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Louis' POV
39 days left, I had been counting down the days. As each day went by my heart broke a little bit knowing I wouldn't be seeing Harry for over two months. I knew it would fly by, but the thought of going to sleep on my own and waking up on my own didn't seem very appealing. The last 3 months had gone by so quickly, summer was coming towards an end. Taylor had been with us every single day since the beginning of June, and I thought I was going to dread her being her; but she wasn't so bad to have around. And surprisingly Harry had been treating me no different when Taylor was around. He kissed me, held my hand; all in front of Taylor. Maybe his feelings for her had gone, I could only hope.

We had all decided as our time with Harry and Taylor was coming to an end, we would take a holiday that Harry had spoken about. It would be Matilda's first time going abroad and she was nervous and yet excited. After much consideration we all agreed Disneyland should be her first holiday.
I woke up early the day before we were due to head to the airport, I couldn't sleep I was stressed about the holiday. I climbed out of bed, leaving Harry to sleep. Our suitcases were packed by the wardrobe, they had been packed 3 days ago; but a nagging feeling told me to unpack and pack them again just to double check everything.
I walked down into the kitchen and made a pot of tea and put some bread into the toaster. The morning sun glazed through the patio doors, it felt warm on my skin. Our passports and boarding passes sat on the kitchen counter, I quickly checked them making sure everything was there. I couldn't stop stressing. I poured myself a cup of tea and made my way back up stairs, I had turned the spare bedroom into an office so I went and sat in there so I wouldn't wake Harry up. I logged on to the computer and checked our flights, we were due to leave London at 6am sharp; and when I mean sharp I meant we would be there 3 hours before our flight. We would land in Paris 5pm in the evening. I doubled checked our return flights, we would leave Paris at 3pm and land back in London at 1am in the morning.
I did a bit more research on getting from the airport to the resort, checked our hotel reservation and then printed off a map of the park just so I could familiarise myself.
"Wow, you seem to be busy" a husky voice says behind me making me jump. I swivel around on the car and smile at my gorgeous boyfriend.
"Good morning baby" I smile, he smiles back taking a seat next to me. He looks at me with furrowed eyebrows and pursed lips.
"Why are you still stressing about this holiday. Nothing is going to go wrong." Harry says placing his hand on my thigh and gives it a little squeeze. I sigh and run my hands over my face.
"Yes I know but I just wanted to double check everything again." I explain, Harry nods; it was obvious he didn't know why I did it.

It wasn't long before Matilda was up and bouncing off the walls with excitement that we were off to Disneyland in the morning. Harry and I laughed at her reaction. I wish I could have her excitement. For breakfast I made Mickey Mouse shaped pancakes, Matilda approved and she ate every single last one on her plate. Harry and I had agreed we would have a lazy day today as the next week would be manic. I was looking forward to having a week away, even though I was stressed. We were spending 3 days in Disneyland and the rest looking round Paris.
"What time is Taylor coming over?" I asked Harry as we sat down to watch a film. Harry pulled his phone out his pocket and shook his head.
"I have no idea, I haven't heard from her" Harry stated, panic rose inside me. What if she didn't turn up, what would we do then?
"I'm sure she will message later" Harry shrugged his shoulders and focused back on the film we had put one. Matilda sat on her beanbag eating her popcorn and Harry and I curled up on the sofa. Everything was perfect.

We were on our 3rd movie when Harry's phone started buzzing, I noticed it was a call from Taylor. Harry answers it, and I pause the film.
The phone call lasts 10 minutes and Harry comes off smiling.
"What did she want?" I ask playing the film again for Matilda's sake.
"She wants us to meet the nanny today" Harry says standing up and heading towards to the kitchen, I follow him.
"That sounds like a good idea. It'll be nice to know who I'm sharing a home with over the 2 months you are gone" I speak honestly. I had already been told it was a women in her late 20s, similar age to me and Harry.
"Yeah Taylor said she will be here within the hour. If I'm honest Lou I'm nervous to meet her" Harry states turning to face me, I walk towards him taking his hands in mine.
"Why?" I ask softly, it was unlike Harry to be like this. He looks away and shrugs.
"I can't really explain it, it's just weird that I'm going to be leaving my daughter with this women and I know you are going to be here but I think I'm more worried about you being here with her" I almost laugh at his words, I can't even phantom why he is thinking this.
"What's made you think like this?" I question nearly laughing as I say it. Harry looks at me uncomfortably and blushes.
"You're going to think I'm stupid." Harry shrugs, I squeeze his hands again and give him a reassuring smile.
"It's just that I'm going to be gone for a while and I'm just worried that you might start to become attracted to this nanny because I won't be here to give you attention" Harry mutters. I'm taken back by his words. It had been a while since I even had been with a girl and even then it was a cover up.
"Honestly babe you have nothing to worry about, if it was a male then I could understand your worry" I lean in and kiss his lips, as a reassure I'm his and only his. Always have been and always will be. I don't have chance to say anything else as the door bell rings. Harry lets out a sigh, let's go off my hands. We both head towards the door, I open it to see Harry and a young looking girl who looks extremely familiar but I can't put my finger on how I know her.
Taylor pushes her way through the door the girl following her. Taylor and I step out the way.
"Hey guys, I would like you to meet our nanny for Matilda. This is Briana." Taylor introduces her and then it dawns on me who she is.


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