Valentines Day

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Valentines Day, the day you hated the most up until now. When you were younger you hated Valentine's Day due to the fact you were single but now it changed since you have Setsuno in your life.

Setsuno's P.O.V

I woke up at 3 in the morning to plane the whole day for Y/n and I, with the help of Kai, Hari and Rappa I set up a day for the two of us

Your P.O.V

You woke up at 7 in the morning and was greeted by Setsuno with breakfast. "Good morning my beautiful sunflower, Happy Valentine's Day!" Setsuno handed you the food he had made which was f/f and f/d. "Thank you Toya, and Happy Valentine's Day to you too!" You kissed his cheeks and started eating and talking to him. "I have outfits for us; yours is in the bathroom so you go get ready and I'll meet you at the car, and we are going to the spa" you nodded and rushed to get ready.

This is what the both of you wore but Setsuno did not have his Jacket on

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This is what the both of you wore but Setsuno did not have his Jacket on. Once you were both done you headed to the car and Setsuno drove the both of you to the spa. Once you both got there the receptionist led the both of you to a room since Setsuno had already made an appointment. You guys then got ready for the spa. After 1 hour and 39 minutes at the spa the two of you left and headed to a flower store where Setsuno bought you a bouquet of sunflowers and a mini yellow katana attachment with a yellow teddy bear. You obviously had to get him something, so you both went to the sword shop and you bought Setsuno the sword he had been wanting and you asked the cashier to carve his and your name into it. He loved it, he thought it was adorable. You both then went to go eat ramen. After doing all of the it was 3:39 in the afternoon. So you decided to go to a festival that was for couples, Setsuno had won you many plushies and you bought him a lot figurines and weapons from people that sold them. You both were having so much fun until Setsuno told you both that you had to go get ready for dinner. After a couple of minutes of getting ready, you sat down and watched Tv since you both were not going to dinner until 8 and it was currently 6:30.

Time skip
This is what you both were wearing-

Now it was 7:30 and Setsuno and you were on your way to the restaurant

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Now it was 7:30 and Setsuno and you were on your way to the restaurant. You both got there at 7:55 and then got seated. "Sunflower, I have a surprise for you after dessert, which is at your favorite place" you smiled at Setsuno and nodded. "Hello I am (random name), I will be serving you both today what would you like to drink?" "I will have water, and she will have f/d" the waiter nodded and left and you and Setsuno started talking about different topics. The server then came back with your drinks. "Ok and are you both ready to order?" "Yes, I will have a plate of sushi and he will have chicken katsu" the waiter then left again and the both of you started talking about your plans for the future, after a few minutes the food came

 "Ok and are you both ready to order?" "Yes, I will have a plate of sushi and he will have chicken katsu" the waiter then left again and the both of you started talking about your plans for the future, after a few minutes the food came

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After eating Setsuno had paid after a little argument about who was going to pay. Once you got outside the restaurant you felt the cold breeze hit you, witch made you cold and Setsuno had noticed so he  gave you his jacket and wrapped his arm around your shoulders and led you to the car. Once you got to the car he opened the door and you got in and he closed it, then he got into the other side and started during to a cafe. "Ok love, get whatever you want but we are taking it to go ok" you nodded and entered the cafe and order black coffee and a waffle for Setsuno and you got yourself f/d and f/s. Setsuno had given you money to pay so you did and waited after you got your drinks and snacks and headed back to the car. And Setsuno started driving to a familiar tree it was the same tree where the hero's had ruined your date, but it was decorated differently. "Toya why are we here again?" You looked at Setsuno and giggled at him, "well I planned a little date and we will be going to all the places where we had our dates, this one of first since it is the furthest." You both sat down on the grass and enjoyed the moment and each other's company, than you both headed to the sunflower field. At the sunflower field there was a another carnival which was similar to the one Setsuno took you and Eri too. The memories with Eri and Setsuno started to come back and you started crying silently while listening to Setsuno talk to you. Until he noticed you weren't responding and saw tears falling off your face, "Sunflower what's wrong!? Did I do something wrong? Are you hurt?" "No I'm f-fine, just I'm remembering the t-time we came to a c-carnival with E-eri.." you started crying more and Setsuno's eyes softened more and he wrapped his arms around you and put his chin on your head while rubbing your back. "Hey, someday we will have kids of our own and we will do more fun and exciting things with them, ok?" You nodded still crying. After a bit you calmed down and Setsuno took you to the mall.
At the mall you both ate some snacks from the food court and you both bought each other things. (This is something Setsuno bought you, and something you bought him)

After shopping you both went to a building, the same one where you and Setsuno sat on the roof and watched the stars

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After shopping you both went to a building, the same one where you and Setsuno sat on the roof and watched the stars. Since it was 11:30 you both sat there for a while, soon you both decided to wait for sunrise. "Toya you know Hari is going to kill you once we get home right?" "I do, but let's not worry about that, let's just enjoy tonight together" you laid next to Setsuno with your head on his chest and his arm wrapped around your waist. After trying to stay up you fell asleep and Setsuno did too, but he had woken up at 6 and sunrise was at 6:30 so he woke you up, "love wake up it's almost time" it took you a while to wake but you did and by the time you did the sun was rising so you both took photos together. Setsuno then got up and carried you to the car since you were still tired and drove you both home. He also carried you out of the car and knocked on the door. "YOU HAVE SOME DAMN NERVE SET-" "shh! Chrono, don't wake her up" "thank you Boss, plus we didn't do anything we just went to places where we had our old dates, to a restaurant, cafe, and on top of a building to watch the sun rise" Setsuno then entered the house and carried you to your room and put you down on the bed and joined you, even though he knew he would have to wake up again in an hour or two. But at least he got to wake up to you..

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