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Fast forward to 6 months later

Setsuno's P.O.V

It's been a year and six months since the Shie Hassaikai raid, a year and six months away from my love... Shie Hassaikai and I have been here for way too long, Overhaul, Chrono, Nemoto and Mimic have been planning on a way to escape but every plan we tried we ended up back in our cells.. After the raid some of us have been going to therapy. But that is all nothing else changed we all still had our plague masks. And now me, Rappa, Tengai and Hojo are playing cards while the others are either planning something or talking. "Setsuno you turn" I nodded and continued playing the game and all of a sudden


Explosives were being used and the police where running to the other side except 2? Once the 2 officers opened our jail cell and in handcuffed us all they showed their faces that were covered with regular black medical masks... "Y/N!?" "Hey Anxious Birb boy and you all, here are some weapons grab the ones with your initials carved in and some of u have some of you have one and some of you have two or more now let's go before we get caught" then we all grabbed our weapons and ran except Mimic, Rappa had to carry him (lol). 


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Your P

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Your P.O.V

Once we all were outside we met up with the rest of Kami no shi, "Daisuke! I told you no explosives you never listen!" "I don't give a-" you shoot Daisuke in the shoulder while him and Cho argue- "Both of you shut up- let's go before we get caught" and out of no where you get shot in the arm- you then look and the direction and see a police officer it didn't take long for you to use Night wolf to throw him somewhere. The others just looked at you shocked and then followed you to 2 vans. You, Eichi, Kai, Hari, Setsuno, Mimic Arisu and Hojo got in to one and Nemoto, Tengai, Rappa, Cho, Daisuke, Tabe and Sakaki got in the other one. "So Y/n how have you been since we were gone for 1 year and 6 months" you looked at Kai from the passenger seat and said " I have actually been good, I started a Yakuza group, made a new quirk-destroying drug without blood, got you all back, fixed the Shie Hassaikai base and became more powerful" Kai looked at you and smiled. "How have you all been?" After you said that some of the Shie Hassaikai members started talking about what they have been doing eventually you had arrived at the Shie Hassaikai base and you all entered and headed to the meeting room. "Ok time to introduce my Yakuza group" "Hi we are Kami no shi" you, Daisuke, Eichi, Cho, and Arisu say all together "Hello I am Eichi Sakai, I am Y/n's co-worker and right hand my quirk is clockwise I can slow people down, stop time, go back in time and to the future and my quirk is better from long distance combat" "Hi I am Arisu Tanaka, I met Y/n while we were both walking and I am her helper I helped her along with Eichi with the quirk-destroying drug and your weapons and my quirk is control; If I touch anyone when I want I can control you for 20-30 minutes and my quirk is good for both long distance and close combat " "Hello I am Cho Sato, Y/n's planner and we met when I came up to her and asked her if I could join my quirk is Chains I can create chains and other things made out of steal but mostly chains my quirk is better for long distance combat" "Hey I am Daisuke Kaneko, I am Y/n's cleaner; I clean up places where she destroys and I met her while I was about to end my life and my quirk is Umbra I can fuss with my shadow and it makes me stronger, faster, and monstrous if my shadow and I are fused for along time it can be harder for my shadow to come back and can control me and my quirk is better at close combat" Shie Hassaikai looked at the members and then at you with an amused look they never thought you would actually create your own group, Kai then introduced all of the Shie Hassaikai members and you guys went to go get to know eachother more. Hari, Eichi, Mimic, Kai and Nemoto went to the laboratory; Rappa, Daisuke, Sakaki, and Cho went to the kitchen; Arisu, Hojo, Tengai, Tabe and Katsukame went to the living room and you and Setsuno went to your room. Once you got to your room Setsuno sat on your bed while you went to go get a first aid kit to clean your shoulder and bandage it up.

"Hey love?, how have you been since I was gone" you walked out of your bathroom and sat next to Setsuno and looked him in the eyes "Lonely... I really missed you.." he hugged you and laid the both of you down on your bed and started to pat your head. "Your not gonna be lonely anymore Love, I am here now and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon..." you smiled and took off both of your masks and kissed Setsuno. But that didn't last long because of Daisuke and Rappa yelling "BISHES LETS GO EAT!" You sighed and you and Setsuno both got up and put you masks back on and opened your door. "You both have 2 seconds to run before I use my quirk to hang you both in the wall and kill you-" they both ran and Setsuno laughed and hugged you from behind and you both went to the kitchen. You both entered the kitchen to see Shie Hassaikai and Kami no shi eating pizza and pasta together chatting happily. You smiled and went to go serve you and Setsuno and sat down with the rest. "Y/n- me and Overhaul will like to talk to you after dinner" you smiled and nodded to Hari and continued eating and chatting with the two groups. After you all ate you, Hari, and Kai went to the garden and sat on the bench that was located there, you in the middle, Kai on the right and Hari in the left. "Y/n.. Kai and I found a way to bring Pops from unconsciousness... but we nee-" "If you need Eri's blood I have some... Arisu and Daisuke were sent by Eichi to go get some to see how her blood was able to stop quirks.." Kai looked at you and took off his mask and began to cry.. soon Hari was too "I'm sorry for not being a good brother figure to you- I just needed help... I was sick..." Kai hugged you and you began to cry. "I'm sorry for not helping you- I was to focused on our goal... I don't even deserve to be called your brother or deserve you..." Hari hugged you both and you all started apologizing to each other over and over again until you all stopped which took about 20-25 minutes. You all chuckled and hugged each other once more and walked inside the base to see both Shie Hassaikai and Kami no shi talking and laughing. The three of you stood there with smiles and your faces feeling proud and ready to start a new chapter all together again. You all were reunited once again after so many time, you were grateful to be reunited with your family, friends and the life of your life... now it was time to start fresh.

(I'm thinking of making a new story but I don't know who should it be about, I want it to be a underrated mha character, can you give me ideas pls? It could be a villain, student or pro heroᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ)

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