The end begins now

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Louis' POV
The days turned into weeks, the weeks turned into months. No calls, no text. I had not heard anything from Harry, maybe it was over for good. He had finally had the guts to do what I wanted to do years ago but didn't have the heart. We had built up such a beautiful life and now that was gone.
Christmas was lonely, I spent it with Freddie, Briana and Brody. But I really wanted to be with Harry and Matilda. I thought so many times about messaging him myself or going over but as soon as I picked up my phone or my keys something in my heart told me I deserve better.
"Come on Lou, you can't mope around here another day. Maybe some fresh air will do you some good." Briana said as she opened the curtains in the bedroom, my eyes squinted in pain at the blinding light entered the room.
"What's the point in going out?" I mumbled, why was I so heartbroken on something I was going to do myself? It didn't seem right.
"Because fresh air will do you good." Briana sounded persistent and I knew she wanted me to get out the house for a bit. I groaned and dragged myself out of bed. In bed I could forget the shambles of my life, in bed I could bury my head under the covers and not have to put on a fake face and pretend I'm okay. Outside I had to pretend, pretend that I was happy with the decision to walk away from my little family.
The cold air hit my face and it did wake me up a little bit. The cold January air felt nice on my skin and I mentally thanked Briana for dragging me out the house. I had no idea where I was going my mind was clouded but I let my feet do the walking as I merely followed.

Harry's POV
I knew I had made a mistake when I told him to go. I knew I should have just forgiven him like he had forgiven my mistakes so many times. But as I stood in the bedroom that night finding out the truth I knew our relationship couldn't continue like this. I couldn't deny the fact that I missed him like crazy, I was so looking forward to making him my husband and experiencing a future with him. Deep down I still wanted that. But for now this was the right decision.
"Are you okay daddy?" Matilda asked as we sat and ate our breakfast in silence. The house had been so quiet since Louis left, I hadn't been surprised when I found out Briana had taken him in, it kind of drove me crazy to think about them two shacking up under the same roof.
"Yes I'm just doing some thinking" I responded to my daughter. She had, had loads of questions since she found out Louis had moved out and I didn't know how to answer them. My phone buzzed and I picked it up so quickly half my heart hoping it was Louis but it was Taylor asking if she could pop over. She had been over every night since Louis had moved out and we were slowly starting to become close again. I missed her and I was glad she was here in my time of need. Part of me had thought about getting back with Taylor, faking who I was maybe my life would just be easier that way. But as quickly as I thought about the idea I laughed it off.
I quickly typed back that we were in and that it was fine for her to pop over. I looked over at Matilda and told her to go and get dressed as her mum was on her way over.

As soon as I heard the door knock my heart started beating fast, I opened the door, she looked beautiful today her blonde hair curled and half pinned up, her makeup was subtle but she still looked gorgeous. I stepped in to hug her, her perfume smelt amazing I recognized the smell and it instantly bought back memories of our time together.
"Hey" she breathed slowly pulling away from me. I smiled and stepped aside letting her come in.
"Hey" I chirped as we made our way into the kitchen.
"How you been? Heard anything from Louis" She asked as she put the kettle on. One of the things I loved about her was how she was so upfront and didn't beat around the bush about anything.
"No, not a single thing. I keep going to text him myself but then my pride gets in the way. It bugs me that the first place he decided to go was to her. I know I've hurt him so many times over the years but I never really knew what it felt like until it was done to me. It's just I never saw Louis hurting me and I guess I took advantage of that about him" Taylor listened intensely as I poured my heart out. I did love Louis, I don't think that would ever change. Could I find it in my heart to forgive him?
"Louis is probably feeling the same way. He probably wants to talk to you but feels you don't want to talk to him seeing as you did kick him out. And as sad as it is Louis was probably hoping you would forgive him seeing as he had forgiven you so many times but as you said you can't have a relationship that is built on hurting and each other and forgiving each other and pretending that the trust is still there." Taylor spoke, I nodded along, she was right I knew that. Louis was pure he deserved to be with someone who treated him like the diamond he is.
"You're right, I need to talk to him and tell him that there is no chance of us getting back together." The words stung as they left my mouth and my heart broke thinking about how I would never see him again. A tear rolled down my cheek but was quickly swept away by Taylor as she pulled me into a hug. I pulled away as soon as I heard Matilda running down the stairs.
"Mummy!" She started shouting as she saw Taylor stood in the kitchen.
"Hey baby" she cooed picking her up into her arms and giving her a massive cuddle and kiss.
"I've missed you mummy" Matilda smiled wiggling to be put back down.
"I've missed you too baby. That's why I've decided to take you out today. How does shopping sound?" Matildas face lit up
"Sounds good mummy" she said before disappearing again to go and get her shoes and coat. Taylor looked at me as serious look on her face.
"Ring Louis ask him to come over and end this now" her tone was soft but her words sounded harsh. As much as I didn't want to end this with Louis I knew I had to. I nodded and took out my phone. Taylor kissed my cheek and quickly left with Matilda.

