What goes around comes around

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Harry's POV.

My hands shook and my heart raced as I held the underwear in my hands, tears stung my eyes and my breath was hitched in my throat. The question kept spinning around in my head 'had he cheated on me' that alone would be heart breaking but with a woman that would just destroy my soul. This was all my fault, this was my karma. Taylor, going on tour. I had drove him to seek comfort in the arms of another. A woman... what did she give him that I couldn't, and who was she?
I felt sick as I sat on the bedroom floor still holding the underwear and my mind overthinking every possible situation for this.
I heard Louis and Briana laughing down stairs, my heart ached as thought about never hearing his laugh again. I now knew how Louis felt all those times I had hurt him and tasting my own medicine was bitter. Our wedding plans were in full motion, he had agreed to be my husband even knowing what he had done. 'You've done the same' my subconscious mocked me. I shook my head and closed my eyes, I sighed knowing that I couldn't leave Louis cause of all the times he had forgiven me for my foolish mistakes.
I sat on the bedroom floor for what seemed like hours mulling things over in my head. Once my legs started going numb I stood up and placed the underwear in the bin. I walked into the bathroom and splashed some water on my face and went back downstairs to Louis and Briana who were still stood in the kitchen.
"Hey you've been gone a while, you okay?" Louis asked placing his hand on mine as I stood next to him. I noticed Briana looking at us closely and it made me suspicious. I felt uncomfortable under her gaze.
"Yeah sorry I just grabbed a quick shower and then got scrolling on Twitter" I mumbled, even if I wanted to talk to him about the underwear, doing in front of Briana wouldn't be wise.
Briana stayed for another hour before bidding goodnight to us both. I glanced at the clock noting it was 9pm, Matilda was in bed which meant Louis and I could finally have some alone time. I felt uneasy and still in two minds whether to mention it or sit on it for a few days. I was shocked I had managed to stay so calm and not kicked off. Louis has no been so calm when he saw me with Taylor, it made me wonder how he could still stomach the thought of being with me but I guess when you love someone you don't just give up. I sat on the sofa whilst Louie made us some hot chocolate, he was persistent that we made a start on our guest list tonight. I couldn't focus on anything all I kept thinking about was Louis and this mystery girl. Had he enjoyed it? did she make him feel better than I did? the more I sat and dwelled on the thought, the more I wanted to know the truth. I looked at Louis who was scribbling down all sorts onto paper, he looked beautiful with his tongue poking out slightly as he concentrated; looking at him you would never think he could hurt anyone. We had been through it all me and him, but I truly thought finding out he had a son would be the last surprise n our relationship. I prayed to god it was. I cleared my throat gaining Louis' attention, he looked at me with raised eyebrows and confusion on his face.

"Everything Okay?" He asked putting the paper and pen down and giving me his full attention. I closed my eyes, I wasn't ready to have my heart broken, but after breaking his many of times, it only seemed fair.

"We need to talk" I said quietly, Louis' face changed and I could see he was becoming anxious.

"Is this about the wedding? because we can slow it all down if we are moving to quickly for you?" His words were rushed and his voice unsteady. I quickly shook my head, and ran my hands over my face.

"No this isn't about the wedding, it's something else. Um, earlier when I went up stairs and into our  room, I found a pair of female underwear under the bed. They aren't Taylor's, so do you have any idea who's they might be?" I watched Louis' facial expressions the whole time I spoke but he didn't seem to react to my words.

Louis' POV

Fuck! fuck! fuck!

How  could I have been so stupid to make sure I hadn't left any trace of my betrayal. My palms began to get sweaty and I didn't know whether to tell the truth or to cover it up with a lie. Would've been so bad to lie To Harry considering how many times he's lied to me over the last five years. I sat on and stared at him, I needed to answer quickly before he started to get suspicious. But no matter what I couldn't think of anything to say, my heart was beating fast and I began to feel dizzy I knew the truth would hurt him but with us planning a wedding I knew I had to tell the truth.
"They are Briana's" I quickly say I see Harry furrow his eyebrows, he doesn't look sad or angry.
"She had a shower here while she was staying here looking after Matilda and she must of left them behind." My mouth speaks the words before my brain has time to register it. So lying is the route I've decided to gone down. I don't feel guilty either.
"Oh okay." Harry kinda laughs, and I can't see the funny side of this.
"What's funny?" I ask cautiously, Harry shakes his head.
"I know this is going to sound silly but I thought maybe you had slept with a woman while I was away" his words come out with a laugh. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding and I knew if I told Harry the truth this would be over; just because I was so forgiving I couldn't see Harry doing the same. Quickly I began to laugh with him, so he wouldn't suspect anything.
"That's the ridiculous thing I've ever heard. I'm gay remember." I gave him a cheeky wink and joined him on the sofa he was sat on and gave his lips a sweet kiss. He kissed me back with so much passion that my heart began to hurt at the lies I had told. I knew he had lied to me but I never thought I would be doing the same.
I couldn't lie I did have feelings for Briana but I also had feelings for Harry... I was in love with Harry, Briana was just old feelings and memories resurfacing from the past. And the fact we had a son together drew me closer to her, we had that bond because of our son. Maybe I was bi after years of thinking I was just gay, thinking about it now it made sense if I was bi. I couldn't deny the feelings Briana gave me and the things she did to me did drive me wild, every touch, the night we shared together was magic. But with Harry it was so much more, I knew I wanted to spend my life with Harry. And in this moment I made a vow to make sure Harry never found out about my dirty night with Briana.

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