tu n'es jamais trop vieux pour un peu de magie

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Harry's POV
The ringing of my alarm pulled me out of my sleep, I groggily opened my eyes and switched it off. I saw it was still dark outside and I couldn't think why my alarm was going off. I thought nothing off and I felt myself falling back into a slumber again, until I felt the covers being pulled off me and Louis frantically calling my name. I shot up quickly, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.
"What!?" I ask panicked, Louis raises his eyebrows at me and gives me a deadpan stare.
"It's 12.10 and you're still asleep, Matilda is still asleep. We need to get ready!" Louis gushed rushing out of bed and rustling around in the wardrobe. How could I forget we were off to Disneyland today?
"Okay boo bear, don't panic, I'm getting up now and I'll go and get Matilda up" I consoled as I got out of bed and headed to Matilda's room.
I gently woke her up and carried her down stairs and sat her at the kitchen table. It took her a few minutes before she was fully awake and excited.
"Oh my god daddy we are finally off to Disneyland" she cried in excitement. I scolded her lightly for saying 'oh my god' but laughed along with her excitement; she had been waiting for so long for this day to come.
"Are you hungry?" I asked her, she nodded her head ferociously. I took out the box of cereal and made her some toast. I could hear Louis banging around up stairs and I cringed as it was still early in the morning.

5 minutes later he came bounding downstairs looking flustered. Matilda and I stared at him, he looked around the kitchen frantically and panicked.
"Have you seen my raincoat?" He snapped. I winded my eyes at his sudden rudeness.
"Louis! You need to calm down. I'm not going to spend the next week with this Louis" I breathed, I knew going on holiday stressed him out; but I didn't know why.
"Sorry" he sighed "I can't find my raincoat"
I walked into the hallway and looked through the coat rack seeing it underneath my coat. I handed it to him and he kissed me in delight and ran back up stairs.

We were all ready and sat in the living room waiting for Taylor by 1.15. Matilda was watching tele and Louis and I sat on our phones. Louis and I had checked all the weights of the suitcases and our carry on bags, checked we had packed all the essentials. Louis had our passports and boarding passes.

Finally Taylor arrived, Matilda ran to the door giving her a massive hug and kiss.
"Hey baby" Taylor whispered, she greeted me and Louis as we walked to the door. I loaded our suitcases into the car and within no time we were off to the airport, hopefully to have a stress free holiday.

Taylor's POV

Passport, boarding pass, phone and charger and keys. I checked my handbag for the fifth time. I kept one eye on the clock and I knew I needed to be leaving to go and get Louis, Harry and Matilda. I knew if I was late Louis would have a fit. Just with luck I managed to make it on time.
We made it to the airport on time and I could tell Louis was relieved but he was still on edge. "He won't relax until we are on the plane" Harry whispered in my ear, he could obviously see I was observing Louis. I nodded understanding that anything could go wrong and we all didn't want to miss this plane.
It took forever to go through customs and security went through all our luggage with a fine tooth comb. Matilda sat on my lap with her tablet in her hand, I was surprised she was awake still but I had been informed she had been in bed since 6pm.
Eventually we were called to our flight and I couldn't wait to get on this plane, couldn't wait to leave my hectic life on hold for a week and enjoy this family time.

Louis' POV
My hands sweated and I felt a uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach that had been there since I had gotten up. I did my usual routine that I did every time I had to fly. I checked our luggage at least ten times before Taylor arrived. I had made sure to keep at close eye at the time to make sure she wasn't late. Luckily she wasn't, and the drive to the airport was smooth and there was no obstruction.
As soon as I took my seat on that plane the uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach disappeared. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the 10hr flight.

Moving on (sequel to I never told you)Where stories live. Discover now