Louis' POV

My heart stopped beating as I saw his name flash up on my phone. Maybe this was the 'I want you back' phone call I had been hoping for.
"Hello" I spoke slowly into the phone.
"Erm, hi. Is there any chance you could come over if you're not busy" his voice rasped through the phone. My heart started beating and I couldn't believe this was happening.
"Yeah sure!" I spoke very quickly and I cursed myself for sounding desperate.
"Ok, come when you are ready." He spoke and the line went dead. I quickly hurried in the direction of his house, my legs felt like jelly and I couldn't even being to decipher what he wanted to talk about. Before I knew it I was stood at his door hovering my hand over the door bell. I quickly pressed it before I had chance to change my mind and go home.
It didn't take long before before the door opened and he was stood before me looking as handsome as ever.
"Hi" he spoke and moved out the way so I could step in.
"Hey" I responded taking my coat off and hanging it on the rack. Harry walked into the living room, I quickly followed him noticing how quiet the house is.
"Where is Matilda I would love to Erm see her" I spoke hesitantly feeling a little embarrassed and not sure if I was even allowed to ask.
Harry ran his hand through his curly hair and looked at me.
"She's out with Taylor at the moment. Having a mum and daughter day. But if you want I'll make arrangements for you to see her next weekend or something" I nodded trying to understand but it had been hard not seeing Matilda.
"Yeah that would be great.. I know Freddie would like to see her as well. He is fond of her" Harry nodded but I could tell her didn't relish in the idea of Freddie and Matilda becoming friends.
"Look I'm just going to cut to the chase. I don't want you to sit around and wait for me to decide if I want to be with you or not. I've done a lot of thinking and I think it's best we close the book on this. If you think about how much heartache this relationship has held and compare it to the good times it's outweighed. So at the point I'm calling the wedding completely off, and I want you to move on. As regards to Matilda I will talk to Taylor tonight and we can come up with a schedule and we can make this co-parenting work. I'm sorry Louis, we both know this should have happened a long time ago." The words hit me like a truck,  I had half expected this to happen. I knew this was for the best, but it still didn't make it hurt any less. I wanted to argue with him tell him that he was making a mistake tell him we could work through it like we have done every other time but I didn't want my relationship to be like this. The fighting, the dishonest conversations, the betrayal, the heartache. I knew I was better off either on my own or with someone else.
I looked at Harry who was already looking at me. I sighed heavily feeling my heart shattering.
"Okay. I agree. I love you, you know that but maybe we are better of not being together." Harry closed his eyes and nodded. He walked over to me and kissed my cheek.
"Thank you for understanding" I smiled and slowly walked to the front door. I looked back one last time to see the man I loved before I walked away forever.

Moving on (sequel to I never told you)Where stories live. Discover now