This is the end

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*3 years later*

Loud cries pulled me from my sleep. I groaned and sat up the same time Taylor did as well.
"I've got it babe" I yawned kissing her cheek and she smiled greatfully and lay back down. I made my way down the hallway and into our sons room, I picked him up out of his cot and cooed him back to sleep.
The last 3 years had been a whirlwind. There had been ups and downs, we had buried Louis the ceremony was beautiful everything Louis would've wanted, loads of people turned up to pay their respects and I knew Louis would be watching down laughing at the amount of people who showed up, he would never believe he was very liked.
Taylor and I made the decision to move house, the old one held too many memories, good memories but I had made the decision I needed to move on. We got married the most magical wedding anyone did see, even more magical than the royal weddings. I was happy to finally make Taylor my wife, she had been my absolute rock in helping me deal with the grief of Louis. It made me appreciate her even more and I knew with how she supported me she was the one. The best thing that came out of relationship was our son being born on New Year's Eve our little miracle Elliot Louis Styles. He made our family complete. Matilda adored him and I adored her for how she had handled her Uncle Louis death, with her being so young she acted so grown up about it. I was so greatful for how my life had turned out.
I sat on the sofa rocking Elliot in my arms the peace was relaxing and I hoped he would fall back asleep quickly as these late nights and early mornings were not bowing well with me. But I would not change a thing for the world.
One thing that I had learnt from everything don't be afraid to move on to finding something better, no matter how much you love someone sometimes you both deserve better. My life was complete, a part of me would always be missing though. But for now I was happy and greatful and I knew I was the luckiest guy in the world.

And that is a wrap! Thank you for everyone who has read this story, and I apologise for the ending, sorry if you wanted Louis and Harry to be back together but thought I needed a twist.
Thank you for the support.
Means a lot that people read my work.
Stay safe everyone and thank you once again

Moving on (sequel to I never told you)Where stories live. Discover now