Fairy Lights

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You and Setsuno where very busy planning the wedding and doing work you both haven't had gotten a break, especially since it's 2021... you where in your office doing paperwork that Kai gave you in a meeting that had just finished 30 minutes ago and it was 6:30 at night, while you were doing that some of the members left on vacation or took a week off of work, only you, Kai, Hari, and Mimic where at the base doing work. That's what you thought; knock knock.. "come in!" The door opened and it was Setsuno, to your surprise he had said that he was with Rappa at the bar. "Oh hey, what do you need?" "I need you to stop working and come with me somewhere.." you shook your head no and continued to work. After 5 seconds you were being picked up and carried to a car. "Setsuno let me down I have to do work..." "sorry love but I have a surprise for you" you poured and and Setsuno put you in the passenger seat and buckled you and he went to the drivers seat. It was an hour drive to the place Setsuno took you but he blind folded you before you could even see anything. "Toya, where are you?" "I am unbuckling your seatbelt love" Setsuno then got out the car and to your side and carried you somewhere. He then sat you down and did something. "Alright love on the count of three take off the blindfold." You nodded your head and waited "1, 2, 3, take it off!" You took of the blindfold and saw trees with fairly lights hung on them and food. "Toya what is this?" You giggled and looked at Setsuno who scratching the back of his head "I know we haven't spend that much time together since we are planning the wedding and doing work so I wanted to do something special for us both.."

Setsuno sat down next to you and you hugged him and you both started eating and talking

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Setsuno sat down next to you and you hugged him and you both started eating and talking. You then rested your head on Setsuno's shoulder until he put you down on the blanket you both sat on and laid down next to you. The night was beautiful and calm but was soon ruined by pro heros, since Shie Hassaikai had escaped prison. Setsuno got up and carried you to the car as fast as he could while you got your weapons from the back seat of the car that you had in there and started shooting the hero's (Midnight, Mt. Lady, and Hawks) you had knocked out Midnight but Hawks threw one of his feather at the tires and the car flipped over, you quickly called Kai and told him what happened and luckily he was 10 minutes away from where you where both at. You looked over at Setsuno who was passed out so you unbuckled him and you and got him out, even though the hero's where still there it didn't take long for Shie Hassaikai and your team to be there and fight them. You tried to get Setsuno in the car Kai was driving but you couldn't. After they fought the hero's Hari and Kai helped you with Setsuno and brought you back to the base. Tengai and Rappa carried Setsuno into the base to your room and Hari carried you to the same room. "Hey are you ok?" You didn't say anything because you were worried about Setsuno since he had passed out. Soon you started crying, Kai then came in the room with Cho and Arisu and the started cleaning both Setsuno's and yours cuts, and cleaned the blood off. After they were done they had left and Hari and Kai went to go get food for you. While they were gone you changed your clothes and Setsuno's clothes. After you sat next to him and played with his hair and then Hari and Kai came in with food and left it on the night stand and went next to you. "He will be fine Y/n, he is strong.." you smiled at Kai and nodded but you were still worried. Hari patted your head and hugged you then left with Kai. You got into bed making sure to be careful so you wouldn't hurt Setsuno and fell asleep.

Next day

You woke up and saw Setsuno smiling at you, which startled you a bit, "hey love, are you ok?" You laid there looking at him not even acknowledging your tears. Setsuno's smiled then turned into a frown since you started crying but he wiped your tears away and hugged you. "It's ok Love, I am still here. I always will be.." "I love you Toya..." "I love you too..." you guys stayed in bed until 12:00 then got up and got ready. You helped Setsuno walk since he was limping a bit, but before you could even help him he hesitated because he thought you had major injuries from yesterday but you didn't only minor ones. It took him a lot of convincing to let you help him. After walking for a bit you both enter the kitchen to see everyone eating or talking. "Hey, you guys!" "Hey Daisuke" you sat Setsuno down next to Tengai and made a Fruit Sandwich called Fruit Sando and made the both of you tea.

You poured the tea into two cups and played the sandwiches and gave Setsuno his food and drink and you sat down next to Kai and Hari and started eating

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You poured the tea into two cups and played the sandwiches and gave Setsuno his food and drink and you sat down next to Kai and Hari and started eating. After you both finished you washed the dishes and sat back down. "Y/n, are you ok? You look pale?" You looked at Hari who was a concerned, " I'm fi-"

Setsuno's P.O.V.

Chrono was right she did look pale, I kept watching her and Chrono but looked away for 5 seconds. 5 FREAKIN SECONDS! to see her not in her chair. "Y/N!?" I tried to get up but Rappa sat me back down and Chrono and Overhaul carried her somewhere. "She will be fine, Setsuno just let Chrono and Overhaul take care of her" I refused what Nemoto had said and got up and limped over to our room only to see the three of them not there. So I checked Chrono's room since it was closer to the kitchen and there they were. "What is wrong with her?" I walked closer to Y/n, "she lost to much blood from yesterday.." I looked at Chrono "she said she only had minor injuries-" "that's what we thought, but when we checked her again the cut she had yesterday that we stitched up had gotten bigger... and the stitches ripped off.." I stood there shocked she lied to me.. "will she be better though?" Overhaul looked at Chrono and sighed "she will be fine but, since she lost blood we might have to take her to the hospital unless one of us more likely one of her team members goes to the hospital to get her blood type" "send them then!" I looked down a Y/n and started crying, I couldn't loose her not now... not ever... "fine, we will send Eichi and Cho right now, and Setsuno go to your room and rest..Y/n would want you happy and healthy, not limping and in pain" Chrono and Overhaul had left and then I headed to mine and Y/n's room.. waiting until they got the blood.

After a couple of hours

Knock knock, I got up from the empty bed and opened  the door and saw Chrono. "She is awake Setsuno, you can go see her and then take her here because I want to sleep in my own bed" I nodded and limped to Chrono's room and opened the door to see a slightly pale Y/n smiling. "Hey anxious Birb" I limped over to her and hugged her making sure not to hurt her... "I'm sorry love..." "it's ok Toya, I'm fine now it's technically my fault for not telling my brothers in the first place" I let go of her and patted her head and smiled. "Let's go to our room, I'm sure your pretty tired" she smiled and nodded and we helped each other get to our room then we laid down next to each other and cuddled and soon we had fallen asleep...

(Ok first, I didn't know what hero's to put so I put the ones that came to mind first no hate to them. And who knew fairy lights could be dangerous lol, and should I write a smut in this. If i should, should it be before or after their wedding. I'm thinking after but I want the readers to decide!!)

♥︎Our Love Story♥︎ [Toya Setsuno x Female reader]Where stories live. Discover now