Gone for now

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Harry's POV
It had been two weeks, two weeks since I had fucked up again. Louis had hardly spoken to me, I don't blame him; I was just greatful he hadn't left me. I had hoped we would be talking now as I was leaving for tour in two days time. I had tried so hard to talk to Louis but all I got was one worded answers, or a nod or shrug of his shoulders. I deserved to have the cold shoulder from him, I wouldn't have blamed him if he had walked out that night. Over the last two weeks I had seriously thought about telling him to go, telling him to go and find better; surely there was someone out there better than me. But every time I thought about doing, I backed out. Truth be told I couldn't bare the thought of him with anyone else, as selfish as that was; but he is my boo bear.
I woke up feeling the bed cold and empty, Louis had refused to sleep with me at all. I was beginning to feel lonely, I hated myself for hurting him again. I climbed out of bed heading downstairs to see Matilda sat watching tele and Louis stood in the kitchen.
"Morning" I greeted him, he looked up from his phone and just gave me a nod. I didn't say anything else as I poured myself a coffee and went and joined Matilda in the living room.
"Morning baby girl" I say to my daughter and kissed her on the forehead she smiled at me and mumbled a morning back. Least someone was talking to me in this house. Since that night Taylor hasn't messaged me much either, and when she did it was only to ask about Matilda and that was it; if I pushed conversation I was either ignored or she took for hours to reply.
"Are you doing anything today?" I shouted to Louis who was still stood in the kitchen on his phone.
"Yes" he responded sharply, I sighed, not knowing how much longer I could take of this. I didn't want to leave to go on tour with our relationship being like this.
"Oh, anything exciting?" I ask now walking into the kitchen so we could have a better conversation if he would have one.
"Just want some time out the house." Is all he says and walks away. I close my eyes feeling my heart break. But I knew I deserved it.
20 minutes later and Louis came downstairs and said he was off out, I didn't get a goodbye kiss or hug; just a small smile.

2 hours had past and he still wasn't back. His phone kept going straight to answer machine, I pictured the worse. Every possible scenario popped into my head, even the thought of him being with someone else ran across my mind; my skin crawled at the thought but I wouldn't blame him if he was. Matilda was beginning to get bored and started complaining she wanted to go to the park, but I didn't want to leave the house until I knew Louis was home safe. Though I couldn't explain to a four year old why she couldn't go to the park. I texted Taylor asking if she was free and if she could have Matilda for a while, explaining I needed to sort things with Louis. She agreed almost immediately and said she would be there within the hour. Matilda was beyond happy to hear she would be spending the afternoon with her mum, I however was dreading this afternoon; it would be make or break with Louis.
As promised Taylor turned up an hour later to pick Matilda up, she screamed with excitement at the sight of her mum and ran straight into her arms.
"Hello darling. You okay?" Taylor smiled hugging Matilda tightly, she nodded and wiggled to be put down.
"Thank you for doing this" I sigh as Taylor looks at me with sad, sympathetic eyes.
"It's ok. I feel so bad that I'm part the reason you are in this mess" she confess, I shake my head, it was my fault I knew better and I still did wrong.
"It's not, I shouldn't of done it." I hold my hands up in confession. Taylor looked at the floor, I knew she felt guilty; but not as guilty as I felt.
"Is Louis here?" She asks peering round my shoulder, I shake my head checking my phone but not a single text was from Louis.
"No he went out 2 and half hours ago and he hasn't come back, can't get through to him." I say I'm frustration. If only I had been a better person, Louis wouldn't feel like this. I felt panicked that he wasn't answering me, I didn't want him to do anything stupid like the last time.
"I'm sure he will come home soon." Taylor said and gave a small smile. I nod hoping she is right. I give Matilda a kiss and tell them to have fun. And just like that I was left on my own, worrying about Louis.

Moving on (sequel to I never told you)Where stories live. Discover now