill the void with anyone who paid me attention. Pathetic I know. I had been talking to this one guy who seemed so lovely and genuine and for the first time in years I got butterflies after time I spoke to him. The only thing that put a downer on the whole thing was every time I spoke to him I felt guilty but I tried to convince myself Louis was also talking to other people and it kind of made me feel better.
My phone buzzed and I smiled at the text.

Good morning handsome. I hope you slept well. Have a lovely day x

We had only been speaking for a few weeks but it felt like I had known him my whole life. It felt refreshing, I quickly typed back just as the doorbell went. I hurried and answered it to see Louis stood there very awkwardly.
"Hey" I smiled. He smiled back and mumbled a quick hey. I stepped aside and he came in, I looked behind him expecting to see Freddie.
"Where's Freddie?" I asked as I closed the door and shouted up to Matilda to tell her Louis was here.
"In the car, didn't seem right bringing him in" he explained, I nodded it was probably wise. Matilda comes bonding down the stairs like a herd of elephants, running straight into Louis' open arms. I know she had been missing him so much and I know Louis probably felt the same.
"Hey champ, you okay?" He asked her as he helped her put on her coat. She nodded quickly before giving me a quick hug and saying bye. I stood by the door and waved them off, I had no idea what I was going to be doing today but I knew I should be making the most of my child free day.
I wondered into the living room starting to tidy up the few things that were scattered on the floor. I sat on the sofa and turned the tv on trying to find something to watch, I just need a distraction.
It felt like hours had passed by as I stared at the screen watching re- runs of the Big Bang theory, I wondered if Matilda was having a nice time I felt pained that I couldn't be there to spend the day with them; then cursed myself for thinking that way. I had made the right decision and I knew further down the line I would look back and see that it was the right one.
Finally the front door knocked and I practically ran to open it, I smiled as I greeted them. Matilda looked tired and so did Louis.
"Hey guys, have you had fun?" I tried to sound cheerful but I still felt blue that I had not experienced this day out.
Louis nodded as he stepped inside this time Freddie in tow. I bid a hello and closed the door behind him.
"So how was the aquarium?" I asked finding it a bit weird that there was no excitement about the day out. Matilda smiled and started talking about these big fish she saw and a shark and loads of other things. I smiled and nodded making the odd comment of that sounds fun. I observed Louis and the way he looked uncomfortable, I was confused, did he not want to be around me anymore?
"Sounds likes you've all had a fantastic day" I spoke whilst trying to ignore the pain in my chest.
"Yeah it was a great day out. Thank you for letting me have Matilda for the day" Louis finally spoke, I looked at him smiling, he didn't return it though and I instantly stopped.
"Matilda why don't you and Freddie go up stairs for a bit I want to talk to Louis" I spoke to my daughter who did as she was told quickly.
"What's wrong?" I asked Louis immediately once I knew the kids were out of ear shot. He sighed and ran his hand over his face.
"It's nothing, I know it's none of my business" he spoke softly and I could see his cheeks glowing red with embarrassment.
So it was something then, I was curious to find out.
"Louis... I know we aren't together anymore but you can talk to me about anything I do still care" my words were true, just because I didn't see a future with him I still cared about him. He still looked very uncomfortable and his mouth kept opening and closing like he didn't know how to get the words out.
"Erm, so Matilda told me you are seeing someone."
I opened my eyes in shock, how did she find out? Now it was my turn to be embarrassed, how could I possibly explain this without hurting him or making me look bad.
I cleared my throat feeling uneasy about having this conversation.
"Erm, I'm not seeing anyone. Ok I will admit I have been talking to someone but I will also admit that the more I talk to him the more I'm just not feeling it. I just don't feel any connection to him and I just don't think dating is the right thing for me anymore." I watched Louis the whole time, he seemed to relax and I felt a little better.
"Look I shouldn't of mentioned it. We aren't seeing each other anymore so it's really none of my business what you do or who you see" his words were rushed and I couldn't help but laugh. I walked round the kitchen island until I was face to face with him, his head was bowed looking at the table I could tell he was too embarrassed to look at me. Without thinking I lifted his chin up until he was looking at me. My fingertips burned at the contact and my heart raced, I felt Louis' breath hitch in this throat and I smiled on the inside at the thought of still having an effect on him.
"Louis, it's okay, you were curious. I don't mind you asking. Please don't be embarrassed" I reassured him, he nodded his head slowly and diverted his eyes somewhere else.
"Look at me" I whispered stepping a little closer to him, I don't know what was happening but there was this magnetic force between us pulling me into him. He did as I said as his blue eyes met mine. I let out a soft breath and before thinking about what I was doing I lent down and kissed him like I had never kissed him before.

Moving on (sequel to I never told you)Where stories live. Discover now