The way you make me feel

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Harry's pov

The restaurant was fairly busy when we arrived. Taylor had chosen an Chinese restaurant, Chinese was her favourite food and Matilda loved the fortune cookies.
Taylor was seated in the corner of the restaurant out of the way of everyone. I could see Louis was on edge. I grabbed his hand and rubbed my thumb over his knuckles.
"You okay?" I asked as we made our way to the table.
"Just worries about the paparazzi" he spoke, squeezing my hand. I sigh, I hadn't of given them a thought. I was just happy to see Taylor again. I'm just about to reassure him when Matilda lets go of my hand and runs towards her mum. I let go of Louis' hand as we approach closer to Taylor.
"Mummy" she cries as Taylor jumps out of chair and picks her up in her arms giving her a huge hug and a kiss.
"Hey baby I've missed you" she smiles, and puts her back on the floor. She looks at me and opens her arms and I give her a quick hug and kiss on the cheek.
"Hey Haz, I've missed you". My heart swells at her words. I feel relieved to hear she missed me to.
"Hey, I've missed you to" I say as I take a seat at the table. Louis mutters a 'hello' to Taylor and takes a seat next to me.
"So what have you been up to this week then?" Taylor asks Matilda as she fills her glass up with water.
"Just mainly playing out in the garden, today we went for a picnic in the park and I played on the swings with uncle Louis" Matilda says happily, Taylor smiles though this one doesn't reach her eyes, I frown in confusion. Something must be wrong, but I don't tread on the subject.
"That sounds lovely baby girl. I have got lots planned for us over the next 3 months". The smile on Matilda's face says she's very excited. I'm about to say something when the waiter comes and takes out order. We all order a curry and chips and Matilda has noodles with chips.
I can still sense Louis is uncomfortable being around Taylor, but I brush it off. As much as I love him I couldn't really put myself in a position where I had to get rid of Taylor out of my life; I could loose Matilda and I didn't want to loose Louis.
"So Harry I watched your interview the other day, I can't believe she asked if my songs were inspired by you" Taylor laughed, I chuckled along with her, it had been a funny question.
"Well are they!?" Louis suddenly asked, harshly.
Taylor looked taken back by him speaking, he hadn't spoken much since we got her. I tensed at his sudden harshness. What was his problem?
Taylor shifted uncomfortably in her chair, and began to blush. I cleared my throat there was a tension in the air; and I didn't like it.
"You don't need to answer that" I reassure Taylor and throw Louis a disapproved look. He shook his head and rolled his eyes. Luckily Matilda was too focused on her tablet to witness this.
"Moving on, Harry I've done a bit of thinking over the last week and I thought maybe somewhere on tour we could meet up, after all the road can be a lonely place."
I'm taken back by Taylor's suggestion, but I'm pleased by it. Even though we are just friends I enjoy spending time with her away from Matilda.
"That sounds absolutely perfect" I smile, I'm smiling so hard I feel like my face will stay that way.

Louis' POV
All through dinner I couldn't ignore the looks they were giving each other at dinner. If had been a while since Harry had looked at me like that, and it was just giving me animation to believe he wasn't over Taylor. And that bugged me.
My heart nearly fell out of my chest when she suggested them spending time together when they were on tour. He didn't want me there but he was happy to swan off with her. Why was I so jealous? Could Harry be bisexual?

Finally, we left the restaurant and I couldn't wait to get home away from Taylor. She bugged me; a lot. The temperature had dropped and there was a gentle breeze which made the air chilly. I felt relieved that there was no paparazzi around. I felt a little hand grip mine, I looked down the see Matilda stood next to me. I smiled at her and we made our way home, Taylor and Harry following us.
"Hey Lou, you don't mind if Taylor pops home with us do you? For a night cap and to put Matilda to bed?" I hear Harry ask as he appears next to me. I did but instead I shake my head. Who was I to dictate who was and wasn't allowed in our house.

Harry's POV
As soon as we get home Taylor takes Matilda up to bed. I walk into the kitchen with Louis and grab a few glasses as the bottle of wine out the fridge. I can still see Louis is tense, I walk up behind him and give him a hug from behind planting a few kisses on his neck. I feel him relax against me.
"I love you Louis" I say pulling back slightly and turning him to face me. He looks intently at me, I lean in and kiss his lips slowly. He mimics my movements and quickly we are stood in the kitchen making out. If Taylor wasn't here I would be taking Louis up to bed as I feel myself getting hard. Louis is the first to pull away breathless.
"Taylor is here, remember?" He laughs, I laugh to nodding my head and pulling far away from him.
"I know but she won't be here all night" I say, trying to calm myself down. I hear Taylor begin to come downstairs and I begin to pour the wine.
"She's asleep" Taylor announces as she appears into the kitchen. I smile and hand her a glass of wine.
"That's good to hear. Did she go off quickly?" Louis asks, sipping his wine. Taylor shakes her head; but it's nothing unusual for Matilda.
We head into the living room, Louis and and I sit on one sofa and Taylor sits opposite us.
"So Louis, I just want to say thank you for bring understanding about looking after Matilda when Harry is on tour. I understand you would've wanted to go" Taylor states. I'm taken aback that she's talking to Louis.
"It's okay I don't mind, I was worried about Matilda being left with a stranger so I'm actually relieved I will be looking after her" Louis smiles, I'm glad he's come around to the idea.

Taylor only stays an hour before she decides to leave. I take her to the front door, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek and biding her goodnight. I walk back into the living room to see Louis still sat on the couch. Without saying a word I take his hand and lead him up stairs and finish what I started in the kitchen.

Moving on (sequel to I never told you)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon