Fresh start

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Louis' POV
It was finally here, the day I got to say good bye to the life I was so happy to leave behind. I sat in the buzzing airport with the ticket to my new future tightly gripped in my hand, I couldn't wait to board that plane. I was greatful when Brody told me him and a few of his friends wanted me to work with them on a new movie that they had thought of and having work made me feel so much at ease.

My final goodbye with Harry wasn't exactly what I was expecting, he didn't say much just mumbled that he hoped I had a good time and that I stayed safe and wished me looking in fixing what I needed to fix in my life. Matilda on the other hand sobbed her heart out and it made me feel guiltily about leaving. I asked when I was next going to see her which only received a shrug from Harry and a mention that he wanted to make some more music and release a new album later on this year. I nodded understanding cause after all his music was his way of providing did his family.

As we got on to the plane, I felt nervous and excited. I couldn't wait to step into the sun and experience a new life for a year. We found our seats quickly and I pulled out my phone, I had planned to spend the next 5 and half hours with Sheldon Cooper and crew. Freddie was already glued to his iPad he hadn't put it down since we arrived at the airport and I prayed it wouldn't run out of battery before the end of the flight. Briana had her book, I could never understand the fascination with reading; it seemed too tedious for me. I plugged my headphones in as I felt the plane start to move.

Harry's POV
I looked at the clock, he would be on his flight now. I mentally curse myself for allowing him to go, even though I had, had the same argument with myself over and over again this was the right decision.
Matilda was with Taylor for the afternoon I thought it was probably the best thing for her to do so she would have a distraction from thinking about Louis.
I popped the kettle on and started doing a few chores around the house, the dishes needed washing and the sides could do with a good wipe. I put some music on and got stuck into it. My mind wandered and I quickly found myself thinking of Louis. Back to when we first started One Direction and how we had to hide our love for one another. I thought about the time when we actually came out to everyone, how I was finally happy; truly happy. There was no lie I was going to miss him, why wouldn't I? I loved him, hell I still do. But what could I possibly do now he's gone.

Louis' POV
The sun felt nice on my skin as I stepped off the plane, I instantly felt relaxed and I knew this is where I belonged. This was what happiness felt like; something I hadn't felt in a very long time. My mind wondered back to Harry and Matilda and I wondered what they were doing, wondering how they were coping.
It wasn't long before we were at our new home, it was impeccable. So big and so spacious I couldn't believe I was going to live here.
"Hey guys glad you're finally here" Brody spoke appearing from around the corner, he walked up to Briana and gave her a kiss and gave Freddie a hug and shook my hand.
"Hey babe, how's things?" Briana asked following him into the kitchen, I followed to be polite.
"Nothing has changed really. Work is steady, but what we have planned is going to be huge" his voice held excitement and I felt happy for him.
"Louis, I can't wait for you to join our team" Brody spoke turning to me, I nodded my head.
"Yeah I can't wait to join either, this is just want I need" I spoke honestly, focusing on something else was just the distraction I needed. I had already travelled across the world to get away from Harry but if I didn't focus on something else I would just be sat here still thinking about him.
"I'm glad anyway shall I show you to your room?" Brodie asked, I nodded and followed him up the stairs.
My room was spectacular and I was dying to climb into the king bed in the room. I placed my bags on the floor and looked around.
"I'll let you unpack and I'll see you down stairs in a short while" Brody smiled and exited the room.
This was finally what I needed and I couldn't wait to enjoy the next 12 months.

Moving on (sequel to I never told you)Where stories live. Discover now