Kami no shi (神の死/神による死)

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A year after the Shie Hassaikai raid

Your P.O.V

You have been working at a cafe down the street from where Shie Hassaikai's base was and many more jobs. You worked a lot a jobs to fix the Shie Hassaikai base and you did eventually fix everything. Once you finished fixing the base and everything you started living there in your old room. After the raid you started trying to find a different way to take away quirks without using a child or a human. Yes it was like the Quirk-Destroying Drug Kai made but this time it's more of a pill and there is no human blood or anything that he used from Eri. You missed everyone especially your brothers and Setsuno, even though your brothers are asswholes you still love them and miss them. You also started a Yakuza group called Kami no shi which means Divine Death you picked this name because you wanted it to be a bit similar to Shie Hassaikai but there wasn't 8 members so death was the word that connected the two names (Shie Hassaikai means "Eight Precepts of Death") but not many people joined but a few did only 4 people did, 2 females and 2 males, the females names were Arisu Tanaka and Cho Sato and the males names were Eichi Sakai and Daisuke Kaneko. You found Eichi at work when you first started he was one of your coworkers who was very smart and knew things you didn't even know about a Yakuza group so he joined you. Daisuke had a similar background to Setsuno but he cheated on his girl and left her in debt (Daisuke is working on himself) Arisu, you found her walking down the streets during the night and Cho walked up to you when you were out and asked to join you. The 5 of you worked so well together and your trade mark was also plague masks. Yours is the one like Kai's just with different colors, Arisu's is the white with gold, Cho's is the all white one with black, Eichi's is the black and gold one and Daisuke's is the blue one.

 Yours is the one like Kai's just with different colors, Arisu's is the white with gold, Cho's is the all white one with black, Eichi's is the black and gold one and Daisuke's is the blue one

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While your Yakuza group barely started you had a bit of a problem with the League of Villains. Toga was still upset about Magne that she tried to kill you but luckily you had stopped her and she was really pissed off at you. But that was a few months ago~ (Fast forward to the present)

You and the rest of Kami no shi were planning on how to get Shie Hassaikai out of jail. It was a hard and dangerous task because you all could go to jail and you could get caught. "How about Eichi hacks into the cameras turns them off, me and Daisuke go set a fire to keep the police destructed and then you and Arisu go undercover as cops to get Shie Hassaikai and then we leave." You looked at Cho and thought for a moment... "Ok we will do Cho's pl-" "Why hers! Mine is way better!" You looked at Daisuke with an annoyed face and said "You wanna use explosives! I swear I can't wait to get Shie Hassaikai out you and Rappa would be best friends....the plan is settled we will break in 6 months from now.." they all nodded at you and left to go do their own work. The reason why you did 6 months is because you were making all of Shie Hassaikai weapons. Kai will have throwing knives, Hari will have two pistols, Nemoto will have will have daggers, Rappa and Katsukame will have hand claws, Setsuno will have a katana and shurikens, Hojo and Tengai will have nunchucks, and both Sakaki and Tabe will have a knife. But the important thing about all these weapons is that if you shoot or cut someone their quirk will be taken away, so they are quirk-destroying weapons and they have their names carved. Your team also has weapons like these but Daisuke has Blowgun, Cho has a crossbow, Arisu has a war fan, Eichi has a kama and chigiriki, and you have throwing knives, shurikens, katana, pistol, and daggers. You have more because your quirks are quite powerful, your quirks also have their own weapons but it's lasers that can burn and take always peoples quirks and the lasers are attacked to their waist they also have a bag around them for extra weapons, mics, and little cameras. After the Shie Hassaikai raid you wanted to get revenge on the hero's but you knew that you should focus on restarting the Yakuza group and start your own. Before the Shie Hassaikai raid you overheard Kai and Hari saying that Pops was moved to the villain hospital so since you are the most caring and strongest girl you know you decided to bring Pops back to the Shie Hassaikai base. Short story let's just say the you will never let Daisuke come with you ever again all he did was use explosives and grenades- after that day you, Eichi and Cho were trying to wake up Pops or at least get a clue that he was still alive and can keep staying healthy. "Eichi can you bring me the quirk-destroying powder!" You also made quirk-destroying powder which you were gonna use for the weapons. Once Eichi gave you the powder you got to work....

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