Look what you made me do

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Harry's POV
4am flashed on my phone as I sat in the airport waiting for my flight home. Finally. My ring for Louis sat securely in my suitcase and I was excited and nervous to ask him. I was scared of the rejection of truth be told, we weren't together but I wanted us so badly to get through this and for us to be a family; again. I was excited to get on this plane the quicker I got on it the quicker I would be home. 7am I would land back in London by 7.30 I would be home. I couldn't wait.
Tour had been amazing, it was a surreal experience that I had missed. Performing every night felt like such a achievement, to see 100s of people turn up every night in every different venue and place I visited just to see me was incredible. I felt sad that it had come to an end but happy that I was finally seeing the people I love again.
Finally I was on the plane, excitement ran through me, I pictured Louis' response I wanted him to be happy and say yes but I was prepared for a no. I tried to relax on my flight and soon enough sleep engulfed me.

Louis' POV
I woke up feeling groggy, it took me a few minutes to remember where I was. I glanced at the bedside table clock it was only 5am, why was I awake? A slight movement next to me shocked me, I turned my head seeing Briana laying next to me. My eyes winded in shock, how did we end up in bed together? Last night replayed in my head. The conversation about my son, the kiss, the sex. I felt sick that I had allowed this to happen, how did she manage to get a reaction out of me? I'm gay! I knew Harry would be on his flight home now and as much as I wanted to hurt him I couldn't let him walk in on this. Quietly as I could I slipped out of bed and made my way to the office and curled up on the sofa in there. As I lay there I remembered the text from Harry a while back telling me he had a surprise for me, I began to wonder what it would be, I also wondered when would be the right time to tell him about Freddie. I wondered how he would take it, part of me hoped he would be understanding like I was about Matilda and part of me knew that he couldn't be angry because it was before I met him. I made the decision to tell him later on, it wouldn't be fair to land this on him as soon as he got home. Our relationship was still hanging by a thread and I knew today I needed to make a decision if I wanted to be with him. My heart yearned for him but now I wasn't so sure if I could be with him cause if my mistake now not his.
I closed my eyes trying to get sleep to engulf me but no matter what it was pointless in trying my mind was all over the place, the one thought that kept coming across my mind was last night and how I felt like I had betrayed Harry. Part of was beginning to think I shouldn't tell him, I could keep it a secret; he's kept plenty from me. But I knew that wasn't me.

I was still awake when I heard the keys in the front door, my heart stopped beating, he was finally home. I got off the couch and walked down the stairs into the kitchen to see Harry stood looking at the mess that I had left last night.
"Hi" I whispered as it was still early and Matilda and Briana were in bed. Harry turned at the sound of my voice and the smile on his face was huge.
"Hi" he breathed, I rubbed the back of my head awkwardly and examined the mess that Harry was still looking at. I bit my lip in embarrassment.
"Sorry about the mess Briana came over last night, in fact she's up stairs asleep in our bed." Harry's eyes winded and he slowly nodded his head as if he wasn't sure whah to say.
"Erm, it's okay. I can easily be tied up. He smiled though this one seemed forced and I could tell he wanted to ask why she had come round on a weekend but he didn't and I was in no rush to tell him.
"How was tour?" I asked to break the silence that had become to linger.
"It was fantastic, felt amazing to be on stage again but in all honestly I happy to be home. With you and Matilda." I cocked my eye brow at his last few words. He definitely had a home with Matilda but whether I would be apart of it time was still to tell.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it, I bet you are knackered?" I asked now feeling bad Briana was in his bed. Harry shook his head, and put the kettle on to boil. While he did that I sent a quick text to Briana hoping she would see it when she woke up.
Harry is home, please keep last night a secret. If he's going to find out I should be the one to tell him. But it was amazing.Xx
As soon as I sent it I felt guilty, but I pushed it to the back of my mind as Harry put a cup of tea in front of me.
"So have you been doing much over the last 3 months?" Harry asked, I shook my head we actually hadn't done much.
"No not really. Matilda's been going to school, I've been working on that film. Celebrated Halloween and just spent most weekends enjoying the last of the sun." I summed up. Harry nodded I wasn't sure what he was expecting me to say considering we had spoken to each other everyday.
"So what is this surprise you have for me?" I asked it had been bugging me since he mentioned it. Harry smiled his eyes glistening in excitement.
"You'll find out later" was all he said before he got interrupted by Matilda running into the room.
"Daddy" she shouted running up to Harry he opened his arms and engulfed her and gave her a big hug and kiss.
"Hey princess, I've missed you so, so, much." Harry told her. She smiled and then wiggled to get free. Harry laughed and stood back up as Matilda ran off into the living room.
"Hows Taylor getting on?" I asked, the words tasted bitter in my mouth and I hated talking or even thinking about her but I felt rude if I didn't ask. Harry dipped in his tea his lips pursing as he looked at me, guilt crossed his face and my heart sank. Had they done something on tour? Though I couldn't really talk.
"Yeah, she's doing fine." His answer was short and simple but his tone told me not to ask anymore questions.
I was just about to saying something when Briana appeared into the kitchen, I had prayed she had read my message. She sent me a smile and a subtle nod and that was all the clarification I need.
"Morning" Harry and I chirped at the same time. She smiled at Harry and looked a little embarrassed.
"Morning, how was tour, Harry?" She asked, I poured her some tea and she smiled greatful at me. Harry nodded his head telling her it was amazing and he can't wait to sort another one out. The more we all stood in the kitchen the harder and harder it was becoming for me to not tell him about last night.  

Around half 10 Briana suggested to take Matilda out so me and Harry could sort a few things out. We were greatful for her suggestion and I knew this was the right time to tell Harry about Freddie. We sat in the living room looking at each other, Harry looked on edge and I knew something was bothering him.
"Lou, I really do love you. You do know that right?" Harry said moving closer to me and grabbing my hands in his. I wanted to believe his words I really did. But in that moment I found myself nodding my head and telling him I knew and that I loved him too. Harry smiled so widely and looked all excited.
"While I was on tour, I had this dream of our future together, I want a life with you forever. I want to marry you. Marry me Louis?"
He had got down on bended knee and was looking at me with anticipation, my eyes widened at his question I couldn't believe it. This was the commitment I needed from him, this is what I had always wanted.
"Yes Harry I will marry you but I need to tell you something" Harry furrowed his eyebrows, he looked confused. I took a deep breath.
"I have a son"

Moving on (sequel to I never told you)Where stories live. Discover now