The little things in life

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Harry's POV

"No white!"
"What is wrong with blue!?"
"I could ask you the same about white!"
I huff in frustration, we had been arguing for the last 20 minutes over stupid colors for the wedding. I couldn't wait to make Louis my husband and I wanted the planning to be started as soon as possible. We had opted to have the most traditional wedding we could have considering it was a civil partnership, but it was becoming apparent me and Louis were going to struggle to decide on the details.
"Surely blue would be to in your face" I sigh as I pick up the material in my hands and gag at the thought of having the wear a suit this colour. Louis shakes his head and laughs.
"Okay, okay this is going to be our day we need to both agree. So how about we go Black and White. Elegant and classy." I laugh at his words, Louis furrows his eye brows in confusion.
"There is nothing elegant or classy about us" I laugh, Louis huffs clearly not seeing this as a laughing matter, I quickly stop.
"Black and white sounds good." Is all I say before opening the book that contained different wedding cake designs. They all looks yummy and delicious and I knew that this would cause another debate to try and pick which cake we should have. We both had different tastes but we also wanted to cater to the quests.
"Ugh there is so much to do and I feel like we won't have enough time" I hear Louis sigh, I close the book and turn to face my husband to be, I pull him into my chest giving the top of his head a quick kiss.
"Don't stress. We will get it all sorted" I reassured him, but looking at what needed to be planned I could see the next 12 months being busy.
We spent another hour going over the color scheme and deciding who was going to wear what color, I had always dreamt of a simple small wedding but the way Louis had been talking I knew I wouldn't be getting that dream.

The ride home from the wedding shop was non stop talk about the wedding. I love listening to the excitement in Louis' voice as he spoke about it, the twinkle in his eyes made my heart race. My mind drifted as I started to think of our future. We had 2 children, Freddie and Matilda and a beautiful home. I was still doing my music and Louis was still working with producers and working on music videos. Our future together seemed perfect. Finally our happy ending.

"Harry! Harry! Are you even listening to me?" I hear Louis huffing as I'm pulled out of my thoughts, I clear my throat glancing a quick look at him.
"Sorry, yeah what did you say?" My cheeks blushed in embarrassment but Louis shook his head and carried on talking about the guest list. I hadn't even thought about what family I was going to invite, I knew there were a few who still after all this time didn't approve of my sexuality and didn't approve of Louis. It wouldn't seem right to invite them.
"Shall we invite Taylor?" Louis asked, I furrowed my eyebrows in shock confused to say the least.
"Why would we do that?" I questioned, Louis gently sighed.
"I know it's our big day but she is the mother of your child,and I know you two are still friends. I want to leave the past in the past"
I nodded my head I agreed the past definitely needed to stay in the past. I placed my hand on his thigh and gave it a little squeeze as to say thank you.
The ride home took a little longer than usual as the traffic had started to build up, one of the many joys of living in London, I glanced at the clock 5.30pm. Briana and Matilda should be home by now I thought to myself as we pulled upon the driveway. I could see the kitchen light was on and I could see Briana stood at the sink. It had been such a blessing to have her help out with Matilda especially now we had the wedding to plan on top of mine and Louis' bush lifestyles. We walked through the door hand in hand to be greeted to the lovely smell of something cooking and the light sound of music filling the kitchen. We walked in to see Matilda sat at the table and Briana icing biscuits.
"Hey guys, how did it go?" Briana asked putting down the tube of icing. We both smiled and nodded our heads.
"Yeah we are slowly planning some things. Color sucked is decided. That's about it really. How's Matilda been?" I ask, walking over to my daughter and giving her a kiss on the head.
"Perfect as always" Briana smiled I returned it.
"How is Freddie?" Louis asked as he reached for a cookie and Briana smacked his hand out of the way playfully. I had noticed that the connection between them was light and playful and they always seemed to enjoy each other's company, it was like I was looking at me and Taylor. It didn't sit well with me; though I trust Louis.
"He's absolutely fine. He's with Brody today otherwise I would've brought him here so you could see him but Brody said he wanted to take him out and I didn't want to say no but I didn't want you to feel Brody is his dad more than you are" Briana mumbles on her cheeks flushing. Louis put his hand on top of hers and she instantly stops, I furrow my eyebrows as I watch her look at him, it was like she was drawn to him.
"It's okay Brody has been there for him more than I have and I just wanted to know he was okay" Louis says to her calmly. She nods her head and I see her shoulders instantly relax.
While the pair start a new conversation I head up stairs to change out my clothes. I open the wardrobe door looking for my shorts and a black t shirt. Wearing jeans all day just isn't me. I quickly change and instantly feel comfortable except for the ring digging into my finger, it had grown tighter over the years to the point it was now hurting. Quickly I try and pull it off which took some doing, finally it sprung off landing on the floor and nearly going under the bed, I bend down to pick it up noticing something red under the bed. I grab at the item pulling it into the light to notice it was a pair of red thongs. Confusion and hurt hit me at once, I knew they weren't Taylor's.
Had Louis been cheating?

